How to remove the smell from the refrigerator after rotten meat at home?
Missing meat is always unpleasant. However, there is a much more serious problem in the form of a pungent odor that is absorbed into the walls of the refrigerator.
It is so persistent that it can persist for several months and even causes spoilage of other products.
Read the article about how to remove the smell of rotten meat from the refrigerator and freezer.
What to do first?
If you feel an unpleasant odor, do not immediately grab a wet rag. The sequence of actions should be as follows:
pack spoiled meat in a plastic bag and throw it away;
- disconnect the refrigerator from the power supply and leave it to defrost;
- remove all food products and inspect them for spoilage;
- throw away low-quality products - they may remain fresh, but having absorbed the smell of missing meat, they themselves will become its source;
- butter, boiled potatoes, cooked cereals quickly absorb foreign aromas - you need to inspect the entire contents of the refrigerator;
- all removable parts: shelves, drawers, containers must be removed and washed with warm water;
- rinse and dry the seals - if blood gets on them, they will become a source of odor even after the refrigerator has been completely cleaned.
How to remove the “aroma” using improvised means?
You don't have to go to the store to deal with the smell of rotten meat. In every home there are means to destroy bacteria that cause a persistent unpleasant odor. These include:
- Soda. To prepare the cleaning solution you will need a liter of hot water and 4 tablespoons of soda. Soak a rag in the resulting mixture and wash the refrigerator. After wiping one area, you need to rinse the rag under running water, and only then dip it again in the soda solution. When the treatment is complete, wipe the refrigerator with a clean damp cloth and then with a dry paper towel.
- Vinegar. The acid perfectly neutralizes all foreign odors. A weakly concentrated solution is suitable for cleaning the refrigerator (take 1-2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar per 1 liter of water). Soak a rag in it and wipe all accessible surfaces with it. They are then rinsed with clean water.
Ammonia. To prepare a detergent, 5 drops of ammonia and 1-2 liters of water are enough. Being a source of a pungent odor, such a solution will kill the plume left from rotten meat.
Wash off the product with clean water. If after such treatment the refrigerator smells of ammonia, you should not worry; the smell will disappear in 2-3 days.
- Alcohol. It not only neutralizes odors, but also disinfects surfaces. To clean the refrigerator, you can use vodka, diluting it with water in equal proportions. To give the solution a pleasant aroma, you can add the juice of half a lemon or an orange. Wipe all shelves with the resulting product, leave for 15 minutes, then wash with plain water.
- Potassium permanganate. Based on it, a solution of low concentration is prepared. It should be slightly pinkish. They wipe all the elements with it, after which the remaining product is washed off with water. Potassium permanganate disinfects surfaces well, destroying microbes.
- Hydrogen peroxide. This is an affordable recipe that will not only help get rid of the smell of rotten meat and bacteria, but also whiten yellowed plastic surfaces. 3% peroxide is poured into a suitable container, a soft cloth is placed in it and the shelves and walls of the refrigerator are wiped with it. After 15 minutes, treat them with clean water.
Using available means, you need to take care of your own safety. When washing the refrigerator with disinfectant solutions, wear gloves and in a well-ventilated area.
How to eliminate using household chemicals?
In departments with household chemicals you can find various products that are designed to eliminate unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. To make the right choice, you need to navigate the assortment, study the composition and principle of action of the detergent.
What to pay attention to:
Adsorbents. They come in the form of small plastic containers that are attached to the wall of the refrigerator. Inside there are adsorbents, for example, a mixture of activated carbon and gel.
Such devices are able to absorb foreign odors for 2-3 months. You can use them to get rid of the smell of rotten meat, but only after first cleaning the refrigerator.
- Liquid cleaning compounds. They are available in the form of sprays. With their help, you can not only get rid of the unpleasant odor, but also wash the device.Most of these products do not require rinsing.
- Ozonizer. This device destroys odor-causing microbes and helps eliminate mold. Oxygen destroys harmful flora and slows down the processes of food spoilage, increasing their shelf life. You can use the ozonizer, but only after thoroughly washing the refrigerator.
