There is no such thing as fresh, or what is the shelf life of dietary eggs
The desire to purchase healthy and nutritious foods often leads to the choice of dietary eggs.
It is believed that they are the freshest and have valuable qualities.
It is important to know that this product is not a separate type of production, but simply fresh eggs, for up to seven days. We’ll talk about the shelf life of dietary eggs in the article.
What are they?
A dietary egg is one that not stored at sub-zero temperatures and sold within seven days. The day it appeared does not count. During the first week, the yolk remains motionless, the white is quite dense. The air space under the shell is no more than 4 mm thick.
Over time, the white begins to dry out and the yolk decreases. The mass inside the shell becomes mobile. Within a week, a void of about 8 mm will form under it. The product goes from dietary to table, with a shelf life of up to 25 days. Under conditions of keeping in a temperature range from 0 to +20 degrees.
There are no significant differences between dietary and table eggs. They differ only in shelf life. Produced by the same hens under the same conditions.
The “D” (dietary) and “C” (table) markings are not a biological gradation, they are a GOST characteristic that allows buyers to determine how fresh the eggs are.
How long can you store?
Over time, the shell will become more permeable to light and air.In this regard, it is believed that the older the egg, the less vitamins it retains. The product becomes most vulnerable under the influence of environmental factors.
But regardless of the condition of the shell, the following elements remain unchanged:
- proteins;
- fats;
- water;
- carbohydrates;
- enzymes.
The video will tell you about the category of eggs:
How to increase the shelf life?
Diet eggs cannot be stored for more than 7 days, since after this time they will not be such. Even if they are in the refrigerator. Also, if the product is frozen fresh, it will no longer be considered dietary.
According to GOST rules, eggs older than seven days do not automatically become table eggs. The company must dispose of them. This is done not because the raw materials have deteriorated, but because they cease to be dietary - what they were originally.
Practical advice
Useful tips:
To purchase the freshest and highest quality eggs, you should pay attention to the geographic location of the manufacturer.
The closer the poultry farm is to the place of sale, the less distance the product has traveled and the less time it has spent on the road. It will be preserved almost in its original form.
- To preserve all the qualities of fresh eggs, it is best to keep them in a clean place free of foreign odors. The shell tends to absorb not always pleasant aromas.
- The freshness of an egg is easily determined when peeling it. Dietary is difficult to free from the hard shell. The dining room is easy to clean.
This is due to the presence of air space under the shell.The older the egg, the more voids form underneath. Accordingly, the product is easier to clean.
An egg is a very valuable element of food for humans, regardless of its freshness. The shelf life of dietary products is only 7 days, which is why they cost more than table products.
This type of food item is quite rare to find in retail supermarkets.. They are often supplied to the canteens of school and preschool institutions.
In fact, any eggs produced less than a week ago can be called diet eggs. The maximum amount of useful microelements is retained for the first seven days. The likelihood of infection by pathogenic bacteria during this period is minimized.