Tips and do's and don'ts on how to wash a Kanken backpack (Fjallraven Kanken)
Fjallraven Kanken backpacks are stylish and fashionable products that are convenient to go to school, college, work and sports training. It is not surprising that during such active use the product quickly gets dirty.
To keep your backpack clean, it must be cleaned and washed properly. Illiterate actions can cause damage to a branded bag.
In this article we will tell you whether it is possible and how to properly wash a backpack Kanken (Fjallraven Kanken) by hand and in the washing machine.
Can it be done in the washing machine or by hand?
The Kanken backpack can only be cleaned by hand. Machine washable. Failure to follow this recommendation will result in damage to the product.
If you put it in an automatic wash, the fabric will wrinkle and fade.. As a result, even a new bag will look as if it has been actively used for several decades.
Organic-based dyes are used to give color to Kanken backpacks. They react sharply to aggressive detergents, including washing powders. Therefore, machine washing of such products is contraindicated.
In addition, the fabric will not tolerate active rotation of the drum and friction against its walls. After such a test, scuffs will definitely appear on the backpack. The Kanken backpack can only be washed by hand.
Washing rules
To wash a Kanken bag, the following algorithm of actions must be followed:
- Dissolve neutral soap in warm water. You can use a liquid product.If the soap is bar soap, then for better dissolution it is first grated.
- Remove all items from the product and check the pockets.
- Rinse it under running water to remove dust.
- Immerse the bag in the soapy solution and press lightly.
- Use your palms to gently move over the contaminated areas, paying attention to the handles, straps and bottom on the outside. It is these elements that get dirty more than others.
It is prohibited to treat the product with laundry soap or washing powder. The water temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees.
Cleaning compounds that are recommended for washing Kanken backpacks:
Pure Water Gel for washing dishes. The product has a unique formula that allows you to effectively combat stains even in cold water.
The gel rinses off easily and quickly, leaving no stains or streaks behind. The cost of 0.45 liters of detergent is 165 rubles.
- Dishwashing gel “Eared nanny”. This product contains the minimum possible amount of surfactants. It copes well with dirt even in cold water.
The gel is easily washed off and does not leave behind streaks or unpleasant odors. In addition to removing dirt, the backpack will be disinfected. The cost of 0.5 liters of gel is about 110 rubles.
- Ecover. This is an ecological detergent that does not contain fragrances, aggressive substances, or synthetic fragrances. Its pH level is 8.5. The gel carefully removes dirt without harming the fabric of the Kanken backpack. The cost of 1 liter of detergent is 360 rubles.
Any composition can be purchased in large stores, in the department with household chemicals or in online markets.
If the dirt on the backpack is minor, then it can be washed without soaking. To do this proceed as follows:
- dilute detergent in a bowl of water;
- moisten a sponge in it;
- treat the surface of the backpack with a soapy mixture, distributing it as evenly as possible;
- After 5 minutes, the product is rinsed in cool water and left to dry.
Dry cleaning
You can remove dust from your backpack using a vacuum cleaner.
Guide to action:
- remove all things from the backpack and its pockets - they can get into the hose and clog it;
- Plug in the vacuum cleaner and put on the wide nozzle;
- walk over the surface of the product with a brush, do not press it hard against the fabric;
- Vacuum the product from the inside by removing the nozzle.
If there are greasy stains on things, you can sprinkle them with starch or talcum powder before cleaning, lightly pressing the powder with your palm. After 2 hours, the fabric is vacuumed.
You can get rid of a single stain with a damp cloth. Use it to gently wipe away dirt without applying significant effort.
Drying Features
You need to dry your Kanken bag correctly. Basic recommendations to follow:
- After washing, the product is not twisted or wrung out. The water should drain on its own.
- When liquid stops dripping from the backpack, lay it out on a cloth on a flat surface.
- The product must dry in natural conditions.
- It is forbidden to dry the item in the sun. Ultraviolet light will cause the fabric to burn out.
- Do not place the bag on heating devices or place it near heat sources.
- Hot air is prohibited.
- Your backpack will dry out faster if you leave it in a room with low humidity and good ventilation.
Important Tips
To avoid spoiling its appearance when caring for your backpack, The following recommendations must be followed:
Before using the product for the first time, it must be rinsed in warm water or soaked for 30-60 minutes. This is done in order to wash off excess paint.
Otherwise, there is a risk of getting your clothes dirty in the places where they come into contact with the backpack. In addition, this procedure will give the vinylon fabric truly bright colors.
- The darker the color of the backpack, the more careful it should be treated when washing.
- Items must be washed when they become dirty. There are no recommendations in this regard.
- Do not try to smooth out creases and folds on the surface of the product. Some of them will come apart on their own during wear. Such stripes are a “sign of quality”. They indicate that the backpack is original and is indeed made of vinylon material.
- Sometimes after washing or during use, an unpleasant odor begins to emanate from the backpack. You can get rid of it without soaking. It is enough to put 3 small fabric bags with soda inside the product. They are worn for 3-4 days. During this time the smell should evaporate.
Despite certain difficulties in caring for Kanken backpacks, they have millions of fans around the world. Careful cleaning of the product, avoiding machine washing and proper selection of detergent – all this will allow you to preserve the attractive appearance of the bag for a long time.