Hot question: can apples be stored in the refrigerator?
Apples are not perishable foods. With the right approach, they can remain fresh for up to six months or even more, but suitable conditions must be created for this.
Read the article about whether it is possible to store apples in the refrigerator (baked, sliced, frozen, etc.) and how to properly organize this process.
Is storage possible and at what temperature?
Apples keep better in the refrigerator than at room temperature. There, ideal conditions will be created for them. The optimal storage temperature for apples is 0…+1 degrees.
Inside foods that are exposed to cool conditions, all processes slow down. In the refrigerator, winter varieties of apples will ripen slowly, and summer varieties will not begin to rot quickly. The average length of their storage in the vegetable drawer is 3-4 months.
The degree of ripeness of the fruit matters. If they were collected on time, then such fruits will last a long time in the refrigerator. Overripe specimens will continue to deteriorate and will soon begin to rot.
In general, the refrigerator provides excellent conditions for storing apples. However, this method has a significant disadvantage - it is a lack of space.. Shelves filled with fruit may be needed to store other products.
Important and useful information about storing apples is presented Here.
How to properly preserve fruit for the winter?
There are several ways to store apples in the refrigerator: whole, sliced or grated.Sometimes fruits are frozen and even baked. Each of the listed methods has its own characteristics.
No freezing
In the refrigerator, apples are stored in the vegetable drawer. This is where they stay fresh the longest and do not interfere with other foods.
To prevent fruits from spoiling, adhere to the following recommendations:
There is no need to hesitate after harvesting. It is advisable to refrigerate the fruit for the first 12 hours. This will significantly increase their shelf life.
- Apples brought from the store are not kept at room temperature. They need to be put in a cool place immediately.
- You cannot wash fruits in advance. They are processed before consumption.
- You can store apples in a closed bag by making several small holes in it using a toothpick.
If you plan to keep the fruit in the refrigerator for a long time, then each fruit is wrapped in parchment or ordinary napkins. In this form they are put away in a storage box.
Apples are stored separately from other vegetables and fruits (with the exception of pears). They have a detrimental effect on products of plant origin, accelerating their spoilage.. This is due to the special ethylene gas that they emit.
Frozen apples retain all the beneficial properties of ripe fruits. Under the influence of low temperatures, only a small amount of vitamins and microelements is destroyed. They can be stored in the freezer for up to 9 months.
To properly prepare the fruits and freeze them, proceed as follows:
- They are sorted, washed under running water and laid out on a paper towel.
- When they are completely dry, they are placed in a container or bag.
- The container must be packed tightly to save space and prevent moisture loss.
- In this form, the products are put into the freezer.
The temperature at which apples are stored in the freezer is important. an indicator that directly affects their shelf life:
- Fruits are stored for up to 2 months at temperatures from -10 to -12 degrees;
- Fruits can remain fresh for up to 10 months at a temperature of -23 degrees.
The blast freezing method involves rapid cooling of products. To do this, set the adjustment toggle switch in the freezer to the appropriate mode.
Fruit bags are placed on the top shelf. After 2 hours, the freezer can be switched to normal mode, and the apples can be placed in the lower compartment.
Slightly spoiled fruits can also be sent to the freezer, but first you need to cut off all the rotten areas from them, remove seeds and stalks. Such fruits should be stored in a separate bag and used first.
How long do cut ones last?
Cut fruits are stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 12 hours. To double this period, cover the plate with the slices with cling film or a plastic bag.
Fruits cut into slices can be frozen.
- Wash the fruit and remove the core.
- Cut them into pieces of the required thickness: slices or quarters.
- Reduce the freezer temperature to minimum.
- Place the prepared fruits into bags in small portions.
- Leave them on the top shelf for 2-3 hours.
Grated fruits are stored in several ways:
In the refrigerator under a closed lid in its pure form. The shelf life of the product is 24 hours.
- Refrigerate in a closed container with lemon juice and sugar. Such fruits will last from 3 to 5 days. For 0.5 kg of apples you will need 1 tsp. lemon juice and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
- Store in the freezer without adding any ingredients. Fruits remain fresh for about 7-9 months. Most often, fruits prepared in this way are used for further heat treatment.
You need to make sure that the product does not darken in advance. To do this, sprinkle it with lemon juice while rubbing.
Baking apples can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days. After cooking, they need to be cooled, placed in a plastic container and closed with a lid.
Which varieties are better to choose?
In the refrigerator you can store both summer and winter varieties.
The following fruits have the longest shelf life:
- Idared;
- Antonovka;
- Golden Delicious;
- Jonathan;
- Mac;
- Red Delicious;
- Moscow winter.
The following varieties are not stored for longer than 2-3 months:
- Grushovka Moscow,
- Summer striped
- Chinese,
- Melba,
- White filling and other early ripening fruits.
Helpful information
Tips to help extend shelf life apples:
- Different varieties are stored separately. It is not recommended to put them in one bag or in one box.
- You cannot remove the stems from apples. Without them, they deteriorate faster.
- Before putting fruits in the refrigerator, they need to be sorted. Fruits with the first signs of spoilage are stored separately and eaten first.
- If apples have been in the refrigerator for a long time, they need to be sorted periodically.
- Fruits need to be packaged in light weight, 1-2 kg in each bag or container.
Store apples in the refrigerator can be long, up to six months or more. The fruits are frozen whole, cut into slices, baked and grated. Even in the vegetable drawer they feel great.
The only disadvantage of storing apples in the refrigerator is that it cannot accommodate a large amount of the harvest.