Proper organization of storing onions and garlic at home is the key to preserving the harvest!
Onions and garlic are harvested in the fall, when the harvest is active.
These vegetables have a long shelf life. You can eat them until next summer.
Read the article about how to properly store onions and garlic at home so that the harvest does not spoil.
Can they be stored together in one box?
If there is not enough space to store onions and garlic, then you can place them together in one box. Vegetables have the same requirements for environmental conditions and do not have any negative impact on each other.
Correctly: at what temperature in the apartment in winter?
Regardless of the chosen storage method, onions and garlic must be properly prepared:
The first stage is drying. The best assistant in this process is the sun's rays. Ultraviolet light not only helps eliminate excess moisture, but also disinfects vegetables.
- The second stage of preparation is sorting. All diseased and suspicious heads are removed. Medium-sized specimens are selected for storage. Large and small vegetables should be processed first.
Garlic and onions can be stored in braids. They are woven from dried stems. Since garlic has less strength, you can use rope, straw or twine. One bundle should contain no more than 15 heads.A loop is made on top from which the vegetables are hung.
This method is suitable for those people who have a storage room in their apartment. The kitchen is too warm for vegetables to stay there for long.
In order for the braids to weave well, you need to harvest the crop on time. The tops should not dry out, otherwise they will crumble. If you dig up unripe vegetables from the ground, they will quickly spoil. The onion tops should be yellow, but not completely dry.
You can place the harvest in glass jars. Procedure:
- sterilize the container in any convenient way;
- Dry the onions and garlic thoroughly;
- Place the food in jars, sprinkle with flour and close with nylon lids.
By analogy with cans, fabric bags are used. If the humidity level in the apartment is high, then salt can be used as an adsorbent. Spreading vegetables in a layer of more than 30 cm is not recommended. Otherwise, air exchange deteriorates and rotting processes begin.
The main problem that housewives face when storing garlic for a long time is loss of moisture. This process can be prevented using paraffin.
It is heated in a water bath and each head is dipped into the warm mass. After hardening, a protective film appears on the surface of the vegetables, which prevents them from drying out.
General storage conditions:
Low air temperature: -1…-3 degrees. There are no such places in the apartment. If possible, the harvest is harvested on a glassed-in balcony, insulated with a blanket.
Some vegetables can be stored in the refrigerator, in the bottom drawer, but not for too long and in small quantities. In your home, vegetables often overwinter in the attic.
- High air temperature.Surprisingly, onions and garlic are stored well at temperatures from + 18 to + 22 degrees.
Therefore, for the winter you can place them in the pantry, putting them in boxes. The container should be placed as low as possible, since it is always cooler near the floor.
- Air humidity 60%. In damp conditions, pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply, leading to spoilage of vegetables. Dry air is no less dangerous, as it leads to their withering.
- Sufficient ventilation. The room must be ventilated.
Read about the temperature conditions for storing onions Here.
The video will show you how to store onions and garlic in glass jars:
How can you not?
In order not to lose the harvest, you need to know what not to do.
Basic prohibitions:
- Undrained vegetables should not be sent for storage.
- Do not pour onions and garlic into boxes or bags in large quantities. The optimal weight of one package is 15 kg.
- It is not recommended to store vegetables in a damp place.
- You should not allow sudden changes in temperature by taking food out onto the balcony and returning it to the apartment.
- Do not pack onions and garlic in plastic bags or other airtight materials. In such conditions they rot and deteriorate.
Helpful information
Tips for storing garlic and onions at home:
To avoid mold and rot, vegetables must be thoroughly dried before storing.
- Only late-ripening onion varieties are suitable for long-term storage.
- You can spread the onions and garlic in the apartment on the floor, after covering it with newspapers. To keep them out of the way and take up useful space, they are put under the bed.
- The shelf life of vegetables depends on their variety. Spicy onions last the longest. Like garlic, it can remain fresh until April - May.
- Treating garlic with linseed oil helps slow down the drying process of garlic. You need to boil it, add a few drops of iodine to it (10 drops per 500 ml) and rub it on each head. Then the vegetables are dried in the sun and only then stored.
Sometimes vegetables spoil on the side or near the bottom. First of all, unripe and poorly dried heads are damaged.
Read about why onions rot during storage and how to prevent it. Here. You will find maximum useful information about storing onions here.
If storage space is limited, onions and garlic can be placed in one drawer. These vegetables have identical requirements for temperature and air humidity..
They are also stored in bundles, in bags, in stockings and simply on the floor. The main thing is to thoroughly dry and sort the products before sending them for the winter.