Polyurethane foam

foto30972-1Polyurethane foam is widely used during construction work, when installing doors, windows and more. In addition to its positive characteristics, this material is highly durable.

After a short time, it firmly adheres to the surface, making it difficult to remove. This becomes a real problem when material ends up on products where it shouldn't be.

Read the article about how you can remove polyurethane foam at home from laminate, wallpaper, cars, leather, fabric and other surfaces.

How to remove a fresh one?

It is not difficult to remove fresh mounting foam, since it has not yet had time to firmly adhere to the surface. The main thing is to take action as quickly as possible. This rule applies to any materials. First aid items:

  1. foto30972-2Nail polish remover. Its effect is due to the presence of a small amount of acetone in the composition.

    Acting as a solvent, it breaks down the molecules of polyurethane foam, making it easy to remove.

  2. Spatula and clean paper towel. Foam that gets onto a hard surface is removed with a construction spatula, and its remains are removed with a dry cloth.
  3. Vegetable oil. They moisten a cotton pad or a small rag with it and wipe the problem area.Once the stain is removed, the surface can be washed with clean warm water.
  4. Vinegar. To clean the product, use essence. Soak a rag in it and wipe the stain until it disappears completely.

How can you clean a dried one using improvised means?

An effective means for removing polyurethane foam is Dimexide. It can often be found in your home medicine cabinet. This drug is used as an analgesic, it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. For treatment, it is used only topically and in diluted form, and to remove foam you will need a concentrate.


  • excess sealant is removed with a sharp object: a knife or spatula;
  • the sponge is impregnated with Dimexide;
  • use it to gently wipe the surface of the product;
  • when the foam becomes soft, it is cleaned with a brush with hard but non-metallic bristles.
Do not allow the skin of your hands to come into contact with Dimexide. In undiluted form, it can provoke inflammation.

In addition to Dimexide, dried composition can be removed with acetone, white spirit or solvent. However, these substances cannot be used on all surfaces. You can find out how to remove dried foam here.

How to remove with special compounds?

There are compositions on sale that can be used to safely and effectively remove polyurethane foam. They can be purchased at construction stores or ordered on the Internet market. Top 3 best products:

Tytan Eco Cleaner

A product for removing fresh foam from various surfaces. The basis of the cleaning composition is solvents. The liquid can be used to treat clothing, glass, plastic and metal products. Price for 500 ml – 450 rubles.



The universal composition is intended for treating surfaces made of different materials. Price for 360 g – 300 rubles.


Features of removal from different surfaces

Depending on the surface on which the polyurethane foam got in, the compositions for its removal will differ.

There are products that can only be used on hard products or fabrics. For example, substances intended for metal processing cannot be used for skin care.

From laminate

Laminate does not tolerate contact with aggressive substances and hard objects. The thinner its decorative coating, the higher the risk of ruining it.

To safely remove polyurethane foam from laminate flooring, use purified gasoline.


  1. Remove excess sealant with a spatula. You need to act carefully so as not to scratch the floor covering.
  2. Moisten a clean cloth generously with gasoline. It is better to use a lighter refill.
  3. Treat the stain with it. It is removed in the direction from the edge to the center.

When the foam is cleaned off, the floor is washed with a soap solution and then with plain water. Before starting the procedure, the composition should be tested on an inconspicuous area. Solvents cannot be used, as they will lead to discoloration of the coating.

From the skin

The most affordable means for removing foam from skin is vegetable oil. It is safe to use and always on hand.


  • apply any vegetable oil to a cotton pad;
  • wipe the stain with it;
  • leave for 5 minutes;
  • wash off with warm water and soap.
In addition to vegetable oil, you can use nail polish remover. They resort to its help if the foam has been on the skin for a long time and has had time to dry out.Instead of vegetable oil, you can use a rich cream, for example, baby cream.

From plastic

You can remove hardened foam from plastic mechanically. A spatula is used for this. They use it to pry up the hardened compound at the very base and tear it off with a sharp movement.

If after mechanical cleaning there is a stain left on the surface, it is cleaned with acetic acid. Solvents are not recommended for processing plastic. When the sealant is fresh, it is cleaned with table vinegar. Dried composition is combated with the help of essence.

foto30972-7Mode of application:

  1. Apply vinegar to the sponge. You need to moisten it generously.
  2. Treat the problem area.
  3. Leave for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Wash off the foam with clean water.

