Important rules for where to put powder in a Bosch washing machine
Without powder, even the best washing machine will not be able to cope with dirt.
It is not enough to simply pour detergent into the cuvette; this must be done according to certain rules.
Read the article about where to add washing powder and liquid formulations in a Bosch washing machine.
How and where to pour?
All detergents must be placed in a special tray. It is located at the top of the case, on the left side (if you stand facing the panel). The powder receptacle opens easily; just insert your finger into a small recess and pull it towards you.
The cuvette is represented by 3 sections, inside of which there are marks. You need to look from left to right:
- II – the first section is signed with the Roman numeral two, it is intended for the powder that will be used during the main wash cycle;
- * - the image of a flower or star is in the central section, it is used for adding liquid detergents;
- I – the outermost compartment is marked with the Roman numeral one; powder for pre-washing is poured into it.
The central compartment has a special limiter. It is necessary for the user to dose the composition correctly. Liquid should not be poured above the specified mark.
The video will show you how to properly pour powder into the washing machine:
What happens if you put it in the wrong place?
If you pour washing powder into the wrong compartment of a Bosch washing machine, then nothing critical will happen. The device will not fail, the washing will start as usual.
However, this should not be done; because of the housewife’s mistake, her things will suffer first of all - they will be washed and rinsed worse. Time and detergents will be wasted, and the laundry will have to be rewashed.
The manufacturer divided the powder receiver into sections for a reason, the composition arrives at each of them at a certain time. If you put detergent in the wrong compartment, it will only get into the drum at the main wash or even rinse stage. Therefore, when adding powder, you must follow the instructions.
Differences for Bosch washing machines with different loading types
In Bosch machines with vertical and horizontal loading, there is a difference between the location of the powder cuvette. In front-loading appliances, it is located in a visible place - on the front wall of the panel in the upper left corner.
For machines with vertical loading, the powder receptacle is hidden by a top cover. The number of sections in it does not differ. There are three of them: for pre- and main wash, as well as for liquid detergents..
Each section is marked. The main disadvantage of this arrangement of the powder receptacle is that at the washing stage it will no longer be possible to add detergent.
Is it possible to put powder product into the drum?
The manufacturer does not recommend pouring detergent directly into the drum. The exception is laundry capsules.They have several compartments with shells of different thicknesses. It thins out as you wash, so the detergent is released in doses, at the moment when it is needed.
Powders contain granules, their composition is quite aggressive. The bulk product needs time to dissolve. If you place it directly into the drum, it will negatively affect the color of things and also lead to their rapid wear.
Bleach and conditioners should also not be poured into the drum. Bosch washing machine. Things will not suffer because of this, but the desired effect will not be achieved. Liquid products will simply be washed away during the washing phase.
Sometimes housewives are faced with the need to add detergent directly into the drum, for example, if the tray is faulty and things need to be washed immediately. In this case, the powder must be poured into a special container. It works like a dispenser, systematically releasing detergent. Its use will allow you to wash things without compromising their quality.
Dosing correctly
The dosage of detergents depends on a number of factors:
Surfactant concentration in washing powder. The higher it is, the less detergent required.
- The amount of laundry and the degree of soiling. To wash 1 kg of clothes, on average, take 1 tablespoon of powder.
- Water hardness level. The higher it is, the worse the detergent composition works.
- Washing program and its duration.
The powder is packaged in packaging that contains detailed information on its use and dosage.It’s good if the manufacturer took care to supplement their detergent with a measuring spoon or cup.
If you apply too much product, excess foam will form.. At best, the machine will simply stop washing. At worst, a leak will occur and repairs will be required.
Rules for the use of liquid detergent compositions
Manufacturers of household chemicals offer the use of liquid detergents to improve the quality of washing. They should not be used like powder. Features of application:
- Fabric softener. It is poured into a separate compartment, which is located in the center of the cuvette and is marked with a “*”. If you add liquid directly into the drum, the effect of its use will be reduced to zero.
- Bleach. If the conditioner poured into the drum is simply washed out along with streams of water, then the bleach can cause serious damage to the fabric, leaving stains on it. The more aggressive the components in its composition, the worse. Bleach and stain remover are added to the main compartment, along with washing powder.
- Conditioner and balm. These products must be used at the end of the wash, so they are poured into the middle section of the cuvette.
Helpful information
Tips for using detergents for Bosch washing machine users:
- if the machine is being used for the first time, the tray can be fixed with adhesive tape, which needs to be removed;
Hand washing detergents cannot be poured into the dishwasher of a washing machine; they foam a lot and can lead to equipment breakdown;
- bleaches and stain removers, when added directly into the drum, can damage not only things, but also the rubber seal of the hatch;
- After each wash, the tray should be wiped with a dry cloth to avoid the appearance of mold, which multiplies quickly in a damp environment;
- If scale and lime deposits have formed in the cuvette, then available means can be used to remove them: citric acid, soda or table vinegar; the treatment should be carried out after removing the tray.
Proper use of detergents can improve the quality of washing, as well as prevent damage to things and damage to the washing machine. How to properly use liquid and bulk substances is described in the instruction manual for Bosch household appliances, on the powder packaging and in our article.