Answers to the questions: is it possible to wash Adidas sneakers in a washing machine and by hand, how to do it correctly?
Adidas sneakers are branded high-quality shoes from a well-known manufacturer. However, like any other sports pair, they tend to get dirty.
To get rid of dirt and not spoil the appearance of an expensive product, you need to know the basic rules of care. Following them will allow you to keep your shoes clean without much effort.
Find out right now how to wash sneakers Adidas in the washing machine and by hand.
Are Adidas shoes allowed to be washed?
The sneaker manufacturer Adidas is confident in the quality of its products, so it allows shoes to be washed automatically. However, not all pairs can be loaded into the washing machine.
It is prohibited to machine wash the following pairs:
- shoes with visible defects: with loose seams, burst soles, protruding foam rubber, etc.;
- leather sneakers And suede;
- products with a large number of decorative elements. They may come off during the washing process.
Be careful when loading shoes with multi-colored stripes into the washing machine. They fade when in contact with water and detergents.
Hand washing is the main type of care for Adidas sports shoes. All shoes are subject to such cleaning, regardless of the type of material used to make them.
The manufacturer recommends, if possible, limiting contact with water for suede pairs, as stains and streaks may remain on them.
Before you start processing your shoes, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for caring for them.. They can be listed in the insert, which is located in the branded box, or on a label located inside the sneakers.
How to wash in an automatic washing machine?
Machine washing sneakers requires preliminary preparation. You cannot immediately load Adidas sneakers into the drum and wash them in any mode.
There are a number of rules, including:
- Preparing shoes. First you need to unlace it, remove the laces and insoles.
- Cleaning the soles. Sneakers knock the pads against each other to knock down large debris. Pebbles and gravel stuck in the protectors are removed using a knitting needle or knife. Then the sole is washed under running water. You can additionally use a toothbrush and soap.
- Selecting a detergent. You need to use liquid powders or gel capsules. They dissolve well in cool water and are easy to rinse. This is especially true for short-term washing of sneakers.
- Selecting a washing program. Some models of washing machines have a built-in program called “sports shoes”. If it is not there, then the pair can be washed in the “silk”, “delicate wash”, “gentle wash” mode.
- Manual setup of equipment. Some users prefer to independently regulate the operating mode of the machine. In this case, the temperature is set to 30 degrees, and the spin is turned off. The time the pair spends in the drum should be kept to a minimum. The optimal washing duration is 30 minutes.
When all preparatory activities are completed, you can start washing.
Algorithm for its implementation:
Plug in the device and pour detergent into the special compartment.
- Load the sneakers into the washing machine. You can also place some unnecessary fabric there, for example, an old towel.
It will act as a counterweight for the shoes and reduce their impact on the inside of the drum.
- Turn on the selected program and wait for the cycle to complete.
- Remove the steam from the washing machine and let it drain.
- Dry your shoes at room temperature.
If you hear an unusual knocking sound during washing, you should not be alarmed. The sounds are caused by the sole hitting the drum.
This video will show you how to wash Adidas sneakers in a washing machine:
Using the bag
Adidas sneakers will be less susceptible to wear and tear during machine washing if you place them in special bag. It is a mesh that is secured with laces or a zipper.
Inside the product there may be a partition and shock-absorbing foam inserts. The cost of such a product starts from 200 rubles.
Handwash is a priority for Adidas sneakers, as it contributes less to their wear. This treatment allows for targeted removal of dirt without affecting clean areas of the shoe. Hand washing can be done with or without soaking.
Step-by-step algorithm of actions:
The preparatory stage is no different from washing shoes in a machine.The pair is unlaced, the insoles are removed, and the soles are washed.
- Separately prepare a concentrated soap solution.
- Dip an old toothbrush into it and use it to clean contaminated areas until the desired result is obtained.
- If the problem cannot be solved, the pair is soaked. It is placed in a soap solution for 10-15 minutes, after which it is brushed again.
- The end of the wash is rinsing in running water.
- Dry shoes in natural conditions.
Even if the pair is very wet, it should not be twisted in an attempt to get rid of excess water.. The shoes are placed on a wire rack, with emphasis on the heels, so that the liquid drains away on its own.
Many sneakers are equipped with mesh. Its manual processing raises a number of questions. In fact, dealing with stains on fabric is easy.
Drying rules
It is not enough to wash your Adidas sneakers properly. They need to be dried properly. To do this, you must follow the following rules:
do not place the steam to dry on heating radiators or near a gas stove that is on;
- do not use hot air for drying, the source of which is a hair dryer or heat gun;
- protect the pair from direct sunlight - because of this, the fabric may fade, turn yellow, and the sole may become deformed;
- the tongues of the sneakers need to be raised up to ensure better air circulation;
- You can lace up shoes and insert insoles into them only after complete drying;
- sneakers are not hung by the backs, and clothespins are not used for this purpose - this method of drying can cause loss of shape.
Speed up drying process You can do this by stuffing your sneakers with light fabric or white paper. As they become moistened, the filler needs to be changed.
Drying time under optimal conditions cannot be less than a day. Most often, the process lasts for 2-3 days.
Important Tips
To ensure that washing Adidas sneakers is effective and does not harm the product, The following recommendations must be followed:
Do not use fabric softener to wash sneakers. It is unknown how shoes will react to contact with such compounds.
- Do not use products containing chlorine or other aggressive bleaches for washing products.
- Colored shoes cannot be washed with detergents intended for the care of white fabrics.
- It is not recommended to load more than 2 sports pairs into the drum. They must be in the same color scheme.
- You should not rub suede shoes too hard to prevent “bald patches” from appearing on them.
Leather shoes are rarely washed completely. Most often, superficial care is enough for her.
Adidas sneakers can be washed either automatically or manually. To ensure that shoes do not lose their presentable appearance, the treatment should be as gentle as possible., observing the temperature regime and proper selection of detergent.
This will allow you to keep your sports pair clean and use it for a long time.