Simple instructions on where to add washing gel in the washing machine
Increasingly, experienced housewives are choosing washing gel instead of traditional washing powders. And it’s clear why: the gel-like product dissolves faster in water, has a gentler effect on fabric fibers, preserving their structure and color, is environmentally friendly in composition, and is economical in consumption.
When buying washing gel, it is very important to familiarize yourself in advance with information about how, where exactly and how much detergent you need to pour in order to get perfectly washed clothes.
Where to add liquid powder?
The powder tray in the washing machine is divided into three compartments, each of which is marked with a Roman numeral or letter. The pre-wash compartment is marked with the letter A or the Roman numeral I. The smallest, narrow tray marked with an asterisk, the letter C or the number III is required for the conditioner.
Depending on the washing machine model, The shape and location of the compartment - the receiver of liquid detergents - may differ:
The powder receptacle in Electrolux washing machines consists of three compartments. The manufacturer's instructions clearly state that liquid detergent can only be poured into a compartment with a special flap (located in the middle).
- The standard tray in a Bosh washing machine also has three compartments. The gel is poured into the compartment marked with number II.
- The powder receptacle of the Samsung washing machine is divided into three compartments.The first is intended for bulk powders. The second compartment, located in the middle, is equipped with a special dispenser necessary for liquid, gel-like detergent compositions.
- The Hotpoint washing machine features a semi-circular powder receptacle. According to the manufacturer's instructions, gels are poured into the far right compartment.
- The Atlant washing machine is equipped with a powder receptacle with an additional bleach tray. According to the instructions, before pouring the gel-like product into the compartment, you must install a special curtain-flap.
- The Miele washing machine features a very convenient powder receptacle with a smart dosing function. This means that the washing machine itself will take as much detergent as necessary according to the set washing program and load level. Also, the powder receptacle, in addition to the main three compartments, is equipped with a special tray for capsules.
Is it possible inside the drum?
Most manufacturers sell a special dispenser container complete with the gel. You can measure the required amount of detergent composition into it and place it in the washing machine drum.
There are several advantages of using a dispenser container:
- the gel begins to work immediately after filling the drum with water;
- the detergent does not remain at the bottom of the powder receptacle after washing (a similar situation is possible with low water pressure);
- Like laundry balls, the gel dispenser container helps improve the wash quality woolen, knitted, knitwear.
In the absence of a special dispenser, some detergent manufacturers allow you to pour the gel directly into the drum onto your clothes (check the label for exact information). At the rinsing stage, the detergent is perfectly washed out of the fabric without leaving streaks.
What happens if you pour it in the wrong place?
The operating instructions for the washing machine clearly state the recommendations for using liquid detergents.
What happens if you break them:
- Washing gel has been mistakenly poured into the pre-wash compartment. In this situation, nothing bad will happen; the detergent will simply remain in the powder receptacle compartment.
- The gel is poured into the conditioner rinse aid compartment (the tray is marked with an asterisk). You shouldn’t do this, the washing machine will start using detergent only in the rinse mode and the clothes will remain soapy after washing.
How and how much?
The manufacturer always indicates on the label how and how much detergent to pour into the washing machine.
Often 150 ml of liquid product is enough for one full load. If the detergent is concentrated, then you can use it in smaller quantities.
The gel-like product is poured into a special powder receptacle compartment or a dispenser is used, which is loaded directly into the drum of the washing machine.
If you use gel for washing white things with bleaching components, you cannot pour it directly into the washing machine tank. Otherwise, whitish spots or streaks may appear on the clothes.
Some tips for proper use products will help you achieve perfect washing results:
- Do not pour gel into several cells at the same time (excessive amounts of detergent negatively affect the quality of washing).
- Thick concentrated washing gels are slightly diluted with water before use. This way the product will not remain on the walls of the powder receptacle.
- You cannot pour gel into the washing machine compartment if dry powder is already poured there. When different substances interact, an unexpected reaction may occur.
- If there are complex, old stains on the clothes, before placing them in the washing machine drum, they must be treated with gel and left for ten minutes. Afterwards the clothes are sent to the main wash.
The most important and useful information about washing gels is presented in this section.
By following simple recommendations for using the gel, you can always count on high quality washing.