Without loss of gastronomic properties and delicious taste: how to store smoked lard at home
Errors when storing smoked lard lead to rapid spoilage of the product.
Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the recommendations and tips that allow you to preserve a healthy product for a long time without losing its gastronomic properties and delicious taste.
We'll tell you more about how to store smoked lard.
Preparation for storage
Before sending smoked meats for storage, the product must be properly prepared. To extend the harvesting period, competent processing of lard will be required. Further storage options depend on the smoking method - hot or cold.
Hot smoking
With the hot method, the processing of lard, previously soaked in a saline solution and spices, is carried out using hot smoke.
Within 50–60 minutes. the product is exposed to high temperatures. On average it ranges from 90 to 100°C.
Hot smoked bacon has an amazing taste and smell. However, its shelf life even on a refrigerator shelf is no more than 5 days.
Cold processing differs in the duration of the procedure. During the smoking process, lard kept in a salt solution is exposed to cold smoke, the temperature of which is no more than 30°C. The entire procedure lasts from 2 days to 2 weeks.
The duration of processing is more than covered by obvious advantageous indicators. Salo, treated with cold smoke, can be stored for at least 3 years.
Creating optimal conditions for storing smoked snacks significantly extends its shelf life. Compliance with product preparation technology in combination with storage rules ensures its freshness for a long time.
How and where is it correct?
One of the important conditions for storing smoked lard is ensuring proper temperature conditions. Only in the cold can you extend the shelf life.
It is equally important to store the workpiece without exposure to high humidity. The presence of condensation will also negatively affect the quality of smoked meat.
In a refrigerator
The permissible storage temperature for smoked lard is 4-6 degrees. These are the constant indicators that are maintained in the refrigerator chamber. The absence of temperature changes is the main condition that ensures the long-term suitability of the product.
To increase shelf life when placing smoked meat on a refrigerator shelf you need to follow simple steps:
Wrap the slice in cotton cloth. It is first immersed in a saturated saline solution and dried well.
- Then the smoked pieces are additionally wrapped in parchment paper.
- You can resort to another method. Wrap smoked lard tightly in cling film. There is no need to skimp on film. Several layers of film will more reliably keep products fresh.
Such procedures will ensure the preservation of lard for 3-4 weeks. Compared to conventional storage without proper packaging (5 days), the shelf life increases significantly - by 6-7 times.
In the freezer
Using low temperatures for long-term storage of lard prolongs the freshness of the product tens of times. Frozen smoked lard remains suitable and does not lose its gastronomic qualities for 10-12 months.
Frozen cold smoked products, both in the refrigerator and in the freezer, do not spoil for about 3 years.
Is it possible at room temperature?
There are several reliable ways to store smoked meats under normal room conditions. This:
- hanging in the attic,
- storage in glass jars or in boxes installed in the cellar/basement.
In banks
This storage option without the use of refrigeration appliances is particularly reliable. Its use is advisable when there is a large amount of product.
Technology for preparing smoked lard for storage in jars provides for strict adherence to all stages:
Prepare a saline solution in the ratio: 1 liter of water to 1 cup of salt. If there is a lot of fat, it is recommended to increase the portion.
- Bring the concentrated salt brine to a boil and remove from heat.
- Place pieces of smoked lard into the resulting solution and leave for a quarter of an hour.
- Then proceed to place the product in pre-sterilized jars.
- Place the pieces as tightly as possible.
- Depending on your taste preferences, you can add cloves of garlic between the slices of lard for flavor.
- Pour the workpiece with hot brine and roll up the lids for canning.
Store jars of smoked meats in a dark, cool and dry place. Such lard remains suitable for one to one and a half years.
other methods
Smoked lard can be stored by hanging pieces on hooks. The room in which the products are placed should be well ventilated, cool and dark. This could be an attic, cellar or basement.
Hanging on hooks
Before hanging smoked meats on hooks, lard must be wrapped in salted cloth or parchment paper.
Properly prepared and placed in optimal conditions, the product retains not only its presentation, but also high taste qualities in tandem with an amazing aroma. The shelf life of such products is no more than 6 months.
Using boxes
In a well-prepared room you can place a large portion of smoked products. To do this, it should be prepared for storing products - whiten, ensure good air circulation. This is necessary to prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and mold.
What is the best way to keep it?
In addition to ensuring optimal storage conditions, it is necessary to use the correct containers and packaging.
The most suitable option is to use:
- parchment paper;
- foil;
- glass jars;
- wooden boxes.
Cling film and plastic bags are not suitable for this purpose. Such packaging material will lead to rapid spoilage of the product.
The shelf life depends on the smoking method and the place where the product is placed. Eg:
- Hot smoked lard without packaging in the refrigerator - no more than 5 days;
- bacon wrapped in parchment paper or cloth treated in saline solution – 21-30 days;
- smoked lard processed with cold smoke remains suitable for up to 1 year if placed in the refrigerator;
- the same product in the freezer will remain suitable for up to 3 years;
- in banks – up to 18 months;
- in limbo – 6 months;
- in boxes – 3 months.
Useful tips
By following simple recommendations, you can extend the shelf life of smoked lard. Here are some important nuances:
- For any storage option for smoked meats, the date the product was placed in storage should be indicated on the packaging or container. This will eliminate the possibility of violating the expiration date and prevent the risk of consuming a low-quality product.
The location of smoked meats next to products with a strong odor is undesirable, since mutual absorption of neighboring aromas occurs.
- A damp room is not suitable for storing smoked lard. If the humidity is high, it will quickly deteriorate.
It will become moldy, go rancid, and acquire an unpleasant odor. Eating such a product is dangerous.
- The room or place for placing the workpiece should be prepared in advance - washed, dried, ventilated, and eliminate strong odors.
Following simple tips will extend the shelf life of the product. Smoked lard retains all its beneficial properties and taste.
The safest option for storing smoked lard is to place it in the refrigerator or freezer. A constant temperature and acceptable humidity levels are maintained here. Under such conditions, the product remains not only fragrant and tasty, but also safe for health.