Practical recommendations on how to remove water-based paint from the ceiling
Any renovation begins with removing unnecessary finishes from surfaces.
More often, problems arise with cleaning the ceiling from water-based paint, since this is the most common material. This is due to ease of application, moisture resistance and durability.
However, getting rid of such coating is quite difficult, but possible with the right approach. Read the article on how to quickly remove old water-based paint from the ceiling.
What should you know before you start cleaning?
Before choosing a method for removing water-based emulsion, you need to determine its type. Depending on the main component, the paint contains:
Acrylic – contains acrylic resins that harden after drying. It is resistant to water and various detergents if it contains latex. It's not that easy to remove, but alcohol and solvents will do the job.
- Silicone — in addition to resin, it contains an antiseptic. The coating is impervious to moisture and steam, so it is usually used in bathrooms and kitchens. Special industrial removers remove such paint well.
- Silicate – an aqueous suspension with the inclusion of liquid glass. It is more suitable for finishing industrial premises. Its service life is about 20 years. It is easily washed off with plain water.
- Mineral – its basis is slaked lime or cement. The cheapest and most short-lived material that is not used for final repairs.
- Polyvinyl acetate (PVA) – due to reduced resistance to moisture, it is used exclusively for interior decoration. This type of coating can be easily removed with a soap solution.
Hence the conclusion that acrylic, silicone and PVA paints are mainly used in residential premises.
When is it necessary to wash off the water-based emulsion?
Situations when deletion is indispensable:
- the presence of small bubbles, detachments and swellings on the surface;
- planning major repairs or applying a coating incompatible with the existing one;
- if the fresh paint is a lighter tone.
How to quickly remove old coating?
There are several effective removal methods old water-based paint from the ceiling:
- water;
- chemical;
- thermal;
- mechanical.
You can add several more folk methods to this list. The choice is made based on the type of surface.
Washing off with water
For this work you will need a wide soft roller with a long handle and a scraper.. The essence of the procedure is that the surface is abundantly moistened with water from a spray device.
You will need to make several visits at intervals of 15 minutes. As a result, the paint layer swells and is then easily removed with a spatula.
The advantages of this method include low cost and lack of dust due to moisture. However, it is only suitable for non-waterproof coatings.Another disadvantage is that it is labor intensive (the quality of cleaning will depend on the number of layers present).
It will be easier to remove old paint if you add iodine to the water. For an acrylic coating without latex, an alternative to iodine will be alcohol or salicylic acid, with latex - dichloroethane or chloroform.
Thermal method
Another option for removing water emulsion from the ceiling is by heating it with a hair dryer.
Advantages of this method:
- suitable for removing multi-layer painting with waterproof emulsion;
- does not require much labor;
- safe because the paint does not release toxic substances when heated.
The disadvantages will be the following:
- Not everyone on the household has a hair dryer, as it is an expensive tool;
- the hair dryer needs to be turned off every quarter of an hour so as not to overheat;
- It is unacceptable to heat surfaces near wiring, sockets and other electrical points;
- Not suitable for removing thin layers of paint.
Here you will need a drill with a special grinding attachment consisting of metal fibers. You can use a conventional grinding unit. The main thing is to be able to use all this.
This is one of the quick and effective ways after which no additional surface grouting will be required.
A significant disadvantage is dust, which is generated quite a lot. There will also be small marks and roughness on the ceiling.
Chemical method
If a waterproof water-based emulsion was used during painting, then special removers will come to the rescue. They are sold in construction departments.
How to use the remover:
- They first go over the ceiling with a metal brush to break the integrity of the coating.
- Apply the washing-off liquid with a brush or roller and wait as long as indicated in the instructions (if you overdo it, the paint will first get wet and then harden again).
- Use a spatula to remove old paint.
- Finally, wipe the surface with a solvent, then wash with clean water.
All washes are chemical liquids with a harmful composition. Therefore, when working with them, be sure to wear safety glasses and a respirator. At the end of the process, the room is thoroughly ventilated.
How to clean with soapy water?
Water-based coatings are effectively washed off with a soap solution.
Proceed as follows:
- Pour water heated to 50-60°C into a container and add washing powder or liquid soap. Stir until foam forms.
- Apply the solution to the painted areas using a sponge.
- Wait 15 minutes and wash off the soaked layer of paint with a rag, periodically rinsing it in clean water.
What not to do and why?
You should not hope that as a result of multi-layer application of paint of different shades you will get something worthwhile. If the old paint is darker than the new one, it will definitely show through. In the end, everything will have to be redone.
After finishing, avoid drafts, otherwise the paint will dry for a long time and unevenly.
Useful tips
Regardless of the chosen method of removing the old paint coating from the ceiling, you need to cover the furniture and things with plastic wrap to avoid damage. And for work you will need a stepladder or a stable table.
Don’t forget about personal safety, armed with a respirator and goggles. Cleaning the surface as much as possible from the water-based coating will ensure better adhesion of the new paint to the ceiling.
Therefore, after all the manipulations done, it is recommended to additionally treat the surface with sandpaper or a metal sponge in order to eliminate the slightest defects and remove dust deposits.
Video on the topic
How to remove water-based paint from a ceiling, video tips:
Of all the proposed methods, soaking the paint with water is considered the safest.. And chemical compounds remove old coating more effectively. But the decisive factor here is their toxicity, so caution is required.