What to do if the pork smells - how to remove the unpleasant odor and save the product?
Pork spoils very quickly if stored incorrectly. The smell appears due to the fact that putrefactive bacteria begin to multiply in the fibers of the meat. If it is barely perceptible, then you can try to save the product.
Read the article about how to remove the smell from minced pork if the meat has been sitting for a long time and has begun to deteriorate and smell.
When should you throw it away?
Pork should be thrown away if it is rotten.. This will be indicated not only by a sharp unpleasant odor, but also by a change in the color of the meat. Its surface will darken and acquire a dirty green tint.
Bones, if any, become loose. Another dangerous marker indicating rotten meat is the appearance of mold.
How to get rid of an unpleasant odor?
If the smell appeared as a result of the meat being in the bag for a long time, then you can try to save it. There are several ways to revive a product. The most effective of them:
Soak in water with salt and vinegar. So that the process does not take much time, the fillet is cut into several small pieces. It will take longer to soak a large part of the carcass.
Only chilled water is used. To enhance the effect, add some salt. You can also add 5 tablespoons of 9% vinegar for every liter of water.Soaking time is a day. The solution needs to be changed every 5-6 hours.
- Marinating in lemon juice. To prepare the marinade, you will need the juice of 1 lemon and spices, such as freshly ground black pepper. The meat cut into pieces must be placed under pressure so that it is completely covered with liquid. Exposure time – 12 hours.
- Cooking. Boiling the product helps get rid of the unpleasant aroma. After the water boils, it needs to be drained 3-4 times.
- Soaking in a solution of potassium permanganate. The solution should not be too concentrated. The correct concentrate is light pink in color. You need to soak the product in it for 2 hours, then rinse it thoroughly with water.
How to deal with the aroma from minced pork when cooking?
You can cope with the smell emanating from minced pork by heat treating it. It is better to fry the product with the addition of aromatic spices and seasonings. Be sure to keep the cutlets in a frying pan until completely cooked through. The juice released from them should be clear, without blood.
Eliminating boar odor
To get rid of boar smell, you can use the following methods:
Soaking in milk. To ensure that the extraneous aroma goes away, the pork is kept in it for at least a day. The milk will have to be changed 4 times. After this treatment, the product is washed with clean water and cooking begins immediately.
- Freezing. This method takes a long time, but effectively helps to cope with the odor. Before putting the pork in the freezer, it is wrapped in food paper and plastic.
The prepared product is placed in a chamber and left for 3 to 4 months. The storage temperature should be -25 degrees.
- Smoking. The aroma of smoke will cover the smell of boar, but first the product must be soaked in water with the addition of cinnamon and bay leaf. The maximum weight of a piece is 1.5 kg. In this solution, the product is kept cool for 4 days, after which you can begin hot smoking.
How and what can you cook from meat if it has been sitting for a long time and has begun to spoil?
Stale food should be cooked for as long as possible at high temperature. To prevent the pork from drying out, wrap it in foil when baking. In such conditions, you can fry the fillet in the oven for about 3 hours.
To eliminate unpleasant odor You can add spices to the dish, for example:
- dried garlic,
- curry,
- chilli,
- ground black pepper,
- cumin,
- thyme and others.
Helpful information
Advice for housewives facing a problem unpleasant odor coming from pork:
You can check whether the smell remains after the procedures using a hot needle. If its contact with the carcass causes it to smell unpleasant, the product will have to be thrown away.
- When the odor is barely perceptible, it can be muffled using acidic liquids. For this purpose, use kefir or wine.
- When buying meat, you need to pay attention not only to its smell, but to its appearance. A good product has a bright pink or dark brown color. The fat layers are white.Their yellowing indicates that the meat comes from an old animal, which means it may smell unpleasant.
You will find a lot of useful and important information on how to remove smell from different types of meat and cook it correctly. Here.
Get rid of unpleasant pork odor can be done in different ways:
- marinate,
- soak,
- to freeze,
- boil.
The choice of method depends on how strong the meat smells and what kind of dish will be prepared from it in the end.