What does a buyer need to know about the manufacturer of LG washing machines?

foto36787-1LG washing machines are not uncommon in Russian stores. When purchasing them, many are guided by reviews. But you need to take into account that the same model can be produced in different countries.

Does the quality depend on the place where it was made? Where do automatic cars of the South Korean brand come from in Russia and how do you find out where the model was assembled?

Where are LG washing machines produced, who is the manufacturer? You will find answers to questions in the article.

Production plant in Russia

Currently, the bulk of LG washing machines sold in the Russian Federation are manufactured here. The plant is located in the Ruza district of the Moscow region, in the village. Dorokhovskoe.

The enterprise opened in 2006; assembly conveyors are equipped in two buildings. In addition, TVs and refrigerators of this famous brand are also produced there.

In most cases, Russian stores sell washing machines made in one of the two workshops of this plant.

Foreign assembly can also be found - these will be models from Korea or China. But there are significantly fewer of them, since 74% of all automatic machines come from the assembly line of an enterprise near Moscow.

The label and instructions will tell you the country where the washing machine is assembled

Information about the manufacturer of the equipment is by no means secret. The average buyer can find out in two ways:

  1. In the operating instructions There must be an address of the manufacturer with the name of the country.In Russian versions this is usually printed on the last page of the brochure.
  2. On a sticker with markings. For LG Electronics, a typical location is in the hatch door opening or on the side surface. Those. if we don’t see a label on the side with the serial number and other information, then we need to open the loading hatch door to see it.

In both cases, you can see the address where the product was produced. In addition, the country of origin is encrypted in the model serial number. Each country has its own abbreviation.

For Russian assembly, these will be the abbreviations RA and RW, corresponding to the first or second workshop of the Ruza LG plant. Chinese equipment can be recognized by the abbreviation PN, and Korean equipment will contain the letters KW in the serial number.


Where is it produced in different parts of the world?

The homeland of the brand is South Korea. But today only 12% of all famous brand washing machines are manufactured here.

The remaining factories are located in other countries:
  1. China. Assembly workshops operate in Hong Kong; components are produced in other regions of the country, which are sent not only to their own factories, but also for export.
  2. Philippines. Budget models and components for them are produced here.
  3. Indonesia. The country produces parts and components that are supplied to China for assembly.
  4. Russia. In a plant near Moscow, budget and top-end models are being assembled, 90% of the products go to the domestic market, the rest are exported to the countries of the former USSR, Eastern Europe and Asia.
  5. Taiwan. A small plant in Taipei assembles only 2 models, which are re-exported to South Korea. A profitable option for Koreans due to cheap labor in Taiwan. According to economists, this reduced the cost of each unit of equipment by 9%.
  6. USA. An enterprise opened in Tennessee in 2019, which began producing washing machines under the LG brand.
  7. Thailand. A plant was specially built there to assemble cars for export. Before the construction of workshops in Tennessee, the main export destination was the countries of North and South America.
  8. Poland. The equipment produced here goes to Europe. Factory code, which is indicated in the serial number: PW.
  9. Egypt. In 2017, a plant in Cairo opened its doors. More than half of the production goes abroad, mainly to African countries.
  10. India. There are 2 LG factories here, almost all of the equipment from their conveyors is intended for their own market. The rest of the cars go to Africa and the Middle East.
  11. Vietnam. Until 2019, almost all products were shipped to the United States.

Build quality in Russia

foto36787-3According to official statements by the administration of the plant in the Moscow region, the quality of washing machines is high thanks to three-level control. Those. theoretically, it should not be inferior to Korean or Chinese models.

But in practice, it seems that this is not entirely true. The LG plant in the Moscow region announced a trend towards localization of materials from which cars are made, which has already reached more than half. This means that the components are also produced in Russia.

According to washing machine repairmen, domestic LG models break down many times more often than their foreign counterparts. In particular, they pointed out the following, which were not very good from their point of view: features of Russian samples:

  • the thickness of the drum, and therefore its strength, is significantly less;
  • nickel-plated bushing, which quickly fails if it is not replaced with bronze or stainless steel;
  • The modular board is not covered with an anti-corrosion coating and a short circuit may occur in high humidity.

Which company has the highest quality assembly?

Of course, the company claims high quality products, no matter where they are collected. Indeed, quality control is carried out there constantly and broken equipment is not put on sale.

In open sources you can only find data on the percentage of defects at a plant in South Korea, it is 0.4%. Testing takes place on the assembly line.

Without numbers from other factories, it is difficult to give an objective, proven assessment of where the quality is better.

However, for many equipment owners and service center technicians, Korean and Chinese assemblies inspire more confidence. If you look at prices, Chinese and, in particular, Korean models are much more expensive than domestic ones.

Video on the topic of the article

The video will tell you where LG washing machines are produced and assembled:


The large company LG Electronics has factories in different parts of the world. On the Russian market you can find mainly models produced in Russia. Among them are often budget varieties.

According to reviews from owners and craftsmen, Korean and Chinese assembly is better than Russian. Those who strive to deal with the most reliable equipment prefer products from Korea or China, the cost of which is much higher.

  1. Elena

    YES…. Nothing surprising. Our people don’t know how to do it, nothing has changed... It’s a pity.

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