Important rules on how to wash clothes for newborns
Caring for a newborn's clothes must be carried out in compliance with clear rules.
Not only the appearance of things, but also the health of the baby depends on following them.
We’ll tell you in this article how to properly wash clothes for newborns in an automatic washing machine and by hand, and how to dry and iron your baby’s clothes.
- Features of washing clothes
- The better: top 3 household products
- In an automatic washing machine: on what mode, at what temperature?
- Manually
- In front of the maternity hospital
- Do new clothes need treatment before wearing them for the first time?
- How often?
- Diapers
- Removing difficult stains
- Proper drying
- How to iron?
- 12 recommendations
- Video on the topic
- Conclusion
Features of washing clothes
You can wash babies' clothes by hand or in a machine. Manual processing allows you to cope with the task optimally, but requires a lot of time and effort. Washing by hand can be done not only with modern detergents, but also with regular baby soap.
This method has many advantages:
- minimum chemistry;
- no odor;
- maintaining the softness of the material;
- inclusion of natural ingredients;
- hypoallergenic;
- availability;
- delicate attitude towards fabric.
You can treat a newborn's things using soap shavings, and wash away dirt with bar soap. But this option is not suitable for a washing machine, and Requires the use of baby detergents, suitable for automatic washing.
If you choose which wash is the most hygienic, then machine washing is inferior in this matter to manual processing.For hand washing a newborn's clothes, it is recommended to allocate a separate basin.
You will find general rules for washing children's clothes Here.
The better: top 3 household products
A wide range of washing gels and powders allows you to find among all the variety ones aimed directly at children's underwear. They must have an appropriate indication on the packaging about this.
One of the main requirements is that the selected powder must be phosphate-free.
Video review of baby laundry detergents:
"Eared Nanny"
TM Ushasty Nyan presents a large list of products suitable for washing clothes for children and newborns. The cost of packaging 4.5 kg of powder reaches 1,000 rubles. Gel 1.2 l. – costs about 500 rubles, bar soap – from 35 rubles for 1 piece.
Domal "Baby"
Gel TM Domal is produced in Germany. It is intended for washing clothes of newborns from birth, it is hypoallergenic. The product has passed all necessary inspections and tests confirming the safety of the product. A 750 ml package costs about 500 rubles.
"The world of childhood"
This is natural soap powder produced in the Russian Federation. It is designed for washing clothes of a newborn baby. This is a hypoallergenic product with disinfectant and antibacterial properties.
The powder form is based on natural soap shavings. A gel is also available, the cost of the bottle is 0.75 liters. - about 200 rubles.
In an automatic washing machine: on what mode, at what temperature?
Automatic washing should be carried out on the “Baby Clothes” or “Children’s Clothes” mode.In this case, the temperature is set to the maximum, up to +90? C, and the rinsing is more thorough than with other modes.
It is also necessary to set up an additional rinse. If the fabric is thin and light, the temperature can be set lower, but not less than +40? C.
Work order:
- If there are difficult stains on your clothes, it is better to wash them in advance.
Fasten, if any, buttons on clothes.
- Place items in the washing machine drum. It is advisable that the load is not full - this will allow you to better wash all the products.
- Pour powder or gel into the detergent container.
- Select a mode designed for washing children's clothes. If it is not there, make settings according to the type of fabric.
- Adjust the water heating temperature.
- Set additional rinse.
- Start the washing process.
After the end of the washing cycle, items are hung out to dry without leaving them in the washing machine for a long time.
Hand washing should be done at a sufficiently high temperature. You can use hot water at a tolerable temperature or wear two gloves on both hands - cotton and rubber.
- Washing powder or grated baby soap is diluted in prepared water.
- Dip children's clothes into soapy water.
- If there are stained areas on things, they should be treated separately (soap and rub).
- For better washing, it is advisable to soak things for at least 15 minutes.
- Rub your hands after soaking, paying attention to areas with stains.
- Drain the soapy water.
- Rinse things, changing the water at least 3 times.
In front of the maternity hospital
When preparing things for the baby before the maternity hospital, you should inspect and wash them. This is necessary both for new things and for those passed down from older children. You can wash the first items by hand or use a machine for this.
To do this, you must comply with all requirements for the care of children's clothing, including:
- washing using products approved for newborns;
- thorough rinsing;
- ironing on both sides;
- storage after processing in a closed cellophane bag.
It is important to choose things made from natural materials, even if they are inferior in beauty to their synthetic counterparts. For the health of the newborn, all products must be made from hypoallergenic materials.
Do new clothes need treatment before wearing them for the first time?
New clothes for a newborn must be washed. Labels, tags and stickers are first removed from them.
Before getting into the hands of a young mother, diapers and baby vests go a long way:
- they manage to be in the hands of those who make fabric and sew clothes, sellers, warehouse workers, and other buyers;
- products may retain traces of dyes;
- many fabrics are treated against caking and mold with chemicals, starch, etc.
How often?
Baby's clothes need careful and frequent washing.. It is necessary to replace things as they become dirty, even if it is, for example, a small stain after regurgitation.
Another rule in caring for newborns is changing clothes after bathing. This must be done even when the previous set appears clean.
No matter how many things a young mother has in her arsenal, children’s dirty laundry should not be accumulated, as it becomes a breeding ground for the development of bacteria.
It is advisable to do laundry daily. Bed linen should be replaced every 2 days or more often if it becomes dirty of any kind. Clothes - at least once a day.
