Optimal shelf life, or how long you can store frozen chicken in the freezer
Freezing chicken meat allows you to extend the shelf life of the product. And the housewife can prepare a hearty dish at any time without having to go to the store again to replenish supplies.
But in order for chicken to retain its qualities, it is important to properly organize the conditions for keeping the meat.
We'll tell you later how long you can store chicken in the freezer.
Shelf life subject to conditions
Fresh chicken meat is a perishable product and very demanding on storage conditions. Therefore, the refrigerator shelf is only suitable for short-term use.
In the refrigerator compartment at a temperature range from -2? C to 0? C the carcass can be stored for no more than 3 or 4 days, at a temperature not higher than +7? C – up to a couple of days. The freezer significantly extends the shelf life of meat significantly longer.
The average meat content in the freezer is:
Temperature range, ?С | Storage duration, months. |
-5 to -8 | 1-3 |
-8 to -14 | Until 6 |
-14 to -18 | Up to 9 |
-18 to -24 | Up to 12 |
Below -24 | Up to 24 |
In addition to the storage temperature, A number of other factors influence the shelf life of meat:
storage conditions for chicken before freezing;
- duration of storage of the product before freezing;
- type of meat itself (fillet, whole carcass, etc.);
- freezing method;
- reliability of freezing equipment.
Chicken meat can also be included in semi-finished products, which are also frozen. These could be, for example, dumplings, cutlets, etc. In this case, the shelf life will be significantly shorter.
If the temperature in the freezer is unstable, the shelf life is significantly reduced.
Selection of containers
To store the chicken in the freezer, place it in the most airtight packaging possible. Most often it is a regular cellophane bag or vacuum packaging. This prevents moisture loss, exchange of odors and reduces the likelihood of oxidation processes.
If the chicken was purchased already in packaging, then it is better to place it in the freezer, without additional processing of the carcass. When freezing several chickens, each of them should have a separate package. The cut carcass is also packaged in separate bags. Containers that may react with the product should not be used.
Organization of meat freezing
Chicken can be frozen as a whole carcass or in separate pieces, including separating the fillet. Boneless meat is best stored for a long time. Meat prepared for freezing must be of high quality and dry.
If you do not plan to cook the chicken whole, then before freezing the carcass should be divided into portions.
Taking into account how much meat will be defrosted and used at one time, the products are packaged in bags. This will help you avoid defrosting more chicken in the future than necessary. When storing frozen poultry Relative humidity must be maintained at least 90%.
How to compactly freeze chicken in the refrigerator - on video:
Poultry versus store bought: what are the differences?
In most cases, poultry and store-bought poultry differ even in appearance. Home-raised poultry has dense meat texture and a slight yellowish tint to the skin.
This is due to the characteristics of growing in different conditions. Fresh, high-quality poultry purchased in a store has virtually no odor.
Homemade - has a slight chicken smell. If the bird was raised at home, received natural food and quality care, its meat is healthier than chicken from a poultry plant.
The beneficial substances contained in fresh meat, when properly frozen and subsequently stored in accordance with established standards, allow you to preserve all the qualities of the product.
When cooking previously frozen or fresh meat, store-bought chicken is often softer and cooks faster. This is due to differences in content.
Domestic chicken not only eats differently, but also moves more, which affects the composition of the chicken's muscle tissue. Therefore, after freezing, the two types of chicken will be different. If there is a choice, It is better to give preference to poultry that was raised at home.
The effect of freezing on the taste and beneficial qualities of the product
If chicken needs to be stored for a long time, the temperature in the freezer should be maintained at a level not higher than -18? C.
Under such conditions, all the properties of the meat are preserved throughout the specified shelf life.
Further, after defrosting, the product can be kept for no more than 2 days at a temperature from 0? C to +4? C. This meat remains safe to eat.
When organizing the storage of a frozen product according to all the rules, the product does not lose its characteristics that are characteristic of fresh chicken, maintaining the proportion of fat, protein and moisture. But it is important that the product that is frozen is fresh.
When thawing during the defrosting process, meat juice leaks from the meat. If the freezing was rapid and exposed to very low temperatures, the ice crystals formed are small and cause less damage to the meat fibers. With slow freezing, larger crystals are formed in the interfiber space.
Advantages of blast freezing:
- reduction of moisture loss;
- speed of the freezing process;
- reduced weight loss due to reduced shrinkage.
Expired chicken that has passed its shelf life should not be frozen.
6 useful tips
When organizing freezing chicken the following points must be taken into account:
- A product of initially low quality should not be sent for long-term storage.
- If the chicken has been stored refrigerated for several days, it is not advisable to freeze it for future use, but rather use it to prepare some dish.
- Once thawed meat is not re-frozen.
- Industrial freezing using professional equipment ensures optimal preservation of product quality. Therefore, if you buy meat for future use, it is advisable to give preference to such a product rather than freezing the chilled product yourself.
- When purchasing frozen or chilled chicken meat, be sure to look at the expiration date of the product indicated on the packaging.
- Frozen chicken should be defrosted in stages, first by moving it from the freezer to the refrigerator shelf. This will better preserve all the qualities of the product than with quick defrosting.
If chicken has a good shelf life, but the appearance of the meat is questionable, you should not purchase the product.
Storing chicken frozen is a convenient way to keep a stock of meat in the house. At the same time, it is important to control the conditions under which the product is kept and not to use chicken that has expired.