How to properly wash a padding polyester pillow in a machine and by hand?
Washing all bedding, including synthetic padding pillows, is a must for maintaining the hygiene of your sleeping area.
During use, even synthetic padding accumulates sweat, dirt and dust. This creates favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms that can harm human health.
A good wash will help prevent this. About, how to wash a pillow correctly from padding polyester, we will tell you in the article.
Is it possible?
Sintepon is one of the first synthetic pillow fillers. It is still quite a popular option among artificial materials used for stuffing.
This widespread use is due to a number of advantages:
low weight with large volume;
- hypoallergenic;
- ease of care;
- Dries quite quickly;
- affordable low price;
- hygiene;
- ease of use;
- ventilation;
- safety.
A padding polyester pillow retains all these advantages throughout the entire specified service life (about 2 years) with proper maintenance, including regular washing and proper drying of the product.
Synthetic padding pillow It is necessary to wash up to two or three times a year. Washing more rarely makes the item unsafe for sleeping, and washing more frequently can lead to rapid wear of the product.
There is a simple way to find out whether a product is washable.. It is placed on a flat surface and a thick book is placed in the middle. After the weight is removed, the shape of the product should quickly return to its original shape.
If after removing the load it does not recover, we can conclude that the pillow has served its time and it is time to replace it.
When preparing for washing you must:
Make sure the composition of the filler.
- Stock up on liquid detergent.
- Study the labels (if any) that indicate the rules for caring for the product.
If there is any doubt about the composition of the filling, it is necessary to inspect the pillow itself. If there is a zipper on the cover, it should be unzipped to see the type of padding.
You can wash the pillow in a washing machine or by hand. Each method has its own characteristics.
If the pillow is not very dirty, and the cover itself has a zipper, then you can wash only it, having first removed the padding polyester.
Using a washing machine
Washing in a washing machine is much easier than washing by hand. It saves the owner time and effort, but requires careful attention.
Washing must be carried out in accordance with certain rules. These include the following:
- The mode in the automatic washing machine should be set to “delicate” (“synthetics”, “hand wash”), which will not spoil the stuffing.
Since the item has a significant volume, when the drum of the machine rotates, it can create an uneven load, which will affect the quality of processing.
To improve efficiency, it is advisable to place two pillows in the drum at a time.
- The water temperature for washing should not be higher than 30? C.This indicator can be increased to 40? C only if this is permitted by the manufacturer and indicated on the tag.
- The installed “extra rinse” will help to rinse out the detergent from the padding polyester thoroughly.
- After washing, the item is wrung out by hand through a terry towel that absorbs water well.
- Drying - outdoors.
Traditionally, the full operating cycle of a washing machine includes spinning. Avoiding spinning in the washing machine will extend the life of the pillow.
In this case, it will be impossible to return the product to its original appearance and elasticity of the padding. In addition, it will still not be possible to completely dry the pillow using a machine spin.
Work order:
the pillow is placed in a special laundry bag;
- it is necessary to moisten the pillow itself before placing it in the drum;
- Tennis balls or those specially designed for washing are added to the drum;
- liquid detergent is poured;
- a delicate mode is established;
- “extra rinse” is selected.
The spin speed, if it is not possible to refuse it, should not be higher than 400-500.
With this approach, it is necessary to prepare a large container in advance, for example, a basin. Operating procedure:
- Warm water is poured into a basin or bathtub.
- Dilute liquid detergent in water.
- The pillow is carefully lowered into the water so that it is completely submerged.
- Periodically, the pillow needs to be turned over, but without vigorous effort.
- After standing for a quarter of an hour, the product is taken out and squeezed out without applying significant effort.
- The next stage is rinsing. This must be done several times to completely remove any remaining detergent.
- As with machine processing, the pillow is wrung out through a large terry towel.
Features of drying products with padding polyester filler
Proper drying is a necessary condition, the fulfillment of which will help preserve the appearance of the product. Otherwise, even with proper washing, the result will not meet expectations.
It is important that the pillow dries evenly. You can use a dryer to place the washed item on.. This will ensure air access from all sides.
During the drying process, the product must be periodically whipped and turned over so that the filling does not cake. It is advisable to do this every 2-3 hours.
If immediately after washing the filling turns out to be knocked down and deformed, you need to wait until the item dries and only then try to straighten it.
Drying outdoors in the shade is the best option., ensuring good drying of the product.
Work on mistakes
If the padding polyester inside the pillow has become loose as a result of improper washing, you can try to correct the situation.
The following recommendations will help:
- You can “walk” over the surface of a pillow that is not completely dry with a vacuum cleaner to redistribute the stuffing;
- shake the pillow, beat its contents;
- Try to straighten the padding polyester through the cover with your hands.
If an old pillow that has already become unusable has been washed, it will not be possible to restore its shape. The product should be replaced.
9 “don’ts” you need to remember
Regardless of the chosen method of washing a pillow, it is important to follow the rules that will help clean the item without losing its quality.
Such recommendations include the following prohibitions and warnings:
Do not use excessive force.
- It is forbidden to spin at high speeds or with significant force.
- Do not use hot (above 40°C) water.
- Do not resort to prolonged soaking.
- Do not rinse lightly, otherwise particles of powder will remain on the item.
- Do not use regular dry washing powder.
- Do not dry items near an open fire or directly on heating appliances.
- Do not use bleaches containing chlorine - they can damage the padding polyester.
- It is forbidden to hang the item while drying. This will increase the likelihood of the filler moving to one edge.
Taking into account all the recommendations given, you can easily wash the pillow yourself at home.
With regular, proper washing, the item will always be clean. and will retain all its performance qualities and appearance for a long time.