Tips and tricks on how to remove red wine stains from white clothes

foto11201-1Red wine stains on white dressy clothes are not such a rare occurrence after events with a feast. Such traces are complex stains, and it can be very difficult to deal with them.

In order not to spoil the item, you need to act carefully, adhering to time-tested recipes and recommendations of experts.

Let's take a closer look at how to remove red wine stains from white clothes and fabrics.

What to do with fresh stains on fabric?

foto11201-2Traces from red wine are persistent, as they are formed due to the penetration of pigments into the fibers, which are responsible for the rich hue of the drink.

In cases where the contents of the glass only got onto the white fabric, it is necessary to prevent excessive absorption of the drink into the fibers.

For this purpose Napkins are suitable for blotting up spilled wine.. In this case, it is necessary to avoid rubbing and driving movements.

If possible, the affected clothing should be washed immediately, trying to wash off the bright liquid from the material. The best option is to place the stained area under running water. The earlier washing was started, the higher the chances of success.

Using kitchen salt will help remove stains that have not yet dried.. To do this you need:

  1. Sprinkle the stained area with salt. If it is already dry, moisten it first.
  2. Rub lightly.
  3. Allow the time necessary for the dye to be absorbed into the salt crystals.
  4. Wash off any remaining residue with water.
  5. Wash.
You can try to wash the stained area with laundry soap. The stain should be lightly moistened. The fabric is soaped and rubbed lightly. Afterwards, wash off with water and wash.

To achieve the effect, the washing process should be repeated several times. Read about the rules for washing white clothes in this section.

Home Recipes to Remove Marks

In cases where wine stains have already been absorbed and dried out, it will be more difficult to deal with them. Wine stains on a light background are very noticeable, but a white item that is easily soiled allows you to use stain removers that cannot be used on colored clothing.


foto11201-3For removing red wine stains you can use vodka or regular alcohol.

To do this, moisten the wine trail with the chosen product and leave for no more than 10 minutes. After this, the item is rinsed and washed as usual.

To remove stains from wine, you cannot use tinctures, cologne and other liquids containing alcohol, as they themselves can lead to the appearance of stains.

Turpentine and ammonia

One of the most powerful agents is considered to be a mixture of the following components:

  • turpentine (1 tbsp.);
  • ammonia (2 tbsp.);
  • dishwashing detergent (10 tbsp).

Operating procedure:

  1. Mix all ingredients in prepared container.
  2. Using a napkin, treat the stain.
  3. Rinse.
  4. Wash.


Sparkling water without flavorings or dyes is the remedy that will help deal with bright wine stains.

If you pour mineral water on a fresh stain, it will begin to disappear right before your eyes.This method works most effectively on only existing stains.

Glycerin, alcohol and ammonia

foto11201-4This recipe will help save not only a white shirt, but also things that are prohibited from being washed by the manufacturer.

To prepare the cleaning mixture you will need:

  • alcohol (3 tbsp);
  • glycerin (1 tbsp.);
  • ammonia (1 tbsp).


  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Using a napkin or swab, gently moisten the stain.
  3. After the entire area has been treated, it is necessary to wait for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the remaining composition. To do this, it is recommended to use a damp cloth.

If the item treated for stains is allowed to be washed, this can be done immediately after removing the stain.


Acetic acid will help remove stains, even difficult ones, from delicate materials. To clean things, you can use table vinegar and a sponge..

The treatment should be carried out for as long as necessary to completely remove the coloring pigment from the fabric.


To make a homemade stain remover it is necessary to dilute ?-1 tsp in a glass of water. ammonia.

Using a sponge or sponge (if the stain is very small in size), you need to carefully treat the wine stain. The final stage is rinsing with water and a full wash.


Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are highly effective in removing wine stains, even when used alone. But when used simultaneously, an even better result is achieved.


  1. Pour 250 ml of water into a bowl.
  2. Add 1 tsp. ammonia.
  3. Add 1 tsp. peroxide.
  4. Stir.
  5. Using a sponge or sponge, treat dirt.
  6. Set the item aside for 5 minutes.
  7. Rinse.

If the recipe does not help 100%, the treatment can be repeated.

Lemon acid

The action of citric acid, like acetic acid, can remove stains from white fabric. To treat wine marks Not only acid granules can be used, but also freshly squeezed lemon juice.

