Simple instructions on how to fix a squeezing mop for washing the floor yourself if it’s broken

foto44902-1A squeezing mop is indispensable in the household - it is convenient to use due to its long handle, it is multifunctional - it can be used for washing the floor, wiping off dust and cobwebs on the ceiling and in hard-to-reach places.

There is no need to touch water with detergent, which protects the skin of your hands. But owners of such devices know how often they break down and require replacement.

In order not to buy a new mop every time, it is possible to repair it and continue to use it. We'll tell you in this article how to fix a wringer mop if it's broken.

DIY repair

The main reason for the breakdown of the mop spin is most often damage to the cardan washer. This element is the most fragile of the entire mechanism, and with each spin it experiences stress. To repair the mop, you need to completely disassemble its lower part - the squeezing mechanism.

How to disassemble?

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to disconnect all the necessary parts. You need to do the following:

  1. foto44902-2To remove the rag, simply pull it down with force.
  2. Remove the locking washer - a plastic ring with clamps.
  3. Rotate the upper disk of the mop so that the latches come out of the grooves.
  4. Remove the top ring of the universal joint.
  5. Remove the broken washer.
  6. Remove the side cardan holder.
  7. Unscrew the bolt and nut on the base of the structure.

If the mop has been used for a long time, the metal fasteners may have rusted. In this case, you can use WD-40 to loosen the residue on the old fasteners.

How to repair?

Now that all parts of the mechanism have been disassembled, we need to restore the broken part. To do this you will need a reinforced mesh.

Before starting work, cut out two strips of metal mesh of the required size. There should be enough of them to solder to the bottom of the cardan and the remaining free ends should be passed through the hole in the washer, bent and secured to its lower surface. Approximately 10*2 cm each strip.

Let's start connecting the parts:

  1. We solder strips of reinforced mesh into the plastic on the bottom surface of the part.
  2. We put the washer on top.
  3. We bend the ends of the mesh and also solder the metal mesh into the plastic. It is important that the washer is level, perpendicular to the top of the part.
  4. After these manipulations we get a strong solid part. To smooth out unevenness, we process it with a file until the smooth, even surface bulges.

We check for strength - the product must withstand strong hand pressure, the washer must be tightly attached to the base and not wobble.

How to assemble?

foto44902-3You can start assembling. To do this, you need to purchase a new bolt and nut, identical to the previous ones. Assembly is carried out in reverse order:

  1. We screw the cardan to the mop handle.
  2. We return the side fastenings to their place.
  3. We put on the top ring.
  4. Install the upper disk of the nozzle and the locking ring.

If the rag is old, it is better to take the opportunity to replace it with a new one.

Product with soft sponge

Mops with a sponge attachment often become unusable. The reason for this is that most of the structural parts are made of plastic, which cannot withstand constant loads and breaks.

Usually housewives simply throw away a non-working tool and buy a new one to replace it.But if you have the skills and the opportunity to use tools for working with metal, then you can greatly extend the service life of such a mop.

Its first weak point is the lower part, which secures the squeeze rollers. It is plastic and with constant use of the mop it quickly breaks. To fix this, you can make an identical part from a stainless steel sheet.

To copy the product, you need to disassemble the mop:

  • unscrew the four lower bolts on the nozzle;
  • remove the sponge;
  • loosen the bolts holding the release mechanism;
  • make a copy of the shape and bolt holes.

Such manipulations can be carried out with a spin handle. If the plastic bursts when you try to wring out the sponge and the handle no longer holds, it can also be replaced by making a copy.

This repair method is described in detail in the video:

Where to buy spare parts?

Separately, some spare parts for the mop can be purchased in online stores, such as:

  • OZON,
  • AliExpress,
  • eBay and mop manufacturers' websites.

And the nearest hardware store has materials for self-repair of parts, such as:

  • reinforced mesh,
  • bolts,
  • nuts,
  • metal sheets.


In order for a rope mop with a spin to last longer, it should be used in accordance with the instructions. It is suitable for washing linoleum floors only. The sponge mop is suitable for all types of floors. Before spinning, the sponge should be completely soaked in water.


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