Is it possible and how to properly wash socks and panties together in a washing machine?
Socks and underpants are the items that most people wash daily. Therefore, a logical question is the possibility of their simultaneous processing.
However, doubts immediately arise whether such a procedure is hygienic and whether it will lead to undesirable consequences. There are several points of view on this matter, each of which is completely justified.
Let's see if it's possible wash socks and panties together in the washing machine.
Is it worth it?
Doubts about the possibility of washing underwear and socks at the same time do not arise out of nowhere.
They are based on the following facts:
Hygienic aspect. A person walks on the floor in socks, so pathogenic flora settles on them, which should normally be absent on underwear.
On the contrary, there may be germs on panties that would never get on socks under natural conditions.
- Fabric difference. Most often, panties are made from delicate materials, and socks from coarse fiber. Therefore, choosing the optimal washing mode will be problematic.
At the same time, wool socks are not washed at high temperatures, and cotton underwear, on the contrary, is recommended to be processed at 60-90 degrees.
- The appearance of pellets. Washing underwear with other things causes lint to appear on it. They can cause some inconvenience while wearing, and also worsen the appearance of the products.
- Probability of damage to panties. Lace underwear may not tolerate contact with rhinestones, stripes and other elements that are often decorated with modern socks.
It is these arguments that cause people to doubt the possibility of washing socks and panties together.
When is it permissible?
You can wash items in the washing machine at the same time only if the socks have never been worn before. Or a person wore them for a short period of time, and they are slightly dirty. In this case, the products must be the same color.
Lace underwear is washed in the “delicate” mode, or in the “silk” program. Socks are subjected to more intensive processing. Gentle modes may simply not cope with contamination.
In addition, cool water will not be able to destroy pathogenic flora, which can transfer from socks to underwear.
When exactly is it not possible?
There are several situations in which simultaneous washing is unacceptable:
children's things are processed;
- fabrics cannot withstand washing at 40-50 degrees or higher;
- there are serious contaminants on the socks, for example, fuel oil;
- products have different colors - do not wash colored, black and white items together;
- a person wearing panties and socks is sick with infectious diseases.
Ignoring these prohibitions can lead to product damage and even health problems.
Machine washable
If you decide to wash your panties and socks in the washing machine at the same time, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:
- Socks are cleaned of all visible dirt. This can be hair, wool, sand and other debris. Then they need to be turned inside out.
- If there are serious stains on your socks or panties, they require pre-soaking in soapy water.
- If possible, panties and socks are packed in special covers. They are represented by small meshes that are secured with a zipper or laces. If there are no such devices in the house, then the products are loaded into the drum without them.
- Detergent is poured or poured into the washing machine.
- Select the appropriate washing mode and turn it on.
- After processing is completed, the products are removed from the drum and sent to dry.
You need to choose the program that is suitable for a specific type of fabric.
Drying Features
Dry underwear and socks in natural conditions. Colored and black fabrics do not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. Because of them they become pale.
White items should not be placed near heat sources or on radiators. This is hello to the formation of yellow stains. You should not hang items overlapping on a rope, so as not to delay the drying process.
If things are at room temperature in a dry room with a normal level of humidity, then drying them will take no more than 2-3 hours (subject to preliminary spinning).
After washing underwear and socks at the same time, it is recommended to iron them.
Important Tips
To ensure that hosiery and underwear are washed without losing their quality, The following recommendations must be followed:
- Sort laundry by color before washing.
- Carefully study the manufacturer's advice. They are presented on the labels of each item. This applies to temperature and spin.
- Use detergent compositions that are suitable for caring for specific products.
You should not load laundry into the machine if the label contains information about the inadmissibility of automatic washing.
Not all housewives wash panties and socks together in an automatic washing machine. In some cases, it is indeed better to refuse such a procedure.
However if there are no “contraindications” to washing together, you can try to save time by processing underwear and hosiery separately. This is theoretically possible, but in practice it does not happen very often.