A capricious delicacy, or what are the terms and conditions for storing processed cheese without a refrigerator?
The issue of storing cheeses is a separate big topic, without knowledge of which it is impossible to enjoy the specific taste and aroma of various varieties.
Melted types have their own production characteristics, terms and storage conditions. Fans of this delicacy will be interested to know: is it possible to store it without a refrigerator and how to do it. More on this later.
How long is it stored?
GOST 31690-2013 Processed cheeses. General technical conditions regulate the principles of manufacturing, requirements for packaging, transportation and storage. According to the document, processed cheeses divided into chunky and pasty.
An important condition is compliance with storage rules. In other words, if you neglect the rules, the product will deteriorate faster. On the packaging, the manufacturer may indicate expiration and storage dates, or one or the other.
GOST allows manufacturers to set periods independently. After all, these indicators are influenced by several factors. Among them:
- raw materials;
- types of cheeses;
- recipe;
- package;
- equipment.
Therefore, the specific dates for each type of cheese vary, but must be marked on the packaging. Depending on the parameters listed above, the product can be stored from 30 days to 180 days. GOST also prescribes certain conditions under which cheese remains fresh and safe. These are temperature and humidity.
The first indicator should not exceed +4 degrees, the second - no more than 85%. Moreover, processed cheeses do not “like” changes in temperature and humidity. It is possible to meet the necessary conditions in special production facilities or in a refrigerator.
Accordingly, it is not recommended to store processed cheeses indoors. In warm conditions, the product can deteriorate in a matter of hours. The higher the temperature, the faster.
How to store at room temperature?
If a situation arises where it is necessary to keep the product at room temperature, It is important to take some actions:
- find the coolest and darkest place in the room with a constant temperature of up to a maximum of +15 (balcony, cellar, pantry, veranda);
- do not leave the product in direct sunlight;
- Do not open the original packaging, this will give you a better chance of maintaining freshness.
Air temperature is decisive. Cheese is a perishable product and is not intended to be stored at high temperatures.
How to extend the shelf life?
Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to extend the shelf life of spreadable processed cheese without refrigeration. Depending on the variety and recipe, the product can remain fresh and safe for health for only a few hours. Therefore, it is unwise to buy such a product for future use.
Homemade cheese, due to its naturalness and lack of additives, has an even shorter shelf life. It needs to be cooked as much as can be eaten in the next few hours, or used in dishes.
For sliced processed cheese, there are several ways to extend the shelf life by several hours. Among them:
Wrap the piece in a natural cloth soaked in a cold saline solution.
- Wrap the product in paper, place in an airtight container with a tight lid and place in a container with cold water. Press down with a weight on top. The water needs to be changed as it warms up.
- Sliced cheese does not need to be cut in advance, as it will quickly become unusable.
- Foil or special cheese paper will preserve the taste and aroma longer.
Freezing as one of the ways to prolong the freshness of the product is absolutely not suitable for processed cheeses. The pasty one will turn into a sticky, tasteless slurry, and the chunky one will begin to crumble and lose its taste and aroma. In extreme cases, slice can be used for cooking and baking.
Signs of damage
If processed cheeses are stored incorrectly, they will quickly spoil. At temperatures above +15 degrees, pathogenic microflora develops in the product. Low humidity promotes drying, high humidity leads to rotting.
The following signs indicate that the product is spoiled:
- pungent, rancid taste;
- white dots;
- pink spots;
- dark spots;
- mold;
- alkaline taste and smell;
- unpleasant smell.
Extending the freshness of processed cheeses without a refrigerator is quite troublesome. Moreover, it is important to adhere to the rules for storing them. Without the required temperature and humidity, the product will quickly become unusable.
It’s impossible to revive a spoiled dessert, it is sent to the trash bin without regret.