Lard is one of the most delicious and healthy snacks. Fragrant pieces of salted or smoked product will decorate any table.
But to ensure that this delicacy does not spoil and remains fresh longer, you need to know the rules for storing it.
How to properly store lard - where and at what temperature, for how long, we will tell you further.
Where and at what temperature?
Lard is prepared according to different recipes. This product is boiled, smoked or salted. It can also be used melted. Storage conditions differ for different types of this product.
Fresh product spoils quickly. It is enough for him to stay for 5-6 hours at a temperature of +10 °C.
It is no longer advisable to eat such a product. Therefore, fresh lard is kept exclusively in the refrigerator. Here it can be stored at temperatures from +5 to +7 °C for no longer than a few days.
Fresh lard is recommended to be processed or eaten quickly. If this cannot be done, you need to wrap the piece in a clean cloth or food paper and store it in the freezer.
It is better to first divide a large piece into portions. Fresh lard can be stored in the freezer for up to six months.
Lard is smoked in different ways: in a smokehouse or in an oven. The smoking process is long and labor-intensive. Therefore, I want to preserve the results of such work longer.
To keep smoked bacon longer in the refrigerator, It’s better to wrap it in cling paper and cover it with cling film on top. The product packaged in this way can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.
Hot smoked lard, subject to a high degree of salting, can be stored on refrigerator shelves at temperatures from +5 to +7 °C for up to 60 days. Cold smoked bacon can be stored outside the refrigerator. But in this case, you need to monitor the temperature - the air should not warm up above 5 °C.
The shelf life of smoked products in the freezer increases to 1 year. But with prolonged freezing, its taste deteriorates, so it is better to resort to this method as rarely as possible.
Salted bacon can be stored longer than fresh product. The most common type of salting is dry..
It is done with minimal effort and time. The lard is rubbed with a generous portion of salt and sent to a dark, cool place for several days.
The container in which the lard is stored must first be closed. In this form, it is sent to the refrigerator shelves, where the product can be stored for up to 3 months.
If longer storage is required, it is better to put the piece in the freezer. It is better to divide large preliminary bars into several smaller ones. At sub-zero temperatures, salted lard can be stored in the freezer for 12 months.
If the bacon has been in the freezer for a long time, a salt coating may accumulate on its surface. In this case, before eating the product, the salt must be cleaned off with a knife in the part from which the piece will reflect.
At what temperature, how correctly and for how long should lard be stored after salting? this article.
How to save the product?
If all storage requirements are met, the taste and appearance of lard are preserved for a long time. The main condition is low temperature and low air humidity. Also, the product should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
In a refrigerator
The better the quality of the lard, the longer it will be stored on the refrigerator shelves. The fresh product must meet the following requirements:
- pinkish or white tint, the piece should not have a gray or yellowish tint;
- the skin is thin, without bristles;
- the optimal thickness of the piece is 3-6 cm;
- pleasant meaty aroma.
The optimal temperature for storing such a product in the refrigerator is from +5 to +7 °C. It is better to wrap each piece prepared for storage into smaller pieces and wrap it in food paper.
Individual portions must be placed in the tray so that there is space between themwhere air will circulate. In this case, the pieces will last longer and will not be exposed to humid air. In such conditions, it can be stored on refrigerator shelves for up to 30 days.
You can find out how long lard can be stored in the refrigerator here.
This video will show you how to store lard in the refrigerator:
Without refrigerator
If there is not enough space in the refrigerator, lard can be stored at room temperature. An important condition is that the pieces must be stored in brine.. To do this, a large piece of lard is cut into medium pieces.
The product is then compacted into a glass jar according to size. Next, the pieces are poured with hot marinade. The marinade is prepared according to a certain scheme.
- boiling water - 1l;
- salt - 250 g;
- bay leaf and allspice - to taste.
- Add dry ingredients to boiling water.
- Boil the mixture a little.
- Pour the resulting marinade over the lard.
Screw on the jars with metal lids. This preservation can be stored in a cool place for up to 3 years.
Camping lard, video recipe:
In the freezer
Lard cannot be stored at very low temperatures - this will ruin its taste. Freezing mode should be medium. It should be set if the refrigerator is equipped with such a function. The optimal storage temperature is not lower than -18 °C.
It is better to wrap lard for storage in the freezer in linen or cotton cloth. Large pieces should first be divided into smaller slices, optimal for consumption at one meal.
Is it possible and how to properly store lard in the freezer? Read Here.
In summer
It is not recommended to leave lard of any kind without refrigeration for a long time. But sometimes you need to take a product with you on a picnic in the summer or send it by parcel.
In such cases, you need to prepare it correctly:
For transportation on a long journey or for shipping, it is better to use smoked or salted lard. In this case, it will not deteriorate within 2-3 days.
- The product must first be wrapped in food paper. It is not recommended to use plastic bags.
- For transportation it is better to use a cooler bag. The temperature inside such a device is maintained at an optimal temperature for storage.
- For long-term transportation in hot weather, it is better to freeze the product for several hours. After this, the lard is wrapped in several layers of newspaper or food paper.
You can also pre-freeze the bacon, then wrap it in paper and place it in a bag. Place a bottle of ice water next to the bag.
Is it allowed to keep it in parchment and foil?
Lard of any kind Can be stored wrapped in parchment or food foil. This method is considered one of the most popular. Additionally, it is better to place the pieces wrapped in these materials in a hermetically sealed container. In such conditions, the product can be stored on the refrigerator shelves for about a month.
In addition to the freezer and refrigerator, you can use other ways to store lard.
Smoked lard can be stored in wooden boxes, previously lined with parchment. To protect the product from moisture, the pieces are sprinkled with rye chaff or sawdust.
An alternative option is to sprinkle a layer of salt on the bottom, place pieces of lard on it, salt it again and cover with parchment. Under such conditions, the product can be stored for up to 12 months.
The main conditions for storing lard are relatively low temperatures and low humidity. This product can be stored outside the refrigerator, but must comply with all necessary conditions.In this case, the aromatic lard can even be transported over long distances in the heat without fear for its freshness and taste.