Choosing the best place, or where to store cottage cheese

foto50244-1Cottage cheese is used in regular and dietary nutrition for children and adults. Today, the choice of products is so wide that without special knowledge it is difficult to navigate the assortment.

And having bought the desired variety, you should think about storage. What places do fermented milk desserts “like” and where should cottage cheese be stored? More on that later in the article.

Where to keep it?

Cottage cheese is stored in a dark, cold place without access to oxygen and sunlight. A refrigerator is considered the best option.

If for some reason he is not in the house, choose other suitable places with the desired characteristics:

  • balcony,
  • veranda,
  • pantry,
  • cellar.


foto50244-2Industrial types require storage in places where the temperature is not higher than 6-7 degrees. The product is kept in closed packaging for the entire shelf life specified by the manufacturer.

Open containers can:

  • be stored for the stated expiration date;
  • stored for up to 24 days at a temperature of 2 to 4 degrees;
  • not to be stored.

The heterogeneity of requirements is justified by the specific manufacturer, the type of cottage cheese, and the technologies used.

Children's curds - Agusha, Prostokvashino, Tyoma - are stored in the refrigerator when closed, but not when opened.

Read about storing Prostokvashino cottage cheese Here, Agusha - here.


Industrial goat curd is stored in accordance with the information indicated on the packaging. Home-made product is kept in any cold place at home.


The product, prepared at home, is distinguished by its naturalness and maximum usefulness. In this regard, its storage should be short at room temperature or a little longer in a cold place. Read more here.

By weight

Cottage cheese bought in bulk is also kept for a short time in cold places. Moreover the production date and storage conditions must be clearly known, otherwise eating such a treat can be dangerous. Details - in this article.


foto50244-3The industrial product is stored as indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

The serum, prepared independently, should be kept in places with a temperature no higher than 10 degrees without access to sunlight.

As a rule, this is a refrigerator, cellar, balcony. In a warm room, you can briefly prolong freshness by placing it in a bowl of cold water.. Details - in this article.

Refrigerated storage conditions

There are several nuances to storing the product in the refrigerator:

  1. Tightly closed container or original packaging. If this is homemade cottage cheese, you can use glass, ceramic, plastic, earthenware dishes with a lid. It can also be wrapped in foil or parchment. Industrial types are best left in sealed factory containers until consumption.
  2. It is important to choose the coldest place in the refrigerator without temperature changes. As a rule, these are places closer to the back wall of the unit or the freezer.
  3. “Neighbors” should not be products with a pronounced smell: garlic, onions, fish, smoked meats, spices. Cottage cheese absorbs foreign aromas well.
  4. You can add natural preservatives to homemade containers for longer storage: sugar, salt, lemon juice.
According to GOST, cottage cheese should be stored at a temperature of 2 to 4 degrees. The lower the temperature, the longer the fermented milk treat will remain fresh.

Details - in this article.

Is it possible in the freezer?

The freezer is one way to increase the shelf life of cottage cheese. Because at low temperatures, oxidation processes in the product slow down. Homemade cottage cheese is laid out in portions in containers; industrial cottage cheese can be left in its original packaging.

Better to freeze fresh cottage cheese. True, after defrosting it can slightly change its taste (this issue has not yet been fully studied). But the product is quite suitable for baking. It is not recommended to freeze whey; it loses most of its nutrients.

Read about storing cottage cheese in the freezer Here And here.

At room temperature

Storing cottage cheese at room temperature is allowed only in exceptional cases. The maximum temperature of the product is 7-10 degrees. If the refrigerator is broken, overfilled or for other reasons, the product needs to be eaten/processed as soon as possible, or the coldest, darkest place should be found.

foto50244-4You can also use the old preservation method:

  • wet cotton or linen fabric with saline solution;
  • wrap the cottage cheese;
  • place in an airtight container;
  • place the container in a bucket of cold water;
  • When the water gets hot, you need to change it.

Some housewives have learned to preserve cottage cheese in their own whey. This way it doesn't spoil within a few days at room temperature. How long can cottage cheese be stored at room temperature? this article.


The best place to store cottage cheese is in the refrigerator.For longer storage, use the freezer or make products from the product. In places where the temperature is above 7-10 degrees, the product will deteriorate in a matter of hours.


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