What are the GOST and SanPiN requirements for the quality and shelf life of cottage cheese?
Cottage cheese belongs to the group of perishable products and requires careful adherence to storage rules.
After the expiration date, this product should not be consumed. The exact terms and conditions for storing fermented milk products are regulated by current sanitary standards and rules.
We’ll talk about storing cottage cheese according to GOST in the article.
Current documents
Requirements for the finished product, as well as shelf life of cottage cheese regulated by the following documents:
- GOST 31453-2013 “Cottage cheese. Technical conditions".
- San PiN 2.3.2 1324-03 “Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products.”
Appendix 1 to SanPiN regulates the expiration dates of perishable products:
- cottage cheese, curd products – 3 days;
- heat-treated fermented milk product – 5 days;
- puddings, cottage cheese casseroles - 2 days;
- cottage cheese dishes (baking fillings, cheesecakes, lazy dumplings);
- children's cottage cheese - 36 hours.
According to the law, the manufacturer is required to indicate the shelf life of cottage cheese and curd products on the packaging.
This information can be included on the product label. as follows (at the request of the manufacturer):
- number of days/days, months, years;
- date of manufacture (month and year/month and year or day).
According to its organoleptic characteristics, it is The fermented milk product must meet the following conditions:
- The natural product has no foreign odors or tastes, except for the fermented milk itself.
- The consistency of the product can be crumbly, spreadable or soft; partial inclusion of milk protein and a slight release of whey are allowed.
- Color. Uniform white, cream shade allowed.
Shelf life according to GOST
The shelf life of cottage cheese depends on various factors. Among them are the fat content of the product and the type of packaging. The final time during which cottage cheese can be consumed is set by the manufacturer.
Shelf life may be extended using modern food processing methods or sealed packaging.
Fresh cottage cheese should not be stored on refrigerator shelves for longer than 72 hours. After this, eating the product is dangerous to health.
If, after the specified period, no signs of spoilage are detected on the product, it can be used to prepare hot dishes:
- cheesecakes,
- dumplings,
- casseroles or baked goods.
Conditions for storing fermented milk products in the refrigerator:
- lack of light;
- temperature from +2°С to +6°С;
- humidity 35-40%.
Fermented milk products should be stored on refrigerator shelves separately from other products. You should not place dishes next to each other:
- with added spices,
- smoked meats,
- meat and fish.
If the cottage cheese will not be used in the near future, it can and should be frozen. A product that has been stored according to all freezing rules will not change its taste during defrosting. But it may slightly change the consistency.
Depending on the fat content of the product, When defrosting, a certain amount is released serum.
The duration of storage of frozen cottage cheese depends on the type of packaging, type of product, and the temperature in the freezer.
Freezer type | Storage temperature | Shelf life |
Industrial | -35 °C | From 180 to 360 days |
Homemade | -18 °C | 30-60 days |
Homemade (as well as old, low-quality units with elevated storage temperatures) | From 0 to -18 °C | 6-14 days |
This fermented milk product is made from whole skim milk. Shelf life: up to 30 days in vacuum packaging at storage temperatures from +2 °C to +4 °C. In an enamel or glass container under a lid, the product is stored for up to 48 hours, and in a plastic container - 72 hours.
Other types of fermented milk product
Other varieties of cottage cheese also have a number of features:
Home. Village and homemade cottage cheese are distinguished by the absence of preservatives and do not have reliable packaging. Therefore, the shelf life of such a product on refrigerator shelves does not exceed 48 hours.
- Grained. The fat content of this fermented milk product is low, so it will remain fresh on the refrigerator shelves for 4-5 days.
- Farmer's weighed. Can be stored for no longer than 12 hours. Such limited terms are explained by the fact that it is difficult to find out the exact conditions and date of manufacture of the product. This product is also sold without factory packaging.
- Vacuum packed - up to 30 days.
- Children's Cottage cheese can be stored for up to 36 hours.
- Casseroles, pancakes, cheesecakes, cottage cheese pies Stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 days.
- Cakes and pastries based on curd cream, they remain fresh for about 18 hours.
At room temperature, cottage cheese is stored for no more than 3 hours.
The shelf life and shelf life of fermented milk products directly depend on the characteristics of the production process. And since such products deteriorate quickly, increased requirements for them:
- continuous technological process;
- strict adherence to sanitary standards;
- compliance of the production process with regulatory documents and technological maps;
- availability of adjusted and serviceable equipment.
The shelf life of cottage cheese depends on a number of other factors:
- Storage temperature. Varies from +2°C to +6°C. The optimal temperature for long-term storage fermented milk products is considered to be 18 °C. The lower the temperature, the longer the product will remain fresh.
- Heat treatment method. Factory-made cottage cheese lasts the longest. To produce this product, special heat treatment technologies are used. The farm product has the shortest shelf life.
- Package. Vacuum-packed fermented milk products can be stored for up to 30 days. The product without packaging is stored from several hours to several days.
- Fat content. The mass fraction of fat in cottage cheese can vary between 0-23%. The longest shelf life is for 2-5% of the product. It is made from skim milk. A product with a fat content of 9% has a slightly longer shelf life. Fat cottage cheese with 18% or more has the shortest shelf life.
- Air humidity in storage. Fermented milk products will remain fresh longer at air humidity levels of 30–45%.
Features of storing cottage cheese in different packages:
Type of packaging | Storage temperature | Shelf life |
Vacuum | From +2 °С to +4°С | Up to 30 days |
Plastic containers | From +2 °С to +4°С | Up to 3 days |
Foil/parchment paper | From +2 °С to +4°С | Up to 3 days |
By weight: in a plastic bag in a plastic container | From +2 °С to +4°С | Up to 36 hours |
Up to 72 hours |
If the cottage cheese is packaged in plastic bags, they should only be sent to the refrigerator shelf untied. In a tied bag, the product is more likely to “suffocate” and spoil within 6-17 hours.
Storage temperature also affects the final shelf life of fermented milk products:
Room temperature. At temperatures from + 18°C to +25°C, cottage cheese is stored for no longer than 4-6 hours.
Otherwise, microorganisms will begin to develop in the product and the shelf life will be shortened.
You need to take a certain portion of the product out of the refrigerator. After which it must be transferred to a separate container and consumed immediately.
- In a refrigerator. On refrigerator shelves, cottage cheese is stored at a temperature from +2°C to +4°C. It is recommended to place the fermented milk product on the top shelf, closer to the back wall of the chamber. Under what conditions can the product be stored from 1 to 5 days, depending on the fat content of the product?
- In the freezer. In a home freezer, cottage cheese can be stored at temperatures from -18°C to -35°C. In such conditions, the product will remain fresh for up to 60 days. The product can be stored on freezer shelves at temperatures from 0°C to -15°C for 7-14 days.
In stock
In catering establishments, as well as in warehouses, cottage cheese is stored in special refrigerators. They should have separate shelves dedicated to storing dairy products.
Optimal timing curd storage:
- from the moment of completion of the technological process - 36 hours, including no more than 18 hours at the enterprise;
- thermized product - up to 14 days;
- products with low fat content and stabilizers - up to 7 days.
When the thermometer readings are from 0°C to +1°C, the fermented milk product is stored for up to 10 days.
The shelf life of cottage cheese depends on:
- fat content of the product,
- storage temperature and humidity,
- product packaging.
Features of the production and storage of fermented milk products are regulated by GOST and SanPiN. Eating food that has expired is dangerous to health.