Follow the rules, or is it possible to freeze pigtail cheese - white and smoked
“Kosichka” is a fibrous extracted cheese belonging to the group Suluguni, and having the name Chechil. It is produced in the form of fibrous threads, which are bundled and fastened together.
The product is sold in fresh and smoked form. The pleasant taste and the ability to be used as a snack made chechil very popular.
If you bought more cheese than you need, you may be tempted to freeze it. But how to do it right? Is it possible to freeze braided cheese? We’ll tell you later.
Features of Chechil
Chechil is an Armenian cheese that has become widespread and has become a favorite delicacy among many families. It can be produced in industrial quantities, and prepared at home. The stretched fibers are shaped into a braid or rolled into a ball.
The product is characterized by slight saltiness and a pungent sour-milk taste.. The color of fresh cheese is light, milky. Smoked may have a yellowish tint. The cheese is made from skim cow's (less often sheep's) milk using rennet.
The technology for making cheese is considered simple, which allows you to prepare such a product even at home in the absence of special equipment.
Is freezing possible?
According to its structure, Chechil contains a small amount of water, relative to most other cheeses.
This allows you to freeze the product with minimal loss of quality and with preservation of the fibrous structure characteristic of the braid. But this is only possible if freezing rules are followed.
After chechil is smoked, it acquires a characteristic yellow tint and a pronounced aroma. This product is often used as a snack. Like other smoked products, it is better not to freeze this cheese, but to use it fresh.
If you put it in the freezer, then after that it will only be suitable for baking. Thawed smoked chechil is not suitable as a snack.
Does the product lose its properties after freezing?
Chechil is one of the cheeses that tolerate freezing well. The less water a product contains initially, the better it will withstand freezing.
To prevent the braid from losing its properties when using freezing, it is important not only to freeze it correctly, but also to defrost it correctly.
How long to store in the freezer?
Fresh chechil, which has a good shelf life, Can keep in the freezer for up to six months. It is important that the packaging is sealed, without air access. Read about storing pigtail cheese in this article.
How to freeze?
To organize long-term storage of cheese in the freezer It is important to follow these rules:
the product must be fresh and of high quality;
- the packaging must be suitable for the freezer;
- each package should contain as much cheese as is needed for one use;
- if the braid is too voluminous, you can separate as many threads as needed from the total mass;
- Only one type of cheese can be placed in one package.
If you have a vacuum sealer, you can use it to organize long-term storage of chechil.
How to defrost?
The process of organizing defrosting is no less important than the freezing itself. The quality and type of the final product depends on how gentle the method is chosen.
The best method is to simply transfer the package of cheese to the refrigerator and leave it there for several hours.. If the braid is large, it may take longer, up to 12 hours, to completely defrost.
The product thawed in this way will retain almost all its qualities. It is not advisable to speed up defrosting, as this will lead to a loss of consistency and the cheese will become more viscous and sticky.
If the braid is needed as a snack, then it is advisable to use it as early as possible. Thawed chechil will no longer be able to stay as long as a fresh product..
How much it is necessary to freeze braided cheese is determined in each specific case. If it is possible to do without a freezer, then it is better to find a use for chechil while it is fresh. If necessary, you can freeze it, not forgetting to write on the label the date it was placed in the freezer.