Important conditions at what temperature sauerkraut can and should be stored
Sauerkraut has been known for its benefits and bright taste since ancient times. In the old days, it was prepared in huge barrels and stored in cold cellars all winter.
At what temperature sauerkraut can and should be stored in winter, and what conditions are important for successful storage of the product, is described in this article.
Optimal temperature conditions
The vegetable is fermented warmly, at room temperature.. The fermentation process stops when the cabbage cools to +8 degrees. But this temperature is not suitable for long-term storage.
What happens if the numbers are higher?
If you keep the pickled vegetable at +5 +7 degrees (for example, in the refrigerator), it will soon acidify and become soft. The snack will retain its crunchiness, taste and vitamins for no more than 8 weeks.
At room temperature the product will not change its quality in just a couple of days. A one-time short-term increase in temperature in storage does not affect the taste of the product.
If below
Constantly maintaining the temperature at 0 -1 has a beneficial effect on the preservation of the snack. The salt content in the product will not allow it to freeze even at a slight minus.
Freezing sauerkraut once does not affect the taste or vitamin content. Many housewives deliberately put portions of fermented vegetables in the freezer.
After defrosting, the vegetable may become soft, so it is stewed and used as a filling for pies.
Repeated freezing and thawing of the workpiece leads to its damage. The snack becomes soft, darkens, and the ascorbic acid content decreases sharply.
What if they are constantly changing?
With significant temperature fluctuations, the content of vitamins and other beneficial substances in sauerkraut decreases. The product may taste bitter, the cabbage will become soft and slippery (mold fungi develop).
What else is important for storing product in winter?
To safely preserve the product, you need to follow a few simple rules:
- the vegetable in the container is completely covered with brine;
- the jar should not be exposed to light;
- jars or barrels are tightly sealed, preventing air from getting inside.
You can learn how to properly store sauerkraut in jars Here. General rules for storing sauerkraut in the refrigerator are described here.
Tips on the topic of the article
Experienced housewives advise:
If the cabbage does not have enough of its own brine, prepare an additional portion of the filling (100 g of salt per 1 liter of boiled and cooled water). The vegetable should be completely hidden in the brine.
The pressure helps the product not to float to the surface. It must be periodically washed and wiped with vodka.
- The container with the product stored in the refrigerator is sealed tightly. Many people use vacuum bags; this extends the shelf life of snacks by 10-12 days.
- Frozen cabbage is stewed or added to soup without defrosting. It is convenient to freeze the vegetable in portions, squeezing it well from the brine and placing it in a tight bag.
- Prevents the formation of mold by placing a scalded horseradish sheet on the surface of the product. In addition, sugar is sprinkled on top of the cabbage. Many housewives add apple cider vinegar (2-4 tablespoons per 1 liter) to the brine.
- If the storage conditions for sauerkraut do not meet the requirements, it is better to prepare the snack all winter, in small portions.
You will find a lot of useful information about storing sauerkraut Here.
In an ordinary apartment, sauerkraut is kept in the refrigerator. A portion of vegetable, filled with brine and tightly closed, will remain there for at least 2 months. For long-term storage and subsequent use in processing, the product can be frozen.