What SanPiN standards apply to washing dishes in kindergarten?
Close attention to compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards when washing dishes in kindergartens is due to the need to ensure safety for every child.
Therefore, dishes in preschool institutions are processed in accordance with the SanPiN rules established for preschool educational institutions (preschool educational institutions).
We will talk about the standard SanPiN requirements for washing dishes in kindergarten below.
The legislative framework
Standard recommendations for washing dishes in preschool educational institutions are set out in the rules developed by SanPiN. They reflect clear requirements that provide for the creation of safe conditions for children.
The fundamental document regulating all requirements for the catering unit, processing of utensils and equipment is the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, as amended to Section XIV under No. 41 dated August 27, 2015 (SanPiN “Sanitary epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the work regime in a preschool educational institution").
General provisions
According to the requirements of SanPiN, to the equipment, provision of a sufficient number of cutlery and kitchen utensils, as well as to the condition of special equipment, strictly regulated requirements are imposed:
The kindergarten's catering department is provided with the necessary technological and washing equipment that is in good condition (clause 13.1).
- All technical means, including cutlery, containers and equipment must be made only from approved materials and must be marked (clause 13.2).
- The catering unit must be equipped with tables on which food products are processed, made of all-metal material (clause 13.3).
- To work with prepared and raw foods, the catering unit is provided with separate tables, knives and boards. (clause 13.3).
- The number of cutlery is strictly in accordance with the roster of children. To store cups and plates, the buffet compartment of each group should be equipped with special lattice shelves and racks. (clause 13.1)
- The washing baths must be supplied with hot and cold water, regulated by mixers (13.5).
- To rinse cutlery, flexible hoses with a spray nozzle (13.6) are provided.
Instructions on how to wash properly
According to the requirements of SanPiN, cleaning and washing cutlery in preschool institutions requires compliance with strict rules.
Algorithm of personnel actions is performed according to the following scheme:
- remove food residues from appliances with special brushes and spatulas;
- wash them with a sponge using warm water (at least 50°C) with the addition of detergent or baking soda;
- rinse with hot water at 70°C;
- dry on wire racks;
- Dishes are washed immediately after each feeding;
- containers in which cutlery is stored are subject to mandatory processing;
- special requirements are provided for the processing of cutting boards and other kitchen utensils made of wood - after washing them in hot water with special products, they should be rinsed with a large amount of running hot water and doused with boiling water, then the wooden items are dried on special racks.
For washing tableware in the kindergarten, special compartments are allocated, equipped with a galvanized sink with a drain and a connection to the sewerage system. A mandatory requirement is the presence of a faucet with a mixer for connecting hot and cold water.
Rules for nursery groups
Processing of bottles, which requires special care, is carried out according to a special scheme:
First, the remaining mixture is removed using a special brush. The detergent used is hypoallergenic.
- The bottles are then boiled for 15 minutes or autoclaved for 45 minutes.
- Bottle nipples are first washed in warm, clean water, and then immersed in a soda solution for 15 minutes. Then rinse under running water to wash away any remaining soda, followed by boiling (3 minutes).
If diseases of infectious etiology are detected in a kindergarten, all tableware and kitchen utensils are treated in a disinfectant solution.
Let's consider the requirements of SanPiN:
To detergents
The main criterion for cleaning products used in preschool institutions is safety for children’s health, that is, the absence of toxic components.In addition, the drug used must have a disinfecting effect.
This gel has the following positive properties:
- has an antibacterial effect;
- capable of destroying viruses and microbes;
- effectively dissolves grease and other contaminants;
- quickly washed off from dishes;
- does not form a film on cups and plates;
- economical and easy to use;
- does not cause allergies.
The content of disinfecting components in Nika-2 gel makes it possible to use it not only for cleaning plates and cups. It is also suitable for treating walls and tables in the dining room, successfully eliminating dirt and pathogenic microorganisms.
To the utensils used
These rules are reflected in SanPiN with a clear definition of which utensils and in what condition are suitable for use in a preschool educational institution. At the same time, more stringent criteria apply to those that prohibited from using in kindergartens:
Aluminum and plastic utensils recognized as extremely harmful to health. The fact is that aluminum interacts with many food products.
As a result of this reaction, dangerous chemical compounds are formed. Plastic is highly toxic, especially when treated with detergents.
- Plates and cups with cracks and chips. Microbes accumulate and multiply in them.
- Cutting boards with a worn or rough surface with cracks.
- Wooden kitchen utensils made from pressed plywood.
In addition, in preschool educational institutions it is not recommended to use ceramic dishes, as they are very heavy, and glass dishes, as they break quickly.
The safest are earthenware and porcelain plates and cups. As for forks and spoons, they should be made of stainless steel. A mandatory requirement for utensils for preschool institutions is the presence of separate sets in each group.
To marking
According to sanitary and epidemiological standards, all utensils in preschool educational institutions must be labeled. The markings are applied with oil paint. The main purpose of labeling is to prevent the penetration of microbes from unprocessed food into prepared food.
For each type of cookware, special designations have been introduced, and exactly:
- Identification symbols are applied to cutting boards and knives used for various products. Inventory for raw meat - SM, raw chicken - SK, raw fish - SR, raw vegetables - SO. For boiled meat - BP, boiled fish - BP, boiled vegetables - VO, bread - X, greens - Z.
- Special designations are also used for the dishes in which food is prepared - for first and second courses, cereal porridges, eggs and dairy products.
- The marking is also applied to the dishes in which the products are stored. These are containers for sugar, sour cream, butter or vegetable oil and other food products.
- All containers and devices used in the catering unit must be marked.
Tips on the topic
The organization of fulfillment of the requirements set out in the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for washing dishes in preschool educational institutions is assigned to the directorate of the kindergarten.
For this purpose it is recommended:
When hiring employees to work at a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to conduct training to familiarize them with the basic provisions of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the processing of utensils.
- Systematically provide instruction to food service workers and other persons involved in the preparation and transportation of food on compliance with SanPiN requirements for cleaning and washing dishes, their labeling and proper use.
- In the catering unit, washing and buffet compartments, a manual should be placed on the rules for processing tableware and kitchen utensils. It is also recommended to place regulatory requirements for the concentration and dosage of dishwashing detergents and disinfectants used here.
In case of non-compliance with the rules established by the sanitary and epidemiological services, administrative measures are applied to the management and responsible personnel. In special cases - up to dismissal or criminal liability.
The issue of compliance with regulatory requirements for washing dishes in preschool educational institutions is under constant control of the sanitary and epidemiological service. SES employees conduct raids and visits to preschool institutions to check compliance with SanPiN requirements.
Strict adherence to these regulations will ensure health safety, and sometimes the lives of children attending kindergartens.