Secrets of florists on how to keep a bouquet of fresh flowers in a vase fresh longer

foto52355-1A bouquet of flowers is a source of good mood and inspiration. Buying it or receiving it as a gift, you really want to keep such beauty longer.

In order for the bouquet to please the eye for more than one day, it is necessary to properly care for it, using the advice and recommendations of florists.

We'll tell you in this article how to preserve a bouquet of flowers in a vase for as long as possible.

Why do they wither quickly?

When buying a bouquet, you need to immediately evaluate its freshness and appearance.. Like other plants, flowers receive moisture and nutrients through their roots. When cut, this supply is disrupted. As a result, the stems and flower heads lose their vigor as they cannot develop as before.

Cut plants remain fresh without water for only a short time. Without receiving moisture, they gradually lose their appearance and begin to wither as fluid loss occurs. The situation is further aggravated by a contrasting change in temperature, for example, when taking a bouquet out of a warm room into the cold.

Proper care and placing the bouquet in favorable conditions can slow down the process of plant deterioration. The faster this is done, the better the flowers will be preserved.

How to store?

Only a fresh bouquet that has not yet begun to fade can be preserved for a long time. Plants should be inspected at the time of purchase. Flowers should not show signs of wilting.

Preparation of cut plants

A bouquet brought home must be immediately freed from packaging material.. Leaves located at the bottom of the stem, as well as broken ones, are best removed.

Selection of capacity

foto52355-2The vase must match the bouquet in both size and design. Too small will be unstable. Flowers from such a vessel may fall, and the stems may bend.

Large vessels with a wide neck are designed for lush bouquets. If there are few flowers, the composition in such a vase will look lonely.

Glass and ceramics are the most popular materials chosen for vases.. The downside of transparent glass is the need to frequently replace water, which quickly deteriorates when exposed to light. An alternative is colored glass containers.

Vases made of metal, plastic or composite materials are less often chosen. In all cases, it is desirable that the selected container be combined with the interior of the room and the bouquet, and also be stable and practical.

How often should you wash?

The vase should be washed regularly, every 1-2 days. At the same time, residues of detergents should not be allowed to remain on its inner surface.

What water should I use?

For flowers It is recommended to use only settled water. It must be fresh and clean. If there is any doubt about the state of the water in the vase, it must be replaced.

What to add?

To extend the life of flowers, florists recommend adding certain substances to the water that help maintain the freshness of plants.

You can choose one of the methods tested in practice:

  1. Dilution of aspirin in water, based on the proportion of 1 tablet per 1 liter of liquid.
  2. Prepare a solution of 1 part alcohol and 10 parts water.
  3. Prepare a solution of 1 part glycerin to 15 parts water.
  4. Sugar solution – 1 tsp. per liter of liquid.
First you need to prepare the solution, and only then lower the stems into the vase.

How often do you change the water?

The water in the vase must be changed every 1-2 days. After the old water is poured out, the vase is washed and filled with fresh water.

Trimming the stems

foto52355-3Trimming the stems is a mandatory procedurewhich is carried out for a new bouquet, and when replacing water in a vase.

The tips of the stems are cut at an angle of 45°. It is advisable to do this under running warm water. The exception is very soft stems. They are cut at right angles, otherwise the narrow cut will bend in the vase.

Each time, about 10 mm is cut, if the stems are very short - 5 mm. For tree-like stems (for example, lilac), you also need to split. This will help improve the plant's water supply.

To process the stems, you need to use a sharp knife or pruning shears. Scissors are not suitable for this purpose.

Air access

Flowers in packaging have limited air access. It is advisable to immediately unwrap them, and only after that put them in a vase.

Temperature indicators

Cut flowers will be best stored at an air temperature of +5 to +10°C. If the indicators are higher, the bouquet will quickly lose its presentable appearance. Very low temperatures are also harmful to plants, so if you need to take them out into the cold, you will need reliable packaging.

It is not advisable to expose a bouquet of cut flowers to temperature changes.

Humidity level

For better preservation of the bouquet air humidity should be 70-90%. If the air in the room is too dry, periodic spraying with water from a spray bottle will help.


Being under bright sunlight contributes to the rapid aging of the bouquet and loss of decorativeness.This also leads to heating of the water in the vase and the development of microorganisms in it, which also accelerates spoilage. The solution to the problem is to keep the bouquet in a shaded place, protecting it from direct sunlight.


Different types of flowers have different requirements for storage conditions. This must be taken into account when composing prefabricated compositions.


When purchasing roses, you need to inspect the stem and flower heads. For better plant preservation It is advisable to take into account the following recommendations from florists:

  • the stems are immersed in water no more than half;
  • when placing a bouquet in the winter, it should be allowed to lie in room conditions for about 30 minutes, and only after that begin processing;
  • the lower leaves must be cut from the stem so as not to provoke rotting;
  • It is recommended not to leave the stem too long, as this makes it difficult for nutrients to reach the buds; the optimal length is up to 40 cm.
Water should not get into rose buds, otherwise the flower may die.

Rules for storing a bouquet of roses - on video:


Buy cut peonies only with dense stems and elastic leaves. The flowers themselves should not be fully open; the best option is half-open buds. The stems are trimmed and the leaves that fall into the water are removed.

Peonies should not be included in compositions with roses, lilies and other flowers.

Rules for storing a bouquet of peonies - on video:


Tulips remain fresh for a relatively short time, no more than 5 days. It is very important to choose the flowers correctly.

You should pay attention to the following signs:

  • You should not buy flowers whose buds are tied with rubber bands;
  • leaves should not be damaged;
  • stems and leaves should be dense.

Trim tulips at right angles.

Rules for storing a bouquet of tulips - on video:


Features of making a bouquet of chrysanthemums - they should be cut for composition already fully opened. The stem is trimmed and cuts are made along a few centimeters. Water should be poured into the vase cold. They change it every couple of days.

Rules for storing a bouquet of chrysanthemums - on video:


Lilies are sensitive to water quality. It is very important for them that it is defended. The stem is cut at an angle of 45° before installation in a vase. It is better to leave the length no more than 50 cm. This is necessary to better supply the flower heads with moisture.

You should also inspect the opened flower heads and buds. They contain reddish stamens, which should be carefully removed. If you leave them, the lilies will stand worse, and wilting will begin earlier.


Keeping a bouquet fresh at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first. If the flowers are fresh and in good condition, they can last quite a long time. In this case, the type of plants and their characteristics should be taken into account.


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