If the building material is difficult to remove, use a brush.

From the car

If polyurethane foam gets on the car body, do not rub it with water or a rag. As a result of such actions, it will simply be smeared across the surface. Also, you should not take risks and use aggressive substances: solvents and strong acids.

It is recommended to get rid of stains using special cleaners. They dissolve the foam, impairing its adhesion to the surface. When choosing a composition, you need to make sure that it is suitable for caring for painted metal products.

If it was not possible to completely clean the body the first time, you should not resort to using abrasives or sharp objects. Gentle treatment with a professional cleaner must be repeated. In 2-3 approaches you will be able to clean the car without damaging it.

From fabric

If foam gets on a T-shirt, regular washing will not remove the stain. White fabric is processed as follows:

  • clean off excess sealant with the blunt side of a knife or carefully cut it off with scissors;
  • Apply nail polish remover to a cotton pad and apply it to the fabric as a compress for 10 minutes;
  • clean the stain with an old toothbrush - if it was not possible to completely remove it, leave the cotton pad for another 10 minutes;
  • Brush the T-shirt again, then wash it as usual.
Colored and black clothes cannot be treated with nail polish remover. Table vinegar is used instead.

From wallpaper

It is not recommended to treat wallpaper with solvent or other caustic substances. To clean them, it is better to use a mechanical method.

foto30972-8Algorithm of actions:

  1. Excess foam is removed with a plastic spatula. You need to act carefully so as not to snag the paper.
  2. Remains of the product are cleaned off with a damp toothbrush.
  3. When the wallpaper is dry, you can go over it with a school eraser. This is done for final cleaning when a small trace of foam remains.

If the stain does not disappear after mechanical cleaning, go over it with a cotton pad soaked in table vinegar.

From wooden covering

If the wood is not varnished, it can be cleaned of sealant mechanically. For this purpose, use spatulas (wooden or plastic) or a not too sharp knife. You can use a solvent. White spirit gives a good effect. It does not harm the wood and quickly removes hardened foam.

Varnished wood is treated with Dimexide. They wipe the surface for 2-5 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination.

From linoleum

You can get rid of stains on linoleum using such means as:

  • store-bought cleaner with weak solvents;
  • vegetable oil;
  • vinegar.
All products are used according to the same scheme: they are applied to the stain, left for several minutes, after which the composition is removed with a brush.Any cleaning should end with washing the floor.

Acetone and other solvents should not be used to clean linoleum, as they leave matte stains. Read more here.

From the door

The composition is removed from the door in different ways. The choice of the optimal product depends on the material from which the canvas is made:

  1. foto30972-9The iron door is cleaned with a solvent.
  2. Laminated doors are treated with fat-containing compounds, such as vegetable oil.
  3. Clean the painted surface with vinegar.
  4. It is better to clean PVC coating with Dimexide.
  5. Veneered doors can be treated with a professional cleaner.

How to remove polyurethane foam from a metal door, read Here, from wood, plastic and others - here.

From the windows

You can clean windows from foam using a professional solvent.. These compounds are safe, so they are used for most surfaces. The main disadvantage of such funds is their weak effect.

If the foam has dried, the cleaner will not be able to remove it. From available means, the choice is made in favor of vegetable oil.

The frozen material is removed with white spirit. More aggressive solvents are not recommended, as they can damage the window. He will tell you about removing polyurethane foam from plastic windows. this publication.

What can't be done and why?

When removing sealant from various surfaces, The following recommendations must not be violated:

  1. The foam should not be spread over the surface. The material is removed with sharp movements.
  2. Do not try to wash off fresh foam with water. It only enhances the adhesion of the sealant to the surface.
  3. Painted products should not be treated with acetone or substances based on strong solvents.
  4. Do not clean stains with sharp objects that can scratch the product.
  5. It is not advisable to use metal brushes and scrapers that can scratch the surface.

Helpful information

foto30972-10Tips for removing polyurethane foam from various materials:

  • if the sealant lies on the surface in a lump, it needs to be cut off and only after that can you begin the main cleaning;
  • before using aggressive compounds, they need to be tested on an inconspicuous area;
  • To remove foam, it is better to use fluffy brushes rather than rags - this will allow you to clean off the building material rather than roll it up.


You can get rid of polyurethane foam using improvised means and store-bought compounds. The choice of active substance depends on the surface on which the sealant is applied and how long it remains on it.

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