A harmful and useless procedure, or is it necessary to wash meat before freezing?
Proper freezing of meat is the main condition for its long-term storage. Before this, the chopped meat pieces must be cleaned of all excess.
However, already at this stage it is important to properly prepare the meat without spoiling it.
Do I need to wash meat before freezing or not? Let's try to figure it out!
Is it possible or not?
Microorganisms live and multiply on the surface of meat, affecting its suitability for consumption, so before freezing It is recommended to clean it thoroughly.
This procedure removes from the food the layer of microbes that have formed on it, which will continue to actively develop and have a negative effect on meat products after freezing.
Why not?
Washing meat – undesirable procedure because:
washing will not wash away or kill all bacteria from the surface of the product; moreover, a humid environment promotes the accelerated proliferation of microorganisms;
- under the active influence of water, meat absorbs excess moisture, becomes watery and loses its taste;
- water provokes the release of meat juice, which makes the product less juicy, dries faster, and a rich nutrient medium for the proliferation of bacteria is formed on its surface.
To properly clean meat, it is recommended:
- Scrape its surface with a knife, cut out excess fat, remove remaining skin, etc.
- Pieces over 1 kg should be divided into smaller portions, since larger cuts are frozen unevenly.This is fraught with deterioration in the taste of food and large losses of meat juice during defrosting.
- Wipe the product thoroughly with a damp cloth, including cuts and places in contact with hands and other objects. Then pat thoroughly with a paper towel to remove excess moisture.
How to freeze correctly?
Fresh raw foods after freezing can be stored in the freezer for a long time - from a month to six months.
To properly freeze at home you need:
- The temperature in the chamber should not exceed -18 °C. It is this temperature regime that significantly slows down the growth of harmful bacteria in food and is optimal for the long-term preservation of raw foods.
- Preparing meat. Meat preparations must be properly cleaned of all excess and cut into small portions.
- Storing meat in the freezer. Glass, enamel and plastic containers are best suited (plastic suitable for use at sub-zero temperatures is marked with a special sign in the form of a snowflake). Meat pieces can be wrapped in plastic or thick cloth soaked in vinegar or lemon juice. It is not recommended to use wooden containers for freezing. The tree perfectly absorbs meat juice, turning into a breeding ground for bacteria.
This video will show you how to freeze meat:
Properly cleaned meat lasts longer when frozen.However, you should not wash it in water before freezing, since this procedure not only makes no sense, but also negatively affects its properties.