Even tulle made of high-quality material loses its attractive appearance during operation under the influence of external factors. And timely and proper washing will help return it to its original condition.
Is it possible and how to properly wash tulle (nylon and other materials) in an automatic washing machine (in what mode, at what temperature), as well as manually.
What to soak a very dirty curtain in, how to get rid of grease stains and mold at home? You will find answers to questions in the article.
- Is it washable?
- Do I need to soak before washing and in what?
- How to do this correctly in an automatic washing machine: in what mode (program), at what temperature?
- Manually at home
- What means do you use to bleach very dirty and yellowed hair?
- Features depending on fabric type
- How to remove stains?
- How to dry?
- Useful tips
- Conclusion
Is it washable?
Tulle needs to be handled with care, since it is usually sewn from delicate and sometimes quite expensive fabrics. And if there are no plans to change the tulle in the near future, then It is preferable to wash it by hand.
Do I need to soak before washing and in what?
Before washing, tulle must be properly prepared. Remove the curtain from the window and thoroughly shake it out on the street or balcony. This will help get rid of excess dust accumulated on it.
If this step is ignored, then after washing the tulle curtains will become gray and no bleaching methods will help restore them to their original snow-white appearance.
Then the curtain needs to be soaked so that the dirt embedded in the fibers is soaked.. Take a large container, pour in warm water and add salt to it at the rate of 120 g per 1 liter. Stir until the grains are completely dissolved.
Tulle is immersed in the resulting solution and left for 2-3 hours. Then the product is thoroughly rinsed and washed.
How to do this correctly in an automatic washing machine: in what mode (program), at what temperature?
If you choose to wash tulle in an automatic machine, it is important to set the correct mode. It is permissible to do this only on a delicate or manual program at a temperature of no more than 40? C.
For automatic washing of tulle, select appropriate detergents. It can be:
traditional washing powders for automatic washing with bleaching properties (used mainly for tulle made of cotton, organza, nylon);
- gel and powder compositions for children's things;
- shampoos for delicate items (suitable for silk and voile curtains).
To correctly determine the washing mode and detergent, study the label. On it, the manufacturer gives his recommendations for caring for the product.
Upon completion of preparatory activities the curtain is placed in a special mesh bag (available in hardware stores) or pillowcase and loaded into the drum. Pour detergent and a little oxygen bleach into the machine tray to give the fabric shine and softness.
If, after completing the cycle, the result is not satisfactory, then you can soak the curtains in a saline solution again, as was done previously.Leave them for an hour and then rinse thoroughly in clean water. This will give the product freshness.
The only disadvantage of machine washing is the impossibility of returning the fabric to its snow-white state in this way.. Therefore, it will be necessary to additionally bleach it using appropriate means (industrial or improvised).
Manually at home
For tulle made from delicate and light fabrics, hand washing is optimal. The procedure algorithm is as follows:
First of all, shake off the dust from the tulle and soak it in warm water for several hours to remove heavy dirt and make it easier to subsequently remove yellowness and other stains. You can add regular powder or table salt to the water.
- After the allotted time has passed, the curtain is rinsed under running cool water. It is unacceptable to use hot water, which makes the fabric coarser and subsequently quickly acquires a yellowish tint.
- Water at a temperature of about 40°C is poured into a bathtub or large vat. You can add apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter), and then the selected detergent (washing powder for automatic machines, gel).
- Start washing the curtains. As soon as the water becomes dirty, replace it with fresh water and add 2-3 drops of blue to create a slightly blue solution. The tulle is washed in it one more time.
- The final step will be rinsing in running water. They try to do this as thoroughly as possible so that not a trace of detergent remains in the fabric.
- Hang the tulle over the bathtub so that most of the water drains away, then attach it while still wet to the cornice.
What means do you use to bleach very dirty and yellowed hair?
Tulle tends to turn yellow and become covered with soot over time (if it is hung in the kitchen). In this regard, curtains made of organza and nylon are especially capricious.
If regular washing fails to solve this problem, then you have to use all kinds of stain removers and bleaches.. The main thing is to use them according to the instructions so as not to spoil the delicate product.
Chemical bleaches are best used when absolutely necessary. Especially those that contain chlorine. Preference is given to oxygen. First, it is recommended to use more gentle folk remedies.
Here are some productive recipes:
100-120 g of table salt are diluted in warm water (5 liters). Immerse the tulle in the solution and leave to soak overnight. The next day, wash in any way.
- Add 10 drops of brilliant green to 200 ml of cold water and mix. Wait 5 minutes and when sediment appears, stir the liquid again.
