We comply with the requirements of SanPiN, or how to preserve egg yolks in the refrigerator, freezer and without
The question of how to store egg yolks does not arise often.
However, there are situations in which only proteins are used to prepare a dish.
What to do in this case with egg yolks, how to properly preserve and use them? The answers can be found in this article.
How long can you store?
There is no way to answer this question unequivocally. The shelf life of a product depends on factors such as:
- storage;
- container used;
- product condition.
In household refrigeration units this temperature is maintained. SanPiN imposes such requirements for the storage of shelled egg products.
It is also important what dish they will be used for. yolks:
- if for preparing creams, then no more than 6 hours;
- for baking – the shelf life increases to a day.
An important condition stipulated by the requirements of SanPiN is that the egg yolk is removed from a well-washed egg.
Features of storage in a refrigerated cabinet
Depending on the condition in which the product is going to be sent to the refrigeration chamber, Different storage periods are recommended:
- In raw form – up to 24 hours.
- Boiled – up to 2 – 3 days.
- Frozen – 12 months.
- Powdered yolk – six months.
When storing raw yolk in a refrigerator, a factor such as the condition of its shell is taken into account. If it is whole, then the yolk can be poured into a glass or other container, and water or vegetable oil can be poured on top.
This way the product will not dry out and will remain fresh longer, retaining all its qualities. However, its shelf life will be no more than 1–2 days.
At room temperature
Both raw and boiled yolk, devoid of shell, cannot be stored without refrigeration for more than 2 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to either consume the product within this short period or dispose of it.
Which is correct?
In addition to observing the temperature regime that ensures the suitability of the yolks, you need to know what and how you can store them.
The recommendations are as follows:
- raw yolks cannot be stored in the refrigerator in a container without a tight-fitting lid;
- the most suitable options are a plastic container or an enamel container;
- You can immerse the products in a glass bowl and, to prevent the yolks from drying out, add water or vegetable oil.
- An excellent container for freezing is containers with cells or a mold for ice cubes.
The yolks should be covered for several reasons - from drying out, in order to prevent the absorption of foreign odors. But the main thing is to minimize the negative impact of pathogenic microbes.
How to increase the shelf life?
Yolks left without shell protection spoil very quickly, even in the refrigerator. It is possible to increase the shelf life only if the product is frozen. This method extends the shelf life of the product up to 12 months. At the same time, almost all of its beneficial properties and taste are preserved.
Some nuances of freezing are known egg yolks:
The main secret of freezing raw samples is the use of a fixative, which ensures the preservation of the structure of the product, its properties and qualities.
Salt or sugar is used as a fixative, depending on what dish the yolks are needed for. For baking - with sugar, for main courses - with salt.
- Yolks with the shell intact can be frozen whole. To do this, you need to select a container with compartments. The size of the compartment should be larger than the size of the yolk, since when frozen, the volume of the product will increase and the shape will crack.
A container with a sturdy lid will do. Without a lid, the yolks will dry out and become unusable. The same container can be used several times by freezing several portions of yolks. The frozen pieces can be transferred to a plastic bag with a zipper.
- If the shell is damaged, then the egg yolks are thoroughly mixed into a homogeneous mass with the addition of salt or sugar. After this, the thick substance is poured into a mold for ice cubes. As the cubes freeze, they are placed in a container without cells.
Before using frozen products, they must be properly defrosted. The required number of frozen cubes should be put from the freezer into the refrigerator in the evening.
This video will show you how to freeze yolks:
Signs of product spoilage
Pathogenic microflora multiplying in the product manifests itself with such signs as:
- the appearance of a sharp rotten smell;
- change in consistency with the appearance of mucus and liquid;
- the formation of mold on the surface of the product;
- darkening of the yolk color - from orange to brownish.
However, these signs are not always sufficiently pronounced. Therefore, you can protect yourself from the risk of consuming a spoiled product by resorting to cunning. Namely: when sending yolks for storage, you should provide it with a sticker indicating the date and time. It is important to strictly adhere to the acceptable deadlines.
Little tricks can prevent premature spoilage of the product. Therefore, use these simple tips:
When sending products to be frozen, fill the container with yolks to no more than 2/3 of its volume.
- Instead of sugar, add trimoline. Its use during freezing prevents changes in the structure of the yolks.
- If the yolk is frozen without salt, sugar or trimoline, it will be quite difficult to beat it.
- You can determine the required amount of frozen product for preparing a dish by measuring it with a tablespoon: 1 yolk = 1 tbsp.
- Only yolks with an intact shell can be filled with water. The sample with the damaged coating will be mixed with water.
- If you want to give the dough a more intense color, the yolks should be kept in the refrigerator.
- Avoid storing egg products near foods with strong odors.
You can store the yolks.But we must not forget that any product has its own expiration date and storage rules.
Strict compliance with the requirements and recommendations of SanPiN is a guarantee of the use of quality products. Ignoring the shelf life of egg products entails the risk of severe poisoning that can cause death.