Useful tips on how to properly store wheels with and without rims in the garage
Most car owners have two sets of tires - summer and winter. At the same time, the issue of storing a kit that is not currently in use becomes relevant.
Proper maintenance ensures that the rubber is kept in order so that it does not deteriorate, and this can happen even in one season.
How to properly store tires with or without rims in the garage, read on.
Basic rules for storing summer and winter tires
The general rules for storing rubber are clearly defined and regulated by GOST R 54266-2010 standards.
European, and including Russian, standards require compliance with a number of parameters:
storage at a temperature range from -30? C to +35? C;
- keeping the rubber at least 100 cm from heating devices (preferably using screens);
- use of flat surfaces for storage;
- avoiding contact with sharp objects;
- ensuring dryness in the garage;
- protection from the penetration of sunlight (if the garage has windows, it is better to tint or paint them);
- large tires are stored without standing, and under an internal pressure of 80 to 100 kPa;
- Tires with a width of 21.5 cm or more must be stored vertically;
- with a tire width of up to 20.5 cm, storage in stacks is possible (with a total height of no more than 200 cm).
Such conditions can be provided in the garage.If tires have to be kept outside for any reason before being placed in the garage, they must be protected from direct sunlight and precipitation.
Features depending on the time of year
Storing tires in the garage is suitable for both winter and summer sets. The main requirement is compliance with the temperature regime.
In winter, summer tires are most often stored in the garage. It is not advisable for their maintenance to be exposed to low temperatures. The best option is up to 0?C. In this case, the garage room must be dry, without the threat of condensation.
In the summer, winter tires are usually stored in the garage. It was originally designed for driving in a car during the cold season. If the garage is cool, these are optimal conditions.
The tires themselves should not be exposed to sunlight or heat from heating devices. The best option is to keep the tires on the rims.
Is it possible to keep tires in a cold room in winter?
An unheated garage can be used to store both summer and winter tires, but with reservations. It is important to maintain the temperature in this room down to -30? C. If there are no severe frosts, then this option is one of the most suitable for everyday use.
In what position, lying or standing?
One of the important points when organizing the process of storing tires in a garage is to ensure that there is no deformation.Based on this, cramped spaces littered with tools, cans and rubbish are completely unsuitable for storage.
It is also important that no matter how the tires are positioned on top, they are not pressed down by other objects. The most popular storage methods:
- suspended (on the wall);
- standing;
- lying down.
Restrictions on the storage method depend mainly on whether the rims have rubber or not.
Preparing tires for storage in a garage involves a number of procedures. Following simple rules will help the car owner with the future “change of shoes” of the car and will extend the life of the tires, so they should not be neglected.
Recommended activities include:
- Marking removed tires relative to their position in the car (for example, ZP - rear right, PL - front left, etc.). When installing later, they can be swapped so that wear is more even.
- Clean the tires of dirt, including removing all small stones from the treads.
- Only send dry rubber for storage.
- Determine in advance the storage location and type of location of the removed elements (lying, hanging, etc.).
- Checking integrity for punctures or cuts.
Tire type
You can store car tires in the garage on rims or without rims. Depending on this, it will be determined how much free space to allocate for storage, and whether additional equipment (for example, brackets) needs to be used.
No disks
Storing tires in a garage without rims requires mandatory preliminary preparation of the rubber. When positioned vertically during maintenance, they should be rotated periodically, 20° is sufficient.
When placed side by side, they should not be pressed against each other or foreign objects. This will avoid tire deformation.
The peculiarity of finding tires in a garage without rims is that they should not be hung. If they are stacked, then it is possible to keep the rubber in this form only for a short time - up to a month.
With disks
Tires on rims are full-fledged wheels, which should preferably be stored standing on their edge. This approach will prevent possible deformation due to load.
An even better option is to hang the tires removed from the car.. The pressure in the wheels needs to be reduced, optimally to one to one and a half atmospheres.
Removed tires and rims must be pre-marked so that they can be placed in a different location in the future, and to prevent uneven wear of the tread.
An alternative option is to store them in a stack, on top of each other. The height of the structure should be no more than two meters.
It will be more convenient to organize seasonal tire storage if you use special racks and brackets. The following requirements apply to additional equipment:
- Strength - the ability to easily (with a margin) withstand load.
- Safety. Car tires must be positioned securely - without the risk of falling.
- Meets rubber storage requirements - no sharp corners, sharp shelf edges, etc.
One of the ways to organize storage in a suspended state is shown in the video:
Master class on making a device for storing wheels:
The purpose of tire covers is to prevent condensation and protect from external influences. For ease of movement, it is desirable that handles be provided.
It is not permissible to use polyethylene as a material for the manufacture of covers for wheels with discs, since it does not allow air to pass through. Eventually the metal will rust. A separate cover is used for each wheel.
Pre-treatment agents
Before storing tires, they are prepared. Mandatory measures include treatment with special means. They contain chemical components that allow you to better preserve the wheels and prevent the rubber from cracking and deforming.
You can see how the processing is carried out in the video:
Errors and their consequences
If, during storage for several months, car tires were kept in violation of the rules, by the beginning of the season it may simply “not survive” - its service life will be sharply reduced.
Rubber, as a material, is highly sensitive to sunlight; it also reacts poorly to temperature changes, too dry air or, conversely, constant humidity.
If you store tires in unfavorable conditions, then this can easily lead to the following consequences:
- drop in material strength;
- drying out of rubber, up to the appearance of cracks;
- corrosion if the disks were stored in high humidity;
- deformation, with a sharp decrease in performance;
- acceleration of wear.
Violating the rules for storing tires can not only spoil the car owner’s mood in the future and jeopardize driving safety, but also put him in front of the need to buy a new, expensive set of tires.
Storing wheels in a garage is the most popular option for storing car tires between seasons. By putting tire maintenance rules into practice, you can extend their service life and save yourself from worrying about their condition.