Effective methods for stretching a sweater that has shrunk after washing
Sweaters are beautiful and comfortable, they keep you warm in cold weather. However, such products are quite finicky to care for. Improper washing can cause the item to shrink.
If this happens, there is no need to despair. There are several ways to help cope with the problem.
In this article we will tell you how to stretch a sweater (made of wool and other materials) that has shrunk after washing, and how to return it to its original size.
What to do with a shrunken product?
You can stretch a shrunken sweater by treating it with special compounds, such as hydrogen peroxide or vinegar.
Not only the treatment of the sweater with certain compounds is important, but also its proper drying.
There is a single instruction that applies to each method:
Do not wring out the product after washing. The water should drain from it on its own. If you twist a sweater, its fibers will stretch, but unevenly.
It is permissible to wrap the item in a terry towel and lightly press it with your palms to absorb excess water.
- You need to lay out the sweater on a flat, vertical surface with a towel underneath it. Change it when it gets wet.
- Stretch the sweater while it is wet. The fabric is grabbed with your fingers and pulled apart in different directions. You need to ensure that the tension is even.
You can use unusual methods, for example, hanging several weights from the sweater that will pull it down. Another method to solve the problem is to put the sweater on yourself and wait until it is completely dry. However, walking in a wet jacket for several hours is not entirely comfortable.
Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide weakens the bonds between fabric fibers, so it can be used to increase a sweater by 1 size.
Mode of application:
- 2 tablespoons of peroxide are diluted in 10 liters of water;
- Dip the shrunken jacket into the solution and leave for 3 hours;
- After the specified time, rinse it in cool, clean water.
The product must be dried on a flat surface.
However, there is a risk of uneven deformation of the tissue. Therefore, it is safest to dry your sweater in a horizontal position.
Turpentine can be used to treat shrunken items.
- Pour 5 liters of cool water into a basin, dissolve 4 tablespoons of turpentine in it.
- Soak the sweater in the prepared mixture and leave for an hour.
- Rinse it thoroughly and lay it out to dry.
Any fabric can be treated with turpentine, but the proportions must be carefully observed. After such washing, the fibers become elastic and soft, so it will be easier to stretch them.
The only drawback of the method is that turpentine has a pungent odor. It may remain on the item even after rinsing it thoroughly. You can deal with it if you leave the sweater in the fresh air for 1-2 days.
You can strengthen the recipe if you add 3 tablespoons of ammonia and a tablespoon of cologne or vodka to the solution.
You can deal with shrinkage using vinegar. You need to choose a product with a concentration of 9%.
How to use it:
moisten the fabric with water, avoiding getting it on the seams and collar;
- wrap the product in a terry towel to remove excess moisture;
- dissolve 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 250 ml of water and carefully distribute the liquid over the surface of the sweater;
- lay the product on the table and carefully stretch it;
- To fix the result you need to use an iron; steam the sweater through gauze.
This is an effective method that allows you to restore an item by 1-1.5 sizes. Do not iron the sweater directly. This will lead to its damage.
Conditioner or hair rinse
To stretch a natural wool sweater, you can use conditioner or hair rinse.
Mode of application:
- Soak the product in cool water.
- Apply hair rinse to the sweater, evenly saturating the fabric.
- Leave the product for 5 minutes to take effect.
- Pull the fabric in the desired direction.
- Rinse the product and lay it out to dry.
The conditioner makes the fabric soft and delicate, does not lead to the formation of pilling, and helps fluff up the fibers.
Steam treatment
Not every sweater can withstand ironing. A gentle method of stretching it is steam treatment. It is suitable for wool and combination fabrics. The effectiveness of the method is to increase the product by 1 size.
Mode of application:
stuff the sweater with fabric so that its fibers are taut;
- You can place one or more pillows inside;
- treat the item with a steam generator around the entire perimeter;
- special attention should be paid to seams;
- You can increase the tension manually.
When steaming is completed, the sweater is left in a taut position until it cools completely. If you immediately remove the stuffing from it, the fibers will return to their original position.
Not everyone has a steam generator in their home. In this case, you can slightly stretch the sweater in another way.
Several ways to stretch a shrunken sweater after washing in the video:
How to return the previous size of a woolen item?
Products made from natural wool require careful handling. Features of its processing:
- Do not wash or soak items in hot water. If you do not follow this recommendation, then all means will be ineffective and the product will remain shriveled. The maximum water temperature is 30 degrees.
Do not twist or wring out woolen items. This will cause it to stretch unevenly.
- The item must be turned inside out. Only after this can you start washing, steaming and stretching it.
- Do not dry the product by placing it on a radiator or in the sun. The sweater should dry naturally.
- Due to the influence of vinegar or turpentine, wool fibers lose strength. Therefore, you need to carefully control the force of their tension.
- The item is processed according to the manufacturer's recommendations, which are indicated on the product label.
It is much easier to stretch a wool sweater than a synthetic one. Natural fabrics are better susceptible to chemical agents, but they cannot withstand aggressive effects.
Read about the rules for washing wool sweaters in this article.
Will they help with dry cleaning?
If the product is expensive and you cannot cope with the problem on your own, you can resort to dry cleaning.
Professionals will carefully clean the product from existing contaminants and give it the desired shape.. This is done using special rollers or steam-air dummies.
The price depends on the complexity of the work performed. The minimum cost is 550 rubles.
How to prevent shrinkage?
To prevent the sweater from shrinking, you need to properly care for it. Basic recommendations:
- Choosing a detergent. It should not contain aggressive components or large amounts of surfactants. Preference is given to liquid formulations.
- Wash at a temperature no higher than 20-30 degrees.
- Refusal to spin. If the item was washed by hand, then you need to let the water drain on its own without twisting the fibers of the fabric.
Proper drying of the sweater is important. It is recommended to lay it out on a flat surface and protect it from exposure to high temperatures.
General rules for washing sweaters are discussed Here.
You can ruin a sweater quickly, with just one wrong wash. It will take much more time to restore the product.
You can return it to its original size and shape using inexpensive improvised means and proper drying.. If you cannot cope with the problem yourself, you need to turn to professionals.