Features and shelf life of Cremette cheese

foto50732-1When purchasing a product, the question often arises: how long and under what conditions can it be stored?

This also applies to Cremette curd cheese. It appeared in retail stores not long ago.

Experienced confectioners have more information about it. Ordinary buyers may experience difficulties. We will talk about storing Cremette cheese further.

Creamy taste

Cremette or "Cremette" as the official name sounds, is a curd cheese. The product has a delicate, creamy taste and soft consistency. It pairs well with many foods, as well as vanilla or cinnamon flavors.

The elasticity of the mass allows you to prepare a wide range of confectionery products from it, including cheesecakes. Suitable for making baked sushi and rolls. It is added to desserts, cocktails, and gravies.

You can find out about the shelf life of curd cheese Here.

Conditions of detention

foto50732-2Cremette cheese is produced in plastic packaging filled with a small amount of whey. On top of it the product is covered with a protective film. The packaging itself is closed with a lid made of the same material as the body.

The minimum volume that can be found in retail is 800 g. Maximum – 2 kg.

Cooks are faced with the question of how to keep cheese fresh without losing its taste characteristics. And for how long is its consumption considered safe?

In original packaging

It is recommended to store Cremette cheese in a closed package in the refrigerator. Maximum period of taste and product characteristics 120 days or 4 months from the date of its manufacture.

When purchasing Cremette cheese, you should pay attention not only to the production date. But also on the integrity of the packaging and the tightness of the lid. Items cannot be stored in unsealed packaging.

After opening

The best option would be to use it immediately after opening the package. When this is not possible, proceed as follows:

  • open the jar;
  • remove the protective film;
  • Using a clean spoon or silicone spatula, remove the required amount of cheese mass into a separate bowl;
  • seal the packaging tightly;
  • place it in the refrigerator.

If you do everything correctly, Cremette cheese will not spoil within 48 hours or 2 days.


Hermetically sealed cheese stored at a temperature from 2 to 8? C. It is recommended to store opened packaging with unused product at a temperature of 4-8? C. This corresponds to the middle shelves of the refrigerator.

You should not store curd cheese on the balcony or veranda during the autumn-winter period. Temperature changes have a detrimental effect on the taste properties and can lead to premature spoilage of the product.

You shouldn’t freeze it, as some confectioners advise. When defrosting, the structure and consistency of the cheese changes, which makes it difficult to work with.

Signs of damage

Fresh cheese differs in the following parameters:

  1. foto50732-3The color of the product is white or light cream. Uniform, without dark inclusions.
  2. It is dense when cut and has no pattern. Its shade should match the color of the top of the product.
  3. The aroma is faint and pleasant.
  4. The taste is creamy, quite bright with a salty aftertaste.
  5. The consistency is soft and elastic.

Ideally, fresh, just opened Cremette should be covered with an even layer of whitish whey without clots or lumps. And the product itself should not have dried areas. In this case, it will be easy to apply to the surface of baked cakes or rolls.

Which may indicate that the cheese has spoiled while being stored in an opened package, or that it has expired. You should be wary of:

  • the appearance of a foreign, sour smell or taste in the cheese or whey;
  • change in whey consistency with the formation of clots or lumps;
  • the presence of greenish or blue spots on the surface;
  • excessive dryness of the product.
You should also not eat a product that has cracks, has lost its elasticity, and has begun to fall apart when used.


The shelf life of curd cheese in its original packaging is relatively long. Four months subject to sanitary rules. Once opened, it can only be stored for a few days. And also under certain conditions.

Do not use Cremette if you have doubts about its quality. This threatens not only wasted other products and dissatisfaction from a spoiled dish. But also serious health problems.


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