To be sure to get rid of a persistent odor, it is recommended to use several means at once: wash the shelves with a specialized composition, and then place an absorber inside.
Top 3 best
The smell of rotten meat is very persistent, so only the most effective compositions can cope with it, which include:
- Spray 500 ml HG for hygienic cleaning of the refrigerator. The liquid is easy to spray and does not require rinsing. It is applied to contaminated surfaces, left for a few minutes, after which the residue is removed with a dry cloth. Price – 280 rubles.
- Refrigerator cleaner Wpro 500 ml. A spray with a pleasant lemon aroma not only removes all types of dirt, but also eliminates unpleasant odors. The formula is designed specifically for surfaces in contact with food. The composition can be used to wash the main section and freezer. Price – 390 rubles.
- Barrier. Odor absorber for refrigerator. It is used after washing the shelves, placing the compact device on one of the walls. Average service life is 3 months. Price – 200 rubles.
How to remove amber from the freezer?
Features of cleaning the freezer:
turn off the freezer;
- remove frozen foods;
- open the door and wait until the ice melts on its own - do not use heating objects to speed up this process;
- collect all the melt water;
- wash the freezer using detergent - it is better to choose those compounds that have an antibacterial effect, for example, hydrogen peroxide;
- clean the drain channel;
- treat seals;
- rinse off the product with clean water, wipe all elements dry;
- leave to ventilate for 8-12 hours.
Helpful information
Tips for removing unpleasant odors from your refrigerator:
- To better get rid of the smell, after washing with any product, the refrigerator needs to be ventilated. It is left open at least overnight.
- Do not use powder for cleaning. Even undiluted soda can cause scratches on the surface of the plastic. Bacteria and aromatic molecules will be absorbed into them much faster.
- For washing use soft rags or sponges. Brushes are not suitable for cleaning your refrigerator.
- Before you begin cleaning, all products must be removed. Using household chemicals when the refrigerator is full is unacceptable.
- To care for the device, do not use aggressive compounds, such as bleach or bleach. When ingested, they have a toxic effect on the body.
You will find methods and means for eliminating odors in the refrigerator in this section.
Video on the topic of the article
This video will show you how to clean your refrigerator from the smell of rotten meat:
You should not tolerate the smell of rotten meat from the refrigerator. You can deal with it using improvised means or household chemicals. It only takes a little effort to restore the device to its original freshness.
I've been struggling with this problem for 11 days now. Before this, meat, fish, berries, and fruits in the chest were rotting for 20 days. I was on vacation and came with you. I tried whiteness, ammonia. The best combination, a mixture of feri and domestos. Then after washing with warm water, treat with 20 percent peroxide. And so on every other day. There is almost no smell anymore. But I’ll leave it for a few more days to air out.
The guys from the disinfection service helped us; they saved our refrigerator. This is in Moscow. What have you tried to do with the refrigerator? The master arrived in 3 hours and removed the smell completely, they have some kind of chemical composition, they say they remove corpse odors with them.
The air ionizer ATWFS MODEL helped me a lot: 220V 60G removed all odors in 3 hours of its operation, you can’t imagine how difficult the case was. When we entered the apartment after a week’s vacation, the smell of carrion was simply unbearable and it was I who did not open the refrigerator...
I saved the refrigerator with professional odorgon. No folk remedies helped, the supposedly special ones were of absolutely no use - the smell only got worse from all this! We were about to throw out the refrigerator. I bought it on ozone, but then found it cheaper on the Internet.
Odor Gone doesn't help. Money, and a lot of it, down the drain
They told me to cut the onion, put it in and close the door. if necessary, repeat 2-3 times.have not tried. they say it helps. Onions are best washed with vinegar.
You can order online. In rare cases it can be found in specialized stores.
Where did you buy this liquid, if it’s not a secret?
I once managed to defeat the smell of rotten meat in the refrigerator with the help of the Skunk-Out chemical destroyer. The meat in my refrigerator then went rotten as a result of turning off the lights in the house.