A matter of minutes, or how to defrost meat in the microwave
Under the influence of a high-frequency alternating magnetic field, water molecules constantly turn over, trying to orient themselves along its lines of force.
During this movement, friction forces arise between the molecules and heat is released. This is the physical principle on which the operation of microwave ovens is based.
When defrosting in the microwave, you need to understand that the process is more efficient and faster, the more water there is in the product. Meat contains a lot of water, so defrosting it in the microwave is perfect for it.
How to defrost?
Electromagnetic waves penetrate products to a depth of 2.5-3 cm. In this layer the defrosting process occurs faster than in deeper layers.
More advanced models of microwave ovens have an automatic defrost mode. If there is no such mode, then you need to set the lowest power possible (100-200 W).
Regardless of whether there is an automatic defrost mode or not, the sequence of actions will be the same:
It is necessary to remove all packaging: store backings, bags. When melting, water and blood will flow down.
With a high probability, this liquid will become hot and scald those areas of the product that will come into contact with it.
- Place the meat in an even layer in a microwave-safe dish. The dishes should be placed in the center of the glass tray.
- Set the “defrost” mode or minimum power and start the timer for 3-4 minutes.In automatic mode, you are asked to select not the time, but the type of product and its weight, and the time will be calculated by the program.
- After the specified time, the meat must be turned over. If the edges of the pieces begin to sag and scald, you need to take a short break (2-3 minutes) so that the temperature inside the product equalizes.
- Turn on the microwave for another 3-4 minutes. Then turn the meat over again.
- Repeat until all the product is defrosted.
If a lot of liquid forms in the plate, it must be drained periodically.
How many minutes will it take?
Different meat products have their own consistency, density, and water content in them is also very different. Therefore, it is worth defrosting them in the microwave taking into account these features:
- Beef should be defrosted in 3-5 minute intervals. It is better if the meat is cut into small pieces. On average, 1 kg of meat will take 15 minutes at a power of 100-150 W.
- Pork fattier, but there is less water in it. Therefore, it will take longer to defrost. It can take up to 20 minutes for 1 kg of meat. There is no point in increasing power to speed up the process. With a power greater than 200-250 W, fatty areas may begin to bake.
- Chicken the meat is the most tender. It is lean, watery, with tender muscle fibers. Especially the fillet. It must be defrosted at the lowest power, no more than 100 W, for 2-3 minutes with long intermissions. The meat must be constantly turned over, making sure that the edges do not start to cook.
- And here's the sausage In terms of defrosting, the most unpretentious. This is a finished product, with a minimum moisture content, which has already undergone heat treatment. You can defrost it at low power, but in one step. If the sausage contains fat, then it is better to take breaks so that the fat does not have time to boil.
You can find out how to quickly defrost chicken fillet here.
This video will show you how to defrost chicken in the microwave:
The microwave oven is great not only for cooking and heating food, but also for defrosting. It allows you to quickly and delicately defrost meat. Due to the high speed, the products do not begin to deteriorate.
If your microwave does not have a special mode preset, You can defrost with manual settings, at minimum power.