Diapers are the baby's first clothing. Proper organization of their washing will maintain hygiene and save mom’s time.
Choosing how best to cope with a task, using a machine or with your hands, the following points must be taken into account:
- Automatic washing saves time;
- things come out of the machine almost dry, since the spin cycle is much better than when washing by hand;
- manual processing allows you to use any detergent for washing children's things, and only special preparations can be used in the machine.
In an automatic machine, it is advisable to carry out high-quality washing at a temperature of at least +60? C on the main “Children's clothing” mode. As an option, wash using the “manual” mode or taking into account the type of material.
Procedure for hand washing diapers:
Rinse the diapers under running water to remove any major dirt and rinse out any urine.
- Prepare a solution based on hot water and soap shavings or powder.
- Soak things.
- Leave them for a quarter of an hour.
- Rub and mash.
- Rinse with multiple water changes.
Since diapers are wearable clothing, it is necessary for a newborn to iron them. The most important thing is to treat the inside, which is in direct contact with the baby’s skin.
Removing difficult stains
Stains on babies' clothes can be washed only with products that are harmless to the newborn. Products containing chlorine and substances that create a visual whiteness effect are prohibited..
Hydrogen peroxide has proven itself as a stain remover from children's clothing. thanks to the following qualities:
- disinfection of matter from microbes;
- removal of a large list of contaminants;
- good rinsing from the material;
- safe for children's skin.
Contamination of newborn clothes is predominantly biological in origin. Therefore, it is quite possible to wash them without complex stain removers, which are also not safe for the baby.
If you don't let stains dry, it will be much easier to deal with them. even with simple soap.
Washing diapers and onesies from feces must be done after the items have been washed under cold water.
After this, you can prepare a solution for soaking:
- For 3 l. hot water you need 2 tbsp. l. soda
- The solution is stirred.
- Soak clothes for 1-1.5 hours.
- Rinse.
- Wash in the usual way.
Additionally, it is possible to sprinkle the stained area with baking soda and moisten it with vinegar.The chemical reaction of these components will allow for better removal of stains.
Another way is to soap the stain with baby soap and then soak it in hot water for a couple of hours. Finish by machine washing at high temperature.
Urine stains on diapers can be removed using baking soda, ammonia or vinegar.
- The spots are treated with one of the preparations. If you choose soda, you must first moisten the dry cloth.
- Set aside for 15-30 minutes.
- Wash as usual.
Spit marks
Fresh marks from regurgitation can be washed away well with baby soap. If the stains have become old, they can be treated with a soda solution.
Milk stains can be difficult to remove without first soaking.. It is advisable not to let them dry out and be absorbed deep into the fibers.
The stain remover from the “Eared Nanny” series will help you deal with stains from breast milk or baby formula. Thorough soaping with Stork soap will also help.
Baby cream
Greasy stains from the cream that was used to lubricate the folds for diaper rash can also leave marks on the baby’s underwear. They can be removed with baking soda or baby powder.
- place a clean towel under the stained area;
- Sprinkle the stain with baby powder or baking soda;
- place a sheet of white writing paper on top;
- turned inside out;
- iron the area with the stain - the heat will stimulate the absorption of fat into the bulk product.
With old greasy marks, this method may not be effective.
Proper drying
After washing, the baby’s clothes are wrung out and placed in one pile. The best place to dry children's things is outdoors.. This is especially important when items are not wrung out well enough after hand washing. After the machine, the products are removed from the drum almost dry.
If drying is carried out in a damp place, then the clothes will not only remain damp for a long time, but can also become a breeding ground for mold and other pathogens.
If your washing machine has a drying function, you can use it.
- Drying clothes outside is preferable to drying them in an apartment. But for polluted areas of the city, it would be better to organize drying in an apartment.
- Heaters and other heating devices will help dry things faster by providing heat sources.
In this case, it is necessary to adhere to fire and electrical safety rules, placing children's clothing not on the devices themselves.
Only completely dry items can be sent for storage.
How to iron?
It is necessary to iron the clothes of a newborn in the first month of life on both sides. Use a hot iron for this.
Steam treatment during ironing serves for additional disinfection. After processing, all ironed clothing is placed in a plastic bag or fabric cover.
12 recommendations
Carry out washing of the newborn's clothes according to all the rules The following recommendations will help:
- The detergent must be approved for the care of newborn clothes.
- The presence of fragrances and optical brighteners in laundry detergents is not advisable.
- If you need to squeeze things out better after washing, then a washing machine will do the job best. It is more difficult to wring out laundry with your hands.
When washing automatically, you cannot use regular soap, only gel or powder.
- A washing machine saves time and makes work easier.
- It is necessary to wash the clothes of a newborn separately from the clothes of adult family members. This rule applies to things of children under 1-1.5 years old.
- Before washing, all children's things must be sorted by color and type of fabric.
- Removing stains must be completed by washing the entire item.
- Bleach and conditioners should not be used on a newborn's clothes.
- After washing, you need to rinse things very thoroughly.
- Warm underwear for newborns should be steamed before use.
- Before washing, soiled children's clothes should be kept separate from adults. To do this, you need to provide them with a separate basket for dirty laundry or put them in a separate basin.
Video on the topic
How to wash children's clothes, video tips:
Washing clothes for a newborn is significantly different from washing clothes and bedding for older children. Compliance with all the rules for caring for a baby’s things will help keep the items clean and keep them safe for the baby.