The resulting composition is added to a container of water to rinse the tulle after the main wash. Rinse in this water, and then in running water.
- Make a saturated solution of potassium permanganate in the amount of one glass. Pour it into a tank of water. Then the tulle is moistened in clean water, rubbed with laundry soap and dipped into the previously prepared solution. After half an hour, the product is washed under the tap and washed by hand or in a machine.
- Pour 3% hydrogen peroxide (2 tablespoons) and ammonia (1 tablespoon) into hot water. This amount is enough for a five-liter bucket.Tulle curtains are soaked in the resulting liquid for 25-30 minutes. After which they are rinsed, lightly wrung out and dried.
He will tell you how to wash tulle so that it is snow-white this article. Read about methods of bleaching tulle with salt, vinegar, soda and brilliant green Here.
Features depending on fabric type
Depending on the type of material from which the tulle is made, certain washing rules are followed:
- Nylon and polyester. They can be washed even at 60? C in normal mode, but without the use of bleaches. Iron at medium temperature, after covering with a thin cotton cloth.
- Veil Tulle, muslin and organza are washed on a delicate cycle at 30°C, having previously been placed in a protective bag. It is unacceptable to squeeze such products with your hands; they are hung out and waited for the excess water to drain. You can’t iron organza and muslin, but you can iron a veil, but with a little heat from the iron.
- Combined materials (cotton with polyester) It is permissible to wash at 60? C. Then the product is easier to remove from yellowness and stubborn stains, even without pre-soaking. Iron the product at a temperature of 130 to 150? C.
How to remove stains?
Stains of various origins that appear on tulle should be removed before the main wash. Kitchen curtains often contain traces of grease, soot and various food products. If tulle is not washed for a long time, it absorbs fat from the air.
The following tools will help:
Dishwashing gel. Apply it to the stain and after 1-2 hours wash the product in warm water, adding the same gel.
- Standard washing powder in combination with dish gel. Mix these two components in equal quantities and dilute with warm water.
The tulle is soaked in this solution for a couple of hours and washed.
- Salt. Cover greasy stains with salt and wash them off after 1-1.5 hours.
- Laundry soap. Half a bar of soap is grated and dissolved in 10 liters of slightly heated water. Immerse the tulle in the resulting liquid and leave for about an hour. After which they are washed in a machine or by hand.
- Baking soda. The stain is first moistened with freshly squeezed lemon juice, then sprinkled with a layer of baking soda. A violent reaction will immediately begin in the form of hissing and the appearance of foam, and the stain will soon disappear.
Mold from tulle curtains can be easily removed with chalk powder. Sprinkle it on problem areas, cover with paper and iron with a warm iron.
Zelenka is effectively removed from tulle curtains with ordinary laundry soap. The main thing is to start cleaning immediately, without delaying until later. You can also use the following tools:
concentrated hydrogen peroxide – the contamination is treated, and it comes off within a few minutes;
- table vinegar – in its pure form, apply to the stain and wait for it to disappear, after which the fabric is washed under running water;
- starch – moisten the damaged area, rub with starch and rinse with clean water, repeat this several more times, then wash in an automatic machine with any bleaching powder.
Only a stain of oil paint can be removed without problems using turpentine, acetone or kerosene.To do this, dip a cotton pad in any of the compositions and blot the stain. Then treat the area with ammonia.
How to dry?
To avoid ironing the tulle later, you should dry it properly.
After washing and rinsing is completed, the product is carefully folded in several layers and hung over the bathtub to drain off any remaining water. And only then they attach it to the curtain, where it dries completely and straightens out under its own weight.
Do not immediately hang damp curtains in the open air or on the balcony, since the dust will instantly settle on them and you can start washing again.
If the tulle is very wrinkled during the washing process, you can iron it with a slightly heated iron that has a steam function. Do not use a spray bottle, as water droplets leave marks.
He will tell you how to smooth tulle using an iron. This article.
Useful tips
General washing tips to help maintain original whiteness tulle for a long time:
- before soaking, shake the tulle to remove dust;
- do not use chlorine-containing bleaches, which leads to rapid wear of the material;
- after washing, do not twist the product, but allow the water to drain naturally;
- The optimal temperature limit when washing light tulle is 35-40? C, otherwise it will shrink.
You will find maximum useful information about washing clothes and various fabric products Here.
Such washing methods will help extend the life of the tulle and maintain its pristine whiteness. If the product has turned gray, then it is unlikely to be restored.You can try to correct the situation with blueing, but it is better to update the curtains.