If citric acid is used, then pour the contents of the bag onto the wine stain moistened with water. When applying juice, you do not need to wet the stained area with water, but immediately squeeze the juice directly onto the affected area.

After waiting 15 minutes, the item is rinsed. If the result is not satisfactory, the processing process is repeated. The acid exposure time can be increased to several hours if we are talking about dense cotton materials. For delicate products, long-term aging is not advisable.


A non-standard way to overcome stains is to use milk. But this option is only suitable for cotton fabrics that are not afraid of boiling.

foto11201-6To remove a wine trace you need:

  1. Boil the milk.
  2. reduce heat.
  3. Dip the cloth into the liquid.
  4. Boil for 40-50 minutes.
  5. Cool.
  6. Extend.

Soda and vinegar

To remove a wine stain, you need to do the following:

  • straighten the soiled fabric on a horizontal surface;
  • sprinkle the wine stain with soda;
  • carefully, using a teaspoon, pour vinegar over the stain;
  • after the end of the reaction, the item must be shaken off;
  • wash.

Top 3 household chemicals

Household chemicals for difficult wine stains should be used in accordance with the instructions for the specific product. They will help both with fresh stains and with dried ones.


Several types of products are produced under the name Antipyatin:

  • soap;
  • spray;
  • powder.
The downside of the product is the specific, not very pleasant smell of the detergent.The advantage is ease of use and affordable cost - about 45 rubles per bar of soap. Manufacturer - Russian Federation.

Advantages of use:

  • Antipyatin is effective even at low temperatures;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • Suitable for hand washing.

It is recommended to treat the stain with Antipyatin immediately before washing.


Vanish stain remover

Liquid bleach and stain remover from Vanish has the following list of advantages:

  1. Does not contain chlorine.
  2. Safe for white items.
  3. Removes stubborn stains.
  4. Can be used to clean any fabrics, including delicate ones.
  5. Shows effectiveness at any temperature.
The product is aimed directly at white items and contains whitening and stain removing components. Contains up to 5% oxygen-containing bleach.

Vanish can be used in several ways:

  • for pre-treatment of wine-stained areas;
  • to enhance the action of the detergent during the main wash cycle (the volume of one measuring cap is sufficient for one load);
  • for soaking.

In a situation where an item is stained with wine, you should start by treating the stain with Vanish. The gel is applied to the desired location and rubbed in lightly. The manufacturer recommends rubbing the bottom of the packaging cap. The cost of the bottle is about 300 rubles per 1 liter.


Remove it

The product for removing stains from fabric is available in 125 ml bottles. It is intended for removing red wine, juices and carbonated drinks. The cost per bottle is quite high - about 800 rubles. Manufacturer – UK.

The drug is a professional stain remover, which is suitable even for treating delicate fabrics.It can be used to clean wine-stained upholstered furniture and household textiles.

The product is sprayed onto the stain, until it is lightly moistened, and rubbed lightly using a loose brush or terry cloth. Movements should be gentle, directed from the edges to the center of the spot. After dissolving the stain, the item is washed in warm water.


7 recommendations to help

Stains must be removed carefully. The following recommendations will help facilitate the process:

  1. All stain removal work must be carried out with rubber gloves.
  2. Do not exceed the dosage of drugs indicated in the prescriptions, and also independently increase the exposure time.
  3. You should not dry the item before the wine is removed, otherwise it will be much more difficult to deal with it.
  4. Before using a stain removal recipe, it is advisable to test the composition on an inconspicuous area.
  5. Homemade recipes help to cope with the problem of stains if no more than a few hours have passed, stain removers - when no more than half a day has passed. In other cases, the result may not be satisfactory - with the trace of wine remaining.
  6. It is not always possible to completely remove old wine stains at home. In this case, the solution is to go to dry cleaning.
  7. When removing stains from fabric, it is necessary to place the item itself horizontally so that the material is in one layer. If this requirement is neglected, the wine may transfer to the clean area underneath the dirty one.
In addition to red wine stains, it is also necessary to treat stains left by white wine and other drinks. Even if such spots seem almost invisible at first, over time they can become more pronounced.

Video on the topic

This video will show you how to remove a red wine stain from fabric:


A red wine stain on a white fabric is not a reason to throw the item away. If you start removing it without delay, then there is a high chance of correcting the situation completely.


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