The law on silence, or how long you can vacuum in an apartment
Vacuuming is an easy solution to problems in the fight against dust. However, when working with it, there is one nuance that can cause discomfort among others.
The noise produced by the device during operation disturbs the silence not only in the user’s apartment, but also in neighboring apartments.
Not everyone likes this. Therefore, the use of a vacuum cleaner is possible only during the hours provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Read on to find out until what time in the evening, according to the law, you can vacuum in an apartment, and why you can’t do this at night.
At what time in the morning and evening is it permissible to use a vacuum cleaner, why not at night?
Living in apartment buildings imposes an obligation on residents to adhere to certain rules. One of them is maintaining silence at certain hours.. Legislatively, this requirement is reflected in Law No. 52 FZ. The main content of this document is the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of citizens.
Disturbing the peace at night is legally defined as an action consistent with encroaching on the peace of neighbors.
As for daytime, it is impossible to set clear boundaries for limiting any work that is accompanied by a violation of silence. This would require the need to measure the level of noise stimuli in each individual case.
Law on noise (Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 52), in apartment buildings there are strict limits for optimal volume:
- during the daytime from 40 to 55 decibels;
- at night – no more than 30 dB.
Night time is considered to be the period from 23:00 to 7:00. Therefore, it is at this time that it is strictly forbidden to use a vacuum cleaner.
The rest of the time does not fall within the time frame of the Silence Law, therefore, from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm you can turn on the vacuum cleaner. The limit may vary in different regions of Russia and be 22:00 - 23:00 and, accordingly, 6:00 - 7:00.
However, it should be noted that each region of the Russian Federation determines its own hours of silence, which also stipulate restrictions that apply to daytime hours.
For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, every day from 13:00 to 15:00 it is prohibited to make noise, and therefore, to work with a vacuum cleaner, since the noise level produced by this equipment averages about 70 - 75 dB.
Features of restrictions on weekends and holidays
On holidays and weekends, the Silence Law provides for minor changes in the establishment of boundaries. Eg:
- quiet hours increase for weekends and holidays - morning rest time lasts until 9:00 - 10:00 hours, evening restrictions begin at 22:00;
- the exception is New Year's Eve, when it is allowed to make noise without restrictions, but it is unlikely that anyone will undertake vacuuming at this time;
- Holidays are established by government agencies and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Exceptions to the rules
Exceptional situations are those in which there is an urgent need to use household appliances that produce noise. In this case, it is advisable to agree with your neighbors on the possibility of turning on the vacuum cleaner at inappropriate times.
Also It is allowed to use modern models of vacuum cleaners whose noise effect does not exceed 30 dB. You can use such equipment at any time, again checking with your neighbors whether this really does not interfere with their recreation.
An exception is also the use of a vacuum cleaner in an extreme situation, when it is necessary to carry out repair work to ensure the safety of citizens.
Measures taken against violators
If rules on silence established by law are violated, unscrupulous citizens are held accountable. The following measures can be applied to them:
Initially, they are interviewed by government officials. To do this, it is recommended to contact the local police officer. He will explain to the violators of public order the rules and regulations provided by the Law.
- Ignoring the remark becomes a reason to contact the local police officer again. If there is a repeated violation, a written statement or complaint is drawn up against the unscrupulous neighbor from the residents of the apartment building.
- Violation of the Silence Law is subject to a fine of up to 2 minimum wages.An individual who did not heed the warning may pay 1,000 - 3,000 rubles. For subsequent violations, the fine increases to 4–5 thousand rubles.
- Repeated violators can be imprisoned for 15 days.
Most often, after the first warning, careless neighbors listen to the remark. No one wants to shell out a decent amount of money because a vacuum cleaner was turned on at the wrong time.
It’s easy to ruin relationships with neighbors, but it’s not always possible to improve them. Therefore, it is better to follow simple tips:
- Use the vacuum cleaner only during the hours prescribed by law. In this case, one should take into account the variability of time limits in different regions of the country, having become familiar with possible noise restrictions.
- In order not to spoil relations with neighbors in an apartment building and not to become a violator of law and order, you should not neglect the rules established by the Law for the use of noisy household appliances, which includes a vacuum cleaner.
- Show human sensitivity if there are seriously ill people or small children in the neighborhood who need a nap.
- In case of unforeseen situations, agree with neighbors on the possibility of using noisy household appliances at unauthorized times.
- Try to solve the problem with noisy neighbors peacefully.
- If it is impossible to resolve the conflict peacefully, seek help from the local police officer.
- When calling the police, you should take into account that they may arrive a little later, when the noise has already stopped and it will be almost impossible to prove the violation of silence. In order for the police to be convinced of a violation of law and order, it is necessary to make a call when careless neighbors have just started cleaning at an inappropriate time.
The noise from a vacuum cleaner does not always cause irritation among neighbors. However, compliance with the norms and requirements for compliance with the Law of Silence is caused by concern for people who are guaranteed the right to proper rest, especially at night.
That's why law and order should not be violated. This is the only way to maintain good neighborly relations and not fall into the category of criminals.