Save for future use, or is it possible to freeze whey from cottage cheese?
Whey is a fermented milk product that is formed from milk during the preparation of cottage cheese. It is used in cosmetology and cooking.
Due to its low calorie content (about 20 kcal per 100 grams) and good digestibility, this product is also suitable for dietary nutrition.
We will tell you further how to store cottage cheese whey and whether it can be frozen.
Storage conditions
Buy whey can be prepared in a store or obtained by preparing cottage cheese at home. This is a natural product that can be stored for a limited time and only under suitable conditions.
One of the mandatory rules is to place the product in the cold. If the serum was purchased in a store and has a sealed package, you should not open it in advance. It is suitable for maintenance for the entire time specified by the manufacturer of the product.
Duration of maintenance
After opening the original packaging, the duration of storage in the refrigerator cannot be more than three days.
Whey obtained by making cottage cheese yourself can be kept for no more than 5 days.
Further fermented milk products can be used for cosmetic procedures, for example, as part of masks. Even in this case, it is advisable to use homemade serum 1.5-2 weeks in advance.
The optimal temperature for finding the product is about 5°C. These are the conditions that are provided in the refrigerator. It is impossible to store the product outside of the cold - it will spoil and become unsafe for health.
How long to store in the refrigerator?
The whey in the original, unopened packaging can be kept in the refrigerator for the entire shelf life specified by the product manufacturer.
Homemade product intended for fresh consumption, Can keep in the refrigerator for up to 72 hours, if it is planned to be used fresh, and up to 5 days if the whey is used for baking.
How to freeze?
If there are large volumes of whey and it is impossible to use it immediately, it is possible to freeze the product. This will significantly extend the shelf life and prevent spoilage. After defrosting, it can be used as a cosmetic product and for preparing dough.
If the curd was prepared at home, the drained whey should first cool. It is filtered and poured into prepared dishes. When planning freezing, it is better to do it immediately, while the product is fresh, and has not been in the refrigerator for several days.
You can choose one of the options:
- a plastic bottle that is not filled to the very top;
- ice trays, etc.
It must be taken into account that before freezing and turning into ice, the whey may spill, so care should be taken. After crystallization, the product can be arranged more compactly.
If you used ice molds, then it is convenient to pour the frozen cubes into a ziplock bag and keep them in the freezer in this form.
The shelf life in the freezer for such a product is no more than six months. After defrosting, the serum should not sit for a long time - it is advisable to use it immediately after thawing. When left in the freezer, the product loses some of its nutrients..
Where to keep it?
The best option for storing whey is in the refrigerator on a shelf. A glass jar or ceramic container with a lid is suitable as a container. You can also use an enamel pan.
If it is not possible to use the refrigerator, you will have to organize storage in another place. This could be, for example, a cellar. It has a low air temperature and is protected from sunlight. You can keep the product here for up to 4 days.
An alternative option is organizing storage on the balcony. This option requires preliminary preparation and compliance with a number of conditions.
Among them:
- ensuring temperature conditions are not lower than 0°C and not higher than +10°C;
- shading from sunlight and light.
The serum can stand on the balcony for up to three days, and only if the possibility of temperature changes is excluded. It is also advisable to install cabinets or drawers with lids to protect the product from light penetration. If the air temperature is unstable, it is better to choose another place to find it.
A cool pantry is also suitable as a storage place, but only if the desired air temperature is maintained. It is also important to keep the whey covered to prevent foreign substances from entering the container and exchanging odors with other products.
For a short time, the serum can be preserved using available means. Procedure:
- Pour the serum into an opaque container. The lid does not need to be used.
- Place the container in a bowl of cool water so that the water level is below the level of the neck.
- Cover the container with the serum with wet gauze, dipping its edges into the water.
With this organization, the gauze will get wet, drawing water from the basin onto itself. The moisture will evaporate and the whey will cool. If the gauze is not allowed to dry out, the product can remain fresh for 2-3 days.
The video will show you how to store serum in glass bottles:
Whey obtained from the preparation of cottage cheese is a low-calorie, healthy product. It can be used in food either fresh as a tonic drink or as part of a number of dishes. It is important to comply with storage conditions and periods.