Tips and secrets on how to store ripe tomatoes at home
Ripe red tomatoes are particularly aromatic and have a distinct, characteristic taste.
Extending the storage time of such vegetables is especially important. If everything is done correctly, this is quite possible.
We will tell you below how to properly store ripe tomatoes at home.
Storage rules
For long-term storage, tomatoes that are not yet fully ripened are more suitable. Overripe vegetables are not the best choice; they are more susceptible to external influences and store worse. Ripe, fully ripened tomatoes do not store as well as green ones.
At what temperature?
Air temperature where ripe tomatoes are kept should be no more than 10°C. At high rates, the fruits will begin to overripe and lose moisture. If the temperature is below 0°C, vegetables may freeze.
The most favorable conditions for storing tomatoes include a humidity level of about 90%.
To store ripe tomatoes, you must always choose a dark place. Vegetables should not be exposed to artificial or natural light..
In order for tomatoes to lay well, it is important to ensure good ventilation. This will prevent spoilage of vegetable stocks.
In order for the tomato harvest to be successfully stored, it is necessary to prepare the fruits themselves. For storage, it is better to choose shelf-stable varieties that have dense pulp and skin.
It is best to plan the tomato harvesting process on a warm, dry day.. This will contribute to their better storage. The next stage is sorting by size. It is advisable to store large fruits separately from small ones.
All collected vegetables must be sorted, removing spoiled and overripe specimens. Rejected tomatoes must be processed.
It is necessary to collect tomatoes from the beds before the air temperature drops below +4°C.
Where is the best place to keep ripe fruits?
Ripe tomatoes will sit well at a temperature of about +10°C. Such conditions can be created in a cellar, basement, barn, balcony, etc. Additionally, you can wipe each fruit with alcohol.
Is it possible in the cellar?
If a cellar or basement is allocated for vegetable storage, this room must be prepared in advance. Before stocking up, you should remove the remnants of last year's harvest, restore order and disinfect.
It is convenient to put vegetables in wooden or plastic boxes, covered with a layer of paper or straw on the bottom.. Each new layer must also be separated with paper so that the vegetables do not come into contact with each other.
You should not put many layers in each of the drawers, as the vegetables may become choked. It is better if there are 3 or even less.
Vegetables need to be checked periodically, at least once a week.. This is necessary in order to promptly identify and remove spoiled fruits.For even better storage, it is recommended to wrap each fruit separately in paper and place it in a box in this form.
In a refrigerator
A small amount of ripe tomatoes can be placed in the refrigerator. It is believed that after being in it, the fruits lose part of their aroma.
The solution to the problem is to take them out of the refrigerator in advance, before serving, so that the tomatoes have time to warm up. This will return their flavor and allow them to be used fresh, for example in salads.
It is best to use paper bags for packaging., or you can wrap each tomato separately in paper. Cellophane bags can only be used if they have additional holes for ventilation.
In a house, apartment
In the warmth of an apartment, ripe tomatoes will quickly deteriorate, especially if they are kept in the kitchen. For long-term storage, it is better to find a more suitable place for them.
You can use the equipped glazed balcony, storage room or another place that is cool and protected from light.
If there are a lot of tomatoes, you can put them in boxes or boxes. On the loggia it is possible, for example, to install large wooden boxes with lids.
How to preserve ripe red tomatoes longer?
The shelf life of the product will largely depend on how storage is organized. There are several basic traditional methods for preserving the harvest of ripe tomatoes.
In boxes
For placement in a basement, cellar, garage or even on a loggia, boxes are usually used. They can be wooden or plastic.If the material is plastic, the box should have enough holes to ensure good ventilation.
You need to lay paper or sawdust at the bottom of the selected container. And only after that the tomatoes are laid out. Between the individual layers it is also necessary to either lay paper or use sawdust.
Boxes should not be filled to the top. Vegetables should be freely contained in them. Since the tomatoes are already ripe, there should not be many layers in the box so that the bottom rows do not get choked under the total weight.
In mustard
In order to keep tomatoes fresh for a long time, you can use mustard powder. Procedure:
Wash and dry the tomatoes.
- Sterilize jars and metal lids.
- Pour 2 tablespoons of mustard powder into the bottom of each jar.
- Layer the tomatoes, periodically sprinkling them with mustard. Continue all the way to the top.
- Roll up the cans.
For a 3-liter jar you need up to 7 tablespoons of mustard powder.
In salt
Pickling is one of the simplest ways to preserve tomatoes for future use. You can use both dense fruits and slightly overripe ones.
- Wash the tomatoes.
- Dry.
- Chop the tomatoes coarsely.
- Place in prepared jars in layers - about 10 cm of tomato pieces, then a spoonful of salt.
- Repeat the previous step until the container is completely filled.
- Close the jar with a lid.
Such a preparation must be stored in a cool place.
In the freezer
Freezing is a reliable way to preserve tomatoes for several months. Ripe tomatoes of small varieties (for example, cherry) can be frozen whole.
Larger and very ripe ones - it is better to chop or grind in a blender. The processing method depends on how the workpiece is then planned to be used - in pizza, in sauces, etc.
This video will tell you about freezing tomatoes:
In a vacuum
Vacuum packaging makes it possible to significantly extend the storage time of tomatoes. You can use either special bags and a device for pumping out air, or a recipe using a can.
In the latter case you will need:
- directly jar with lid,
- tomatoes,
- alcohol,
- wick and lighter or match.
- Sterilize jars.
- Pour 2 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol into each.
- Fold in the tomatoes.
- Gently shake the jar so that all the fruits are treated with alcohol.
- Place the wick in the jar.
- Light the fuse.
- When the alcohol starts to burn, quickly close the jar tightly with a lid.
This video will tell you about storing tomatoes in vacuum packaging:
It is quite possible to ensure the storage of even very ripe tomatoes if you know what conditions the vegetables need to be created. To extend the storage time even further, you can use preservation recipes.