Recommendations from nutritionists: is it possible to freeze suluguni cheese and how to do it correctly?

foto51071-1Suluguni is a cheese beloved by many with a characteristic sharp sour-milk taste. The principle of its production is in many ways similar to the production of mozzarella.

If there is a lot of product left in the refrigerator and you do not plan to use it for food in the near future, you can freeze the cheese. It is especially important to follow a number of simple rules.

I will tell you in the article whether it is possible to freeze suluguni cheese.

Is it possible to freeze?

Suluguni is a soft type of cheese, so it is advisable to use it fresh, without exposing it to low temperatures. But, if there is no other way to preserve the product, then freezing is possible.

At the same time, you should be prepared for the fact that after the freezer the cheese will lose part of its consistency and its taste will change.

How does freezing affect the quality of the product?

foto51071-2Soft fresh cheeses, including suluguni, have a plastic structure and a pronounced milky taste.

When exposed to negative temperatures, the liquid crystallizes in cheese, and the fibers become brittle.

When the product is then defrosted, the frozen moisture thaws and is released in the form of water. The plasticity of the cheese is also lost - suluguni becomes dry and even crumbly. All this affects the aroma and taste.

The color may become different - more grayish. This is quite acceptable if suluguni is planned to be used for cooking as one of the components, and not on its own.

How should you freeze?

In order to preserve the maximum properties of suluguni, the process of freezing the product should be approached responsibly. To freeze brine cheese, one of the approaches can be chosen: freeze with or without brine.

In brine

If suluguni was sold in brine, or was made using this method at home, it can be frozen along with the liquid. But the factory packaging is not suitable for these purposes.

Turning into ice when exposed to low temperatures, the liquid will begin to expand and can deform or even break through the original packaging.

Therefore you need to act as follows:

  1. Prepare a plastic container for freezing.
  2. Transfer the cheese from the original packaging into the prepared container.
  3. Pour the brine in which it was purchased over the cheese so that there is at least 10 mm of free space left to the top edge of the container. This is a reserve for increasing volume during ice formation.
  4. Close the container securely with the lid.
  5. Place the container in the freezer.
If there is no brine for some reason, then you can make your own brine solution.

Without brine

An alternative method of storing suluguni in the freezer does not require the presence of brine.

foto51071-3In this case, you must proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare the cheese itself (remove the pieces of cheese from the solution and dry, cut).
  2. Place the prepared cheese into containers or a freezer bag.
  3. Place the container in the freezer.

If you need to preserve the shape of individual pieces, then before sending them for long-term storage, you can first freeze them on a cutting board or on a small baking sheet. This technique will prevent the cheese from caking during storage.

How long to store in the freezer?

In its original packaging, suluguni can remain on the refrigerator shelf for as long as indicated by the manufacturer. If the seal of the container is broken, the product must be used.

If you do not plan to use the cheese in the near future, it is frozen. It can last in the freezer for 3-4 months., but it is advisable to use it earlier. He will tell you about storing Suluguni cheese this article.

Defrosting rules

Defrosting cheese should also be carried out according to the rules. This dairy product is highly sensitive to temperature changes.

It is best to simply move the container from the freezer to the refrigerator shelf. This way, thawing will take place gradually, with minimal loss of product quality.

But even when using gentle defrosting, changes in the appearance, consistency and taste of suluguni cannot be avoided. It is recommended to use the thawed product only as part of dishes, as one of the components. And it is desirable that the dish undergoes heat treatment.


foto51071-4Adyghe cheese is curd cheese. It can be frozen if necessary.

After thawing, the product will retain a significant part of its taste and nutrients.

The main condition is that it is in the freezer in an airtight container. and the absence of temperature changes, much less intermediate defrosting. Read about the shelf life of Adyghe cheese Here.


Whether to freeze suluguni is not a simple question.Nutritionists do not recommend exposing the product to negative temperatures. But if this is the only way to preserve cheese, freezing is quite possible.


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