Several effective ways to remove PVA glue from clothes
PVA glue is a reliable assistant that is used in a wide range: from children's creativity to construction.
The polyvinyl acetate composition gives good results when gluing various surfaces, so getting it on the fabric can lead to damage to the item.
To effectively deal with unwanted traces, you can use home recipes or use special products.
In this article we will tell you how to remove glue PVA from clothes at home.
How to remove fresh stains?
It is easiest to deal with a fresh stain when a white drop has not yet hardened on the surface of the fabric. In this case, you will have to act quite quickly. The method of getting rid of contamination should take into account the composition of the glue.
In PVA the main components are:
- water emulsion of polyvinyl acetate;
- plasticizing additives.
Washing procedure:
Remove the bulk of the glue from the material with a napkin or rag. You need to work with blotting movements so as not to smear the stain even more.
- If possible, remove any remaining product with a sharp tool using scraping movements, moving from the edges to the center. It is better not to experiment with such processing with delicate materials.
- Hold the stained area of fabric under running water, directing it so that the stain is washed.
- In a separate container, dilute the detergent (gel, grated laundry soap or powder) in warm water.
- Dip the item into the washing solution.
- Leave for about half an hour.
- Rub the affected area.
- Wash the product in any convenient way.
Intense exposure should be avoided so as not to damage the tissue itself.
How to remove it at home?
If the PVA stain was not noticed immediately, you will have to use more serious methods to eliminate it. In the case where the trace of glue remains voluminous, you must first try to remove the bulk of the frozen substance.
If the fabric cannot withstand such treatment, then it is better to use soda:
wet and squeeze out the sponge;
- dip a washcloth in soda;
- working from the edges of the stain towards the center, rub the area;
- stand for half an hour;
- wash the damaged area of the item first;
- wash the entire product.
It is recommended to take into account the brand of glue, since its construction varieties have greater durability and better adhesive ability compared to stationery ones.
Table vinegar will help to deal with old glue stains. This method can be helpful for cleaning thin fabrics, such as chiffon.
- Lay out the product horizontally.
- Soak a sponge in vinegar.
- Place a sponge on the stained area.
- Allow the time necessary for the reaction to occur, as a result of which the PVA film begins to wrinkle.
- Carefully remove the glue.
- Wash the product.
Before removing traces of glue, the item should be turned inside out. Operating procedure:
place the item on a horizontal plane;
- Place a sheet of cardboard under the area to be treated - this will prevent the stain from moving to the other side;
- moisten a cotton sponge or swab in alcohol or vodka;
- Treat the stain with blotting movements, ensuring that the dried glue dissolves;
- wash as usual.
The use of alcohol is indicated for linen, cotton, and denim fabrics. Read about removing glue stains from jeans here.
Exposure to high temperatures helps remove the adhesive from the material. It is convenient to use a regular iron for this.
Work order:
- The item with the stain is placed on the ironing board.
- Place a piece of white cotton cloth over the stain.
- From the inside, fabric is also placed under the product.
- Iron it, trying to get the glue absorbed into the additional fabric.
- Wash using powder or gel.
Ammonia as a cleaner can be used either independently or in addition to another type of treatment, for example, steam.
Moisten the sponge with ammonia and achieve good hydration of the stain by applying it for a quarter of an hour.. The remaining glue is removed, and the item is washed.
Using ammonia will help in cases where other means cannot be used - for example, when cleaning suede.
The use of low temperatures is a fairly effective approach. You can use it if the soiled item is small and can fit in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.
For this:
- The product stained with PVA is placed entirely in a plastic bag.
- The package is placed in the freezer.
- Leave for several hours - long enough for the glue to harden and become completely hard.
- They take out the thing.
- Lay out the product on a horizontal plane, soiled side up.
- Tap the frozen drop with a wooden hammer so that the glue begins to break off. Splinters should be removed from the fabric immediately.
- Finish the glue mark with a knife.
- If there are remains of PVA at the site of the former stain, they are removed with ammonia.
- Carry out normal washing with washing powder and a small amount of soda (1 tsp).
- Rinse the product.
Steam exposure can be effective. High temperatures can also disrupt the structure of the adhesive and contribute to its destruction.
Removing stains:
bring a kettle of water to a boil;
- place the stained area of material under a stream of steam, ensuring that the glue begins to melt;
- carefully, using tweezers, collect the glue;
- wipe the remaining trace with ammonia diluted half and half with water;
- wash the product.
When using steam, be careful not to get burned.
Top 3 special tools
In some situations, homemade recipes may not help.. Then special drugs will come to the rescue.
Grass Antigraffiti
This product, Grass Antigraffiti, is an effective product for removing traces of glue, chewing gum, tape, etc.
It contains:
- surfactant;
- organic solvents and other components.
The cost of a 0.6 liter bottle. with a sprayer - about 300 rubles. The drug is also available in 5 kg canisters.
- efficiency;
- economical consumption;
- affordable price for a fairly large volume.
- strong unpleasant odor;
- may damage the material;
- It does not cope with all traces of glue on fabric.
Duty Universal
The product is a professional remover of glue and adhesive base of stickers, tape, etc. The product has an enhanced effect and is produced in Russia.
- Non-ionic surfactants – 5%;
- isobutane;
- D-limonene;
- organic compounds.
- efficiency;
- ease of use;
- may damage the surface of the material;
- quick results;
- no effort required;
- copes well with old marks;
- good volume.
- pronounced strong odor;
- sometimes re-processing is required.
The 0.25 l bottle is produced in Germany. The product allows you to deal with traces of glue, as well as other stains - lipstick stains, ink, etc. Price – 450 rubles.
How to use:
- Soak a napkin in Mellerud.
- Moisten the stain area.
- After the reaction has passed, the remaining glue can be cleaned off.
- Rinse the surface of the material under water and wash as usual.
The product has good reviews. Its disadvantage is the high cost for a small volume and the need in some cases to repeat the processing.
Deal with the problem of traces of PVA glue on clothes The following tips will help:
- Solvents that are aggressive in their effects can damage fabric fibers, so their use should be limited and only used when other methods have failed.
- When removing stains, especially those involving chemicals, it is best to wear rubber gloves.
- The longer the stain remains on the material, the more difficult it will be to remove.
- The technology for cleaning an item should take into account the type of fabric, its color, the presence of decor, etc.
Useful information on how to remove traces of glue from clothes can be found in this section.
Despite the fact that PVA contains water, it will not be possible to remove old stains with regular washing. Homemade recipes and household chemicals can help with this. In order to clean an item, you need to start acting as early as possible, trying to prevent the stains from becoming old.