Secrets and shelf life of Russian cheese
Storing Russian cheese is not an idle question. After all, the taste, quality, and safety of delicacies depend on many parameters.
Expiration dates and storage conditions are important.
We will consider the rules, terms and conditions for storing Russian cheese in the article.
Shelf life according to GOST
Russian cheese is one of the most popular and favorite varieties. Until 2015, it was subject to a separate GOST. Now the technical requirements are reflected in the general GOST 32260-2013 Semi-hard cheeses. Technical conditions.
The document indicates the recommended shelf life of the product up to 30 days, subject to storage conditions. This is temperature, humidity, commodity proximity. GOST also allows manufacturers to independently indicate the shelf life of cheese. The countdown begins from the moment the technological process ends.
Several factors can increase the shelf life and storage of Russian cheese. Among them:
- quality of raw materials;
- package;
- manufacturing technologies;
- recipe.
All these points are set out in GOST taking into account food safety. For example, one of the important indicators that extends shelf life is packaging.
Proper storage guarantees the freshness and safety of the product for the entire period specified by the manufacturer.
In a closed package
Cheese containers provide three important functions:
Protective. Packaging slows down, but does not completely stop, microbiological processes both in the product itself and protects against contact with foreign pathogenic microflora.
- Informational. It is on the package that the manufacturer indicates all the necessary information: composition, nutritional and energy value, date of manufacture, expiration and storage dates in closed and open containers, address and contacts of the manufacturer.
- Aesthetic. The attractive appearance of the packaging guarantees recognition of a particular brand and is associated by the consumer with a certain quality of the product.
Russian cheese in a closed container should be stored in a cool place at a constant temperature. The best option is a refrigerator.
In its absence use any other cool place:
- balcony;
- veranda;
- pantry;
- cellar.
After opening
When the original packaging is opened, bacterial growth progresses in the cheese, which significantly reduces the period of freshness. Since manufacturers are given freedom to set deadlines, they provide different information.
These may be the following options after opening the package:
- can be stored for the entire specified shelf life;
- 12 hours;
- 24 hours;
- up to 8 days;
- other options.
It all depends on the same factors that were listed above, affecting shelf life and storage.
An open piece of cheese will dry out very quickly. To prevent this from happening, you need to know some nuances storage:
- Place in a glass or plastic container with a tight lid.
- Wrap in foil, parchment, special paper, vacuum bags.
- A piece of sugar will help remove excess moisture.
- Wrap in a cloth soaked in saline solution.
The worst ways to store cheese are metal containers and plastic bags.
Storage temperature of Russian cheese recommended within -4 to +6 degrees and humidity from 80 to 90%. The rate of product spoilage increases in proportion to the increase in temperature.
The shelf life of Russian cheese according to GOST is 30 days. This period of time can be increased or decreased depending on many factors. Knowing the secrets of storing a product will allow you to enjoy the unsurpassed taste and aroma longer.