Note to housewives: how long do boiled potatoes last in the refrigerator and without?
Cooked boiled potatoes can be stored for some time. How long he can lie depends on the conditions created.
In order to preserve its taste and beneficial qualities, you need to know all the features of the contents of this product.
We will tell you how long boiled potatoes can be stored in the refrigerator in this article.
The importance of maintaining shelf life
Boiled potatoes are a perishable product that, even if all the rules are followed, cannot sit for weeks. If the storage conditions are violated or if the vegetable is stored for too long, the vegetable begins to lose its consistency, acquires a repulsive odor, and becomes unsuitable for food.
Shelf life
Already prepared root vegetables have a very limited storage period, which does not allow storing such food for future use.
The duration of lying down is influenced by various factors:
- Ambient temperature.
- Closed or open container.
- Light exposure is harmful to the dish.
- Neighborhood with other products, etc.
If boiled potatoes are included in dishes and supplemented with other ingredients, their shelf life is significantly reduced.
In a refrigerator
The refrigerator is a suitable place to store boiled potatoes. The following can be used as containers:
- enamel pan;
- glass jar with a lid;
- plastic container with a lid or other suitable container.
In the freezer
In addition to keeping them in the refrigerator, you can freeze already boiled potatoes. Before placing it in the freezer, it is allowed to cool, then the vegetable can be cut.
After this, the potatoes are packaged in containers or zip-lock bags and stored in the freezer. Vegetables can be kept in the freezer for up to three months..
If potatoes need to be frozen, then portion packaging will avoid re-freezing an already thawed product.
At room temperature
How many days can boiled potatoes be stored without refrigeration? Storing boiled potatoes at room temperature cannot be long. The air temperature in this case is very high for vegetables.
At +18? C it is safe to keep the finished boiled product for less than a day - no more than 18 hours. Even then, it is important to protect the product from light.
If you need to extend the shelf life of boiled potatoes, you should cook them in their skins and do not peel them after cooking.
How to store boiled potatoes in their skins?
Potatoes cooked in their jackets can serve as a preparation for preparing salads and other dishes based on this product in the future. Boiled, unpeeled root vegetables not only last longer, but also retain more nutrients than peeled ones.
Store this product in the refrigerator better under a lid in a container that does not react with potatoes - enameled, glass or food-grade plastic. The top of any selected container should be covered with a lid or wrapped with cling film.
In a container protected from light at room temperature, the vegetable cannot be stored for a long time, even in its uniform. Maximum – up to 20 hours at +18?C.
The higher the ambient temperature, the shorter the shelf life. In the summer heat, it is better to store the prepared vegetable only in the refrigerator.
Is it possible and how to extend the period?
Extend the shelf life of boiled potatoes The following expert recommendations will help:
if possible, it is better to cook the vegetable in its jacket;
- Potatoes cooked with whole tubers should not be chopped in advance;
- It is better to store boiled potatoes separately from other products;
- if potatoes are planned to be included in other dishes, then this should not be done in advance;
- keeping it in a closed container without access to light extends the shelf life.
If you plan to freeze the potatoes, then this should be done immediately after they have cooled, without keeping them in the refrigerator for several days before.
How long boiled potatoes can be kept depends on the storage location and the condition of the root crops. For storing vegetables It is advisable to give preference to cool places and sealed containers.