How and how to quickly, easily and inexpensively remove the smell of cat urine from the sofa?
With the appearance of a kitten in the house, not only joy increases, but also troubles. The new family member needs to be taught not to spoil the interior, to follow a routine and, most importantly, to relieve himself in the tray.
And even if the kitten understands everything, this does not guarantee the absence of unpleasant surprises. Cats are very capricious animals and the slightest offense can turn into a puddle in the wrong place.
The most common type of revenge among cats is going to the toilet directly on upholstered furniture. But getting rid of stains and the smell of cat urine on the sofa becomes a difficult task for the owner of the animal.
Let's figure out how and with what you can remove cat urine (stains and smell) from the upholstery of your favorite sofa?
How can you remove stains and eliminate cat odor at home?
Of course, it’s better to try to teach your cat that you can’t relieve yourself on furniture. But not a single cat owner is immune from this.
Most often, owners use traditional methods, since the components of such homemade cleaning products are literally always at hand.
How to remove with a solution of laundry soap?
This method works well when treating fresh stains. urine. You need to use classic 72% soap, a small piece will be enough.
Grind the soap and add a little water, bringing the consistency of the solution to a paste.
Use the resulting mixture to treat the foul-smelling area of the sofa and leave for about half an hour. Rinse off the paste with warm water.
If the sofa has removable covers, then after processing you can put them in the washing machine and rinse them without powder.
Manganese and iodine
A solution of potassium permanganate can only be used if the upholstered furniture is dark. This product may leave marks.
Manganese crystals need to be diluted in a small amount of warm water until a weak pink solution is obtained. The area with urine is treated several times until the odor disappears.
To prepare the solution you need to add 10 drops of iodine per liter of warm water. The affected area must be treated carefully, protruding slightly beyond the stain.
To avoid iodine stains, you can dry the seat with a hair dryer.
How to clean upholstered furniture with soda?
If the fight against cat pranks continues, then it’s time to remember about soda.
Soda is a universal remedy that, in principle, can tidy up the whole house. That's why in the fight against such a delicate problem it will be very useful.
To prepare the cleaning product, you need to take baking soda based on the size of the stain and add a small amount of water to form a paste.
The paste is applied to the furniture and left until completely dry.. Then it can be collected with a soft sponge, cloth or vacuum cleaner.
Soda perfectly eliminates any odors and penetrates deeply into the fabric, destroying urea crystals.
Table vinegar also works great at removing unpleasant odors.. To process the sofa upholstery, you need:
- soak a cotton swab or gauze in vinegar;
- carefully treat the affected area;
- let dry;
- wash with mild soapy water.
If the cat has marked or peed, lemon juice will help to wash it off and wean it off.
One of the most natural remedies in the fight against cat indiscretion is lemon juice.
It is enough to squeeze out the juice of one lemon, soak a sponge or cotton swab in it and treat the upholstery.
Not only does citrus cope well with the smell of urine, it also scares away cats.
Therefore, they will no longer mark the area treated with lemon juice.
Hydrogen peroxide
Peroxide from the first aid kit disinfects not only wounds, but also surfaces. For treating a sofa you need to use a 3% solution.
Peroxide must be applied to the stain several times until the smell disappears completely and the traces are eliminated. Active oxygen penetrates deeply into the tissue and kills bacteria.
How to clean with industrial means?
Pet stores offer a wide selection of products that help not only eliminate the smell of urine, but also teach the cat to relieve itself in the right place. But to choose a truly effective one, you need to pay attention to the composition.
If the product contains enzymes, it will help solve the problem. It is the enzymes that destroy the urea crystals and remove the unpleasant aroma.
The most common and effective means of industrial production are:
Hypoallergenic product, available in spray form. It does not clog the smell, but eliminates it at the molecular level. It needs to be sprayed onto the problem area, left to dry and wiped with a damp cloth.
Cost about 1000 rubles per bottle is completely justified, since Odorgon fights not only animal odors, but also any other household odors.
Suitable for treating fresh urine stains, available in the form of a detergent. ZooSan should be diluted with water according to the instructions, treat the sofa and leave until completely dry.
Residues of the product can be removed with a sponge. Costs about 500 rubles.
This is a powder for preparing a cleaning solution. Using a spray bottle, apply it to the furniture, leave for 20-25 minutes, and then rinse with a damp sponge.
This is a budget option for cleaning, its cost is about 100 rubles.
What should not be used if the kitten peed, and why?
When you need to get rid of the smell of cat urine, not all methods are good. It is strictly not recommended to use the following:
- ordinary detergents, washing powder;
- bleach, white;
- ammonia.
In the first case, it will only be possible to temporarily block the unpleasant aroma.. The composition of cat urine reacts very actively to such products, begins to interact and develops resistance. That is, the problem is solved only superficially and not for long.
Bleach is very unsafe for animals. Cats can be poisoned by its fumes, they develop general weakness and a decreased sense of smell.
How to prevent your pet from urinating on your upholstery?
To make friends with a cat and avoid unpleasant surprises, you need to:
Sterilize the animal. Most often, non-sterile marks are left.
- Keep the tray clean. Cats are very clean and can ignore an unwashed litter box.
- Monitor your pet's health. Sometimes putting marks in the wrong places is just a way to ask for help.
- Control your cat's emotional state. There is no need to subject the animal to stress, throw slippers at it for marks on the sofa and scold it for no reason.
- Place the tray in a convenient place and do not change it.
- Choose a filler that your pet likes.
- From the first day, accustom him to the tray.
No cat owner is immune from unpleasant surprises from their pet.. The main thing is not to lose composure. And instead of using the old-fashioned method of “poking your face into a puddle,” use one of the above ways to quickly clean urine from a sofa.
It doesn’t matter what remedy you use, folk or industrial, the main thing is to act immediately. After all, fresh stains are much easier to remove